The Playboy Doctor's Surprise Proposal. Anne Fraser

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The Playboy Doctor's Surprise Proposal - Anne Fraser

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      ‘My sister-in-law is a bit of a workaholic,’ Niall added through mouthfuls of salad. ‘She never stops. We’ve asked her to come and visit us many times since we moved here, but she’s refused to take time off from work.’ He smiled to show Caitlin there was no malice behind his words. He of all people knew what getting the chair in obstetrics meant to Caitlin. It seemed as if all the years of hard work were about to pay off. Not that she was there yet, but the position was within her reach. As long as she kept focussed and continued to spend her few spare hours working on publishing papers. As she thought back to her hectic life in Dublin, she appreciated for the first time just how exhausted working the hours she had, had made her. Perhaps her time here would help recharge her batteries, not that she expected an easy time of it at the Queensland Royal. Far from it. She intended to apply herself to the post here with exactly the same dedication she applied to all her jobs. At least she didn’t have any research on the go at the moment. Any spare time she had here would be spent with Brianna. Of that, Caitlin was determined.

      ‘Andrew works pretty hard too.’ Brianna joined in the conversation, having returned from sorting the children out with food.

      ‘Ah, yes, but he also plays hard,’ her husband said mischievously. ‘Where you get the energy is beyond me. I am far too exhausted after a day’s work to do anything except read the paper and potter.’

      ‘But you have a wife and family to keep you busy,’ Andrew replied. Caitlin wasn’t sure but she thought she heard a note of envy in his voice. ‘Once I’ve finished work I’m free to do what I want.’

      ‘Lucky devil,’ Niall said, but as he smiled at his wife, Caitlin knew that he wouldn’t swap what he had for the world.

      By the time they had finished eating the sun was beginning to drop, turning the sky red-gold. Niall and Andrew, helped by the children, started packing up the barbecue. Caitlin sneaked a look at her sister. She looked tired. The circles under her eyes had deepened. Caitlin felt a pang of anxiety. ‘Are you sure you’re up to socializing, Bri?’ she said. ‘Shouldn’t you be taking it easy? I could have waited and met Andrew when I started work. Probably would have been better anyway. God knows what impression he has of me. Not that I care,’ she added hastily, catching her sister’s amused look.

      ‘I wouldn’t call having Andrew over as socialising,’ Brianna protested. ‘He’s part of the family—he’s Ciaran’s godfather after all.’ She smiled briefly then grew serious. ‘Brianna, you must listen to me. As soon as I was diagnosed, I made up my mind. I’m going to carry on as normal whenever I can. For the children’s sake, if nothing else. I’m a bit tired, but as long as I rest whenever I can, I cope.’ Caitlin could see the determination in the green eyes which were so like her own. ‘I wouldn’t have let you come at all if it hadn’t been for the job. Love you as I do, the last thing I need is you fussing over me all the time like Mammy. Caitlin, I need you to support me on this and not fuss. Okay?’

      ‘Okay,’ Caitlin agreed reluctantly. ‘Whatever you say. But I’m here to help whenever you need me. You just have to let me know. Promise?’

      Back at the house a little later, Caitlin insisted on clearing up while Brianna went to organise the children for bed.

      ‘I could put the children to bed if you like after I finish clearing away. You have an early night.’ Catching the warning look her sister threw her, Caitlin raised her hands. ‘I’m not fussing, honestly, Bri. It’s just that I’m still on Irish time and suddenly wide awake. No doubt it’ll hit me for six soon, but in the meantime, let me help.’

      ‘I’m putting my children to bed,’ Brianna said firmly, ‘but if you want to clean the kitchen, be my guest.’

      As she was stacking the dishwasher in her sister’s enormous American-style kitchen, Andrew appeared, carrying some plates. Caitlin had assumed he’d left.

      ‘Has Brianna gone to bed?’ he asked, laying the dirty dishes on the granite worktop.

      ‘She’s seeing to the children,’ Caitlin replied. ‘Is Niall still outside?’

      Andrew shook his head. ‘He must be helping to put the children to bed. I should be going too.’

      ‘How does Bri seem to you?’ Caitlin asked anxiously. ‘You know her well, I understand.’

      Andrew looked at her sympathetically. ‘She was—is—the best paediatric nurse I ever worked with. We really missed her when she stopped working to look after the kids, and then this…’ He shook his head. ‘But you know your sister better than I do. If anyone can beat it, she can. And I know how pleased both of them are to have you here.’

      It must have been tiredness, but suddenly Caitlin felt a lump in her throat. In many ways she wished it had been her, not Brianna, who had been diagnosed. After all, it wasn’t as if she had a young family depending on her. She swallowed furiously. Caitlin O’Neill did not show her emotions. Not publicly and certainly not in front of a man she barely knew and who was to be a colleague.

      Andrew must have noticed. He patted her shoulder awkwardly. ‘They found it early enough, you know. She’s really very lucky. Everything is going to be fine.’

      Caitlin wasn’t convinced. But she was here and would ensure that her sister got through the next few months as painlessly as possible.

      ‘Brianna tells me you’re a paediatrician,’ Caitlin said, keen to get the conversation onto neutral ground.

      ‘Yep, for my sins,’ he replied.

      She flicked the kettle on. ‘Would you like some coffee before you go?’

      ‘Sure,’ he said.

      Caitlin looked around for where Brianna kept the mugs. Behind her Andrew reached over her to the top cupboard. For a moment she was imprisoned between him and the worktop. Acutely conscious of the heat of his body, she felt her heart begin to thud. She would have given anything to move away from him, but that would have only drawn attention to the awkwardness she felt. Thankfully, as soon as he had grabbed two mugs, he stepped away. He spooned coffee into the mugs, and then held out the jug of milk and raised one eyebrow in question.

      Once their coffee was poured, Andrew sat at the kitchen table and stretched his long legs in front of him. ‘Tell me about you,’ he said, looking at her intently. At that moment Caitlin felt as if her world had shrunk to the kitchen and him and her. Every nerve in her body seemed to be tingling in response to him. She couldn’t remember when she’d last had such an immediate reaction to a man. No, strike that. She couldn’t remember ever having had a reaction like this to a man. It wasn’t just his dark good looks, although he was pretty hot, it was the aura that surrounded him. As if he was pulling her into his magnetic field and she was powerless to resist.

      ‘There’s not much to tell,’ Caitlin said, desperate for him not to see how he was affecting her. ‘I am Irish—but you know that,’ she said as his mouth quirked. ‘I’ve always wanted to be a doctor, well, since about twelve anyway. I have three older brothers, whom I love but drive me mad. My mum and dad breed horses. That’s about it. What about you?’

      ‘I’m an only child.’ For a moment a shadow darkened his eyes. ‘My parents are from India, they’re retired and live in Sydney. They came here years ago. I was born here but they’re still pretty traditional. I didn’t know what I wanted to do until my final year at school, but I know I made the right decision to become a doctor. I like all watersports, but am useless on a horse. Anything else you’d like to know?’ He grinned at her. Caitlin wondered if he too felt the electricity that was fizzing around them.

      ‘Hey, you started this,’ Caitlin rejoined. ‘The question-and-answer session, that is…’ Oh, dear, what if he thought she meant something else?

      Suddenly he frowned, then got to his feet. Caitlin looked up to find him towering above her. What had she said to cause the change? One minute he’d seemed relaxed, the next…as if he wanted nothing more than to get away from her as quickly as possible. A thought struck her. Did he think she was flirting

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