The Dare Collection April 2019. Nicola Marsh

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The Dare Collection April 2019 - Nicola Marsh

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muscle and power. All that strength.

      And his cock too, big and thick and hard, curving up towards his flat stomach. I wanted to touch it, wanted to see what it felt like and whether it would be as hard as it looked, or as smooth.

      But I didn’t get a chance to touch because he was back on the bed, sliding his arms beneath me and gathering me up before covering me with his body, pressing me back down onto the mattress.

      The slide of his bare skin over mine made me shiver and the weight of him... I didn’t feel crushed or suffocated. I felt anchored. Safe.

      I put my arms around him, smoothing my palms over his broad back, feeling his muscles flex as I stroked down his spine, glorying in the feel of him. His hips were positioned between my thighs, his cock lying against my throbbing sex.

      So. Good.

      His mouth found mine and he was kissing me again, deeply, hungrily. I tried to kiss him back but he’d moved on, kissing a path along my jaw and down my throat, licking and nipping at me like I was his favourite ice-cream and he was making a meal out of me.

      I panted as he found my breasts, teasing my nipples with his tongue then sucking hard on each one, making me groan and arch up into him. His mouth was so hot and the graze of his teeth on my skin made me moan.

      His big hands glided over my hips, scorching, then over my thighs and between them, pushing them apart with an irresistible strength that I found shockingly erotic. And then his breath moved over my stomach, his mouth brushing the sensitive skin of my inner thighs.

      Oh, God. He could not be doing what I thought he was doing. Could he?

      I pushed myself up on my elbows, looking down the length of my body. He was kneeling between my legs, the predatory hunger on his face making me lose my train of thought.

      ‘What are you doing?’ I gasped, shuddering as he slid his palms under my butt, lifting me.

      He merely pinned me with his mesmerising stare, one corner of his mouth turning up in the wickedest, sexiest smile I’d ever seen. Then he buried his face between my legs and the entire world exploded into flame.

      I cried out, sensation swamping me as his tongue pushed deep into my pussy, licking and exploring. I’d seen this in the videos but I’d honestly never thought the pleasure would be quite this intense. And then his hold on me shifted, his thumb finding my clit, an added pressure that made me arch back on the mattress in ecstasy.

      Oh, God. Oh, God. Could something be too good? Because this was. I had no idea how I was going to survive it.

      Gently, he separated the folds of my sex with his fingers so his tongue could explore me deeper, the hungry sounds of masculine pleasure filling the room, making me go hot all over.

      I reached down blindly and tangled my fingers in his hair, needing something to hold onto as he pushed me higher and higher. Every lick was a brush of fire, the pressure of his tongue inside me and his thumb on my clit almost unbearable.

      The orgasm hit without warning, pleasure detonating like a bomb, making me cry out as the raw ecstasy of it overwhelmed me.

      Then I lay there trembling with the aftershocks, my mind completely blown, feeling him move on the bed. The sound of a drawer being opened came and then the crinkle of foil.

      A condom. Which meant...

      I felt the brush of his skin, hot and smooth, on mine and then his body coming back to cover me again. I forced my eyes open to find him staring down at me, his gaze an intense electric blue.

      And he kept on staring at me as he positioned himself, the head of his cock nudging at the entrance of my sex. Sliding his hand under my thigh, he hooked my leg up and around his waist, opening me up for him. Then he slowly pushed into me and I felt myself stretch around his huge cock, the unfamiliar sensation making me gasp and clutch at his shoulders.

      I was expecting pain, but there was none. Only a strange pinch that made me stiffen momentarily before the feeling vanished. And then there was nothing but him inside me, thick and hard, sliding deeper, filling me up so completely I could hardly breathe.

      His head was bent, his mouth at my throat, his teeth finding the sensitive place between my shoulder and neck and biting down. At the same time he sunk himself into me as far as he could go and I lay there panting and shaking at the intense pressure.

      It was unbearable. It was amazing.

      He bit me again, his hips pulling back, making me feel every inch as he slid his cock out, then he was pushing back in, a slow, relentless glide.

      My eyes rolled back in my head, moans coming out of my throat without my conscious control.

      He was everywhere. Inside me. Around me. The taste of him in my mouth, the scent of him in my nostrils, the feel of him in my sex. I was drowning in him and, quite honestly, I didn’t want to be saved.

      He ravaged my throat as he began to thrust, deep and hard, taking no account of my inexperience.

      Apparently he hadn’t been kidding when he’d said he didn’t do sweet and nice.

      But that was okay. Because I’d told him that maybe I wanted rough and dirty and if this was rough and dirty, I liked it.

      No, I loved it.

      All I was conscious of was the intense pressure and the slow lick of pleasure that began to build. I lifted my other leg and wrapped that around his waist too, instinctively trying to meet his thrusts, grinding to increase the friction.

      He growled into my neck, answering my unspoken need by upping the pace.

      I dug my nails into his back, gasping as the pleasure began to intensify, wrapping my legs tighter around him.

      There was nothing in all the world but this feeling. Nothing in the world but him and what he was giving me. It was heaven.

      He got faster, driving himself deeper, and I clawed at his back, desperation pulling tighter.

      ‘Ajax.’ I twisted under him, blind to everything but the need inside me, the pleasure almost frightening in its intensity. ‘Please... God...please...’

      ‘Look at me,’ he ordered, heated darkness edging his tone. ‘Look at me, Imogen.’

      My eyes flicked open and I felt the collision as his sky-blue gaze met mine, an impact that shook me right to my core.

      He moved harder, ecstasy winding tight around my soul, making me feel helpless and treasured and powerful all at the same time.

      Then he pushed his fingers between us, finding my aching clit and pinching gently.

      The jolt of delicious pain was all the ignition I needed.

      The pressure inside me released in an incandescent burst of pleasure that swamped me, drowned me.

      And the blue of his eyes was the only thing that kept me from being swept away.



      I WATCHED THE moment her climax hit, a brilliant flare of emerald in her eyes, and I bent my head, kissing her again, taking her desperate cry of release into my mouth.

      Then I moved hard and deep, her slick little pussy clenching around my cock and blowing my goddamn mind. She was so soft and hot against me, all roses and musk and husky pleas.

      I should have been careful with her, but the way she was clawing at me, her thighs clamped tight around my waist, made me think she could handle what I was giving her.

      So I let go, driving her into the mattress as I chased the orgasm that was just out of reach. But my little ex-virgin wouldn’t let me go without her. She moved restlessly, panting and writhing, letting me know in no uncertain terms that she was building up to

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