The Boss's Baby Arrangement. Catherine Mann

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The Boss's Baby Arrangement - Catherine Mann

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dock was in sight.

      And so were Xander’s in-laws. It was never a good sign when they showed up from Miami unannounced. A pit knotted in his stomach and he felt his jaw tighten and clench.

      Xander leaped off the boat as soon as it stabilized and helped Portia out. She’d gone ghost-pale and her hands were clammy—clearly she was much more seasick than she’d let on. Once Portia’s feet were on solid ground, she covered her mouth, nodded politely at Xander’s in-laws and dashed up to the house, probably stifling the urge to hurl the whole way.

      His in-laws surveyed the landscape with eyes that revealed complete disgust. His mother-in-law’s gaze followed Portia up the slope to the house. Delilah’s brow arched, a silent conversation seemed to unfold between her and Jake, Xander’s father-in-law.

      So the verdict was out on this place. They’d hated it and did little to try to disguise that.

      Jake looked at Portia’s disappearing form and then back at Xander. Disapproval danced in his gaze.

      Xander stifled the urge to grind his teeth. Did they actually think he was interested in Portia? And was that really any of their business to pass judgment on his dating life? Of course they all missed Terri, but she was gone, for over a year, and that was the tragic reality.

      Besides, he wanted to tell them they had it all wrong, anyway. Portia wasn’t his type. Xander didn’t know why they’d assumed she’d be the kind of woman he was interested in, and he didn’t want them to believe he hadn’t loved their daughter with his whole soul. Xander certainly didn’t want them to think she’d been so easily replaced.

      The protest nearly formed against his tongue when reality jabbed him. Portia was polished, quiet, reserved... As far as types went, she shared a lot of Terri’s qualities.

      But Portia had never crossed his mind. Not once. Not in passing. There was no draw to her. Not like there was to the fiery Maureen. Xander’s eyes flicked quickly to Maureen. She was helping Easton dock the boat.

      Turning his attention back to his in-laws, he surveyed them, trying to anticipate the reason for this unannounced visit.

      Jake and Delilah Goodwin were good people, if intrusive. They were what the news media deemed helicopter parents.

      Xander had always imagined their hovering had everything to do with the circumstances of Terri’s birth. For years Delilah and Jake had tried to conceive but never could. The doctors had told them it was practically impossible for them to become pregnant. But somehow Delilah had been able to conceive and carry Terri to full term. The miracle child. Their only child.

      Terri had been pampered and sheltered her whole life. They’d treated Terri like spun glass, like a fragile thing that needed protection from everything and everyone. Now having a daughter of his own, he understood the motivation and desire, but Jake and Delilah had taken hovering to its extreme.

      Xander watched as Jake gave Delilah’s hand a quick squeeze. His business instincts told him the gesture was one of support. He understood that. Terri’s death had changed everything.

      Delilah straightened her heirloom pearls on her neck, the only piece of jewelry that spoke to their enormous wealth. They were kind people, but they were used to dictating orders. They weren’t the compromising type.

      “We heard our grandchild is ill and you’re out here. Who’s watching her?” Jack said, his voice even but stern.

      “She’s napping while Elenora watches over her. Rose has an ear infection. We went to the emergency room last night and the pediatrician today.”

      Laying a manicured hand to her chest, Delilah stiffened. “She could have a relative watching her.”

      “She does. Her father and her uncle.” Xander kept his tone neutral, doing his best to remember that they didn’t mean to be insulting or accusatory.

      “Both of whom are out partying on a boat,” Delilah continued, her voice shrill and unforgiving.

      The correction was gentle but necessary. He wished Terri was here to help him navigate this. “Working.”

      “Okay, then. Working. She could have her grandmother all day.”

      “I’m appreciative of your offer to help. Who told you about the ear infection?”

      Delilah waved her hand dismissively. “Someone on the staff when I phoned to say hello.”

      To check up, more likely. His in-laws made no secret of the fact that they wanted custody of Rose. He would feel a lot more comfortable welcoming them for visits if they weren’t taking notes and plotting the whole damn time.

      He ground his teeth and tried to be as reasonable as possible. He didn’t want to upset his daughter’s world by having her taken from her own father. “Rose will be awake in about an hour. If you would like to stay for lunch, you can play with her when she wakes.”

      He glanced over his shoulder, checking on his brother and Maureen. Easton was tying the boat off along the dock while Maureen gathered up the samples. But that wasn’t what caught Xander’s eye. A massive gator swam in the dock area and bumped into the boat. The low-slung boat was tipped off balance and his eyes darted to Maureen, who was leaning over the railing.

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