The Sweethearts Collection. Pam Jenoff

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The Sweethearts Collection - Pam Jenoff

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at the quarry for many years now – my undying loyalty, your works have. Long hours I labour shifting them heavy blocks, even saw and rough-shape when time is pressing, I do. It’s down to me spurring your men on that Poltesco orders are met.’

      ‘Indeed, Carne?’ Fenton replied with the merest quirk to his brow. ‘Well, such loyalty certainly deserves recognition. And you, my dear,’ he said, turning his gaze on Colenso. ‘Tell me how you spend your time, when you’re not fashioning my offcuts, that is,’ he laughed.

      ‘First of all, Mr Fenton, I’d like to make it quite clear that I am no thief. Any bits of serpentine I have used for my trinkets have been given to me.’ He studied her for a long moment then grinned.

      ‘Bravo, well said, my dear. I like a woman who stands up for herself. As I have already intimated to your father, I’m a reasonable man and sure I can be persuaded to overlook the matter in return for …’ He stopped as the grandfather clock in the corner of the room struck the quarter-hour and the door opened.

      The housekeeper strode into the room carrying a tray of crockery along with a plate of saffron buns, followed by a young girl of about six, staggering under the weight of a huge teapot. Deftly, she placed the things on the table then turned the full force of her glare on the girl, who flustered and tripped, spilling dark liquid on the rug. As her eyes widened in fright, Colenso jumped to her feet and took the pot from her trembling hands.

      ‘Lady guests don’t help,’ Mrs Grim snapped, her voice laden with reproach. ‘Do you wish me to pour, Mr Fenton?’ she asked.

      ‘As I’m holding the pot, I might as well,’ Colenso replied before he could answer. The woman’s lips pursed in disapproval as she looked uncertainly at her boss.

      ‘Thank you, Mrs Grim, that will be all,’ he replied. With a brisk nod, the housekeeper marched from the room. As the little girl scuttled after her, Colenso winked, gratified to see her smile back. It was only when her father glared that she realized she was still standing in the middle of the room, pot in hand.

      Quickly she poured the tea and handed it round.

      ‘Idiot,’ her father hissed as he took his cup from her.

      ‘Remember your place,’ Mamm whispered. However, judging from the way Ferret Fenton’s lips were twitching, it appeared he found the situation amusing.

      ‘Delicious buns, Mr Fenton, sir,’ Peder said, helping himself then spraying crumbs over his lap. ‘Our Colenso here is a dab hand at cooking and baking. She made the revels for both the Grade and Ruan Church feast days,’ he boasted.

      ‘Revels?’ the manager frowned.

      ‘They’re the same as those, really,’ Colenso said, pointing to the buns. ‘But with saffron so expensive, we only bake them for high days and holidays.’

      ‘Indeed? Well, as I consider today to be a high day, Miss Carne, let us enjoy the fruits of Mrs Grim’s labours,’ he chuckled.

      ‘Ah that’s good, Mr Fenton, sir. Fruit buns and fruits of her labours.’ Peder’s raucous laugh boomed around the room, spraying more crumbs everywhere. Not for the first time that afternoon, Colenso wished she was anywhere but here.

      ‘I hope you and your family have settled well on The Lizard, Mr Fenton,’ Caja enquired, breaking the ensuing silence. Knowing she was probing, Colenso shot her mamm a warning look.

      ‘Alas, I am a widower and not blessed with family. However, I’m gradually settling in, thank you. Though, as you can see, this house is sorely in need of a woman’s touch,’ he shrugged, his eyes sliding towards Colenso, who looked quickly away. He turned back to Caja.

      ‘Those threadbare drapes at the window, for example, were left by my predecessor and I really need to employ the services of a seamstress.’

      ‘Why, our Colenso’s also a dab with the needle. Helps Emily sew Her Ladyship’s attire, she do,’ Caja beamed.

      ‘Does she now? You are indeed useful with your hands, Miss Carne.’ As his speculative gaze sent shivers sliding down her back, the necklace stabbed at her chest. Despite her resolve, she’d found herself unable to remove Mammwynn’s gift but now, as the Ferret sat gawping at her, she wished she had. Pulling her shawl tighter around her, she jumped up and went over to the curtains. Then, as she studied the material, her eye was caught by the vista from the window.

      ‘Why, you can see virtually the whole of the works from here,’ she cried, staring down at the extent of the factory buildings, derricks and stream. The iron-framed overshot waterwheel with its wooden leat was supported on a huge timber framework that rose like a monster out of the basin of the pond. She could even see along the full length of the wooden jetty where the flat-bottomed barges were moored ready to transport the heavy stone out to the schooners. Being the Sabbath, nothing but the water was moving, but just how much the works had grown was evident.

      ‘Why, it’s enormous,’ she cried.

      ‘And I have plans to extend it further,’ Mr Fenton boasted, puffing out his chest. ‘There’ll be more buildings erected and something done to that stream, which I understand weakens in the summer and slows the wheel. Can’t allow production to fall.’

      ‘You can spy on us workers from up here, then,’ Peder exclaimed, having risen to join her.

      ‘I prefer the word oversee, Carne,’ Mr Fenton replied mildly. ‘As I’ve said before, I take my responsibilities as manager seriously, very seriously indeed.’

      ‘Of course, Mr Fenton, sir,’ Peder mumbled, returning to his chair. ‘And what other plans do you have?’ Colenso saw the spark in her father’s eyes and realized he was hoping to find out if there’d be anything in it for him. Although different in class, the two men clearly had similar objectives. However, the manager wouldn’t be drawn.

      ‘That’s enough talk of shop for one day,’ he said, seemingly amused by his own words. ‘You are here as my guests,’ he added, turning back to Caja. ‘In answer to your question, I have been made most welcome, thank you. Although I must confess that having spent most of my time sorting out the works, I’ve yet to see anything of the surrounding areas. Not being from around these parts, I wouldn’t know where to start. Perhaps, if I were fortunate to have the company of someone who knew the best places to visit, it would be different.’ He shrugged, letting his voice trail away as he took a sip of his tea.

      ‘Our Colenso here would be the perfect person to escort yer, Mr Carne, sir. She do know all the best spots,’ Peder said excitedly. ‘One turn deserves another, what with yer seeing me get on at the works, like.’

      ‘Oh, I couldn’t possibly impose,’ he demurred.

      But you will, Colenso thought, a feeling of doom descending like a dark cloud.

      ‘She would be delighted to, wouldn’t you, Colenso?’

      ‘But I’m busy with my handfa …’ she began.

      ‘She’d love to, Mr Carne,’ Caja cut in. ‘There’s nothing you’d like better, is there?’ she added, shooting Colenso a pointed look.

      ‘And would you be chaperoning me, Mamm?’ she asked sweetly.

      ‘Goodness, maid. I’m sure there’s no need for that, Mr Fenton here being a respectable man, like,’ Peder said quickly.

      ‘Well, if that’s agreed, I will call upon you next Sunday, Miss Carne, and you can direct me to places you think will be of interest. I understand that the church towers around here are mostly constructed of blocks of unpolished serpentine rock – and of course, you are knowledgeable on that subject, are you not?’ he smiled, giving her a knowing look.

      ‘Indeed I am, Mr Fenton,’ she agreed, ignoring his obvious reference to the trinkets she fashioned from offcuts. ‘Both Grade and Ruan Church are built

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