Royals: Claimed By The Prince. Penny Jordan

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Royals: Claimed By The Prince - Penny Jordan

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voice trailed away as she spoke until ‘confession’ emerged from her white lips as a husky whisper.

      ‘You didn’t.’ Kamel fought the irrational feeling of guilt. He was only spelling out the ugly facts; he was not responsible. Still, it gave him no pleasure to see the shadow of terror in her wide eyes. ‘So don’t think about it.’

      The advice brought her chin up with a snap. ‘I wouldn’t be thinking about it at all if you hadn’t told me.’

      ‘Maybe it’s about time you faced unpleasant facts and accepted that there are some things we cannot run away from.’

      Not several thousand feet off the ground, but once they landed Hannah intended to run very fast indeed from this man. ‘I’m grateful to be free, obviously, but I didn’t do anything wrong.’

      ‘You entered a sovereign state illegally, carrying drugs.’

      Hannah’s clenched teeth ached. His righteous attitude was really getting under her skin.

      ‘I got lost and I was carrying medicine. Vaccines and antibiotics.’


      Feeling defensive, Hannah rubbed her damp palms against her thighs. With his steely eyes and relentless delivery he was a much more effective interrogator than her captors had been. ‘Yes.’

      ‘And a camera.’


      ‘Isn’t there a camera on your phone?’

      He would have thought better of her if she had the guts to hold up her hands and take responsibility for her own actions, but that obviously wasn’t her style.

      ‘Weren’t you told to stay with the vehicle if it broke down?’

      How did he know? ‘It was an emergency.’ And that was the only reason she had been entrusted the responsibility. There simply had been no one else available.

      ‘And you were the one on the ground and you made a tough call...fine. But now you have to take the consequences for that decision.’

      Struggling to keep pace with the relentless pace of his reasoning, she shook her head. ‘So I have to marry you because you rescued me? Sure, obvious. I should have realised.’

      The bored façade and the last shades of cynical amusement in his manner fell away as he vaulted to his feet.

      He towered over her, eyes blazing with contempt. She could feel the anger spilling out of him and presumably so could the bird sitting on its perch—it began to squawk and Hannah lifted her hands to her head to protect herself.

      The act of soothing the spooked creature seemed to help Kamel regain some semblance of control. ‘She won’t hurt you.’

      Hannah dropped her hands, cast a quick sideways glance at the fascinating wild creature, and then returned her attention to the man. ‘I wasn’t worried about the bird.’

      His jaw tightened in response to the pointed comment, and he stared at the mouth that delivered it...her wide, full, sexy lower lip. Hers was a mouth actually made for kissing.

      ‘I wouldn’t marry you even if you were sane!’

      She might have a point. Wasn’t it insane to be checking out her impossibly long legs? Wasn’t it even more insane to actually like the fact she didn’t back away from him, that her pride made her give as good as she got?

      ‘And came gift-wrapped!’ Hannah caught herself wondering how many women would have liked to unwrap him, and felt a lick of fear before she told herself that she was not one of them.

      ‘You want facts? Fine. When we land in Surana in—’ He turned his wrist and glanced at the watch that glinted against his dark skin.

      ‘Thirty minutes. There will be a red carpet and reception committee for Your Royal Highness,’ she finished his sentence for him, and, keeping her eyes on his face, she performed a graceful bow.

      He took her sarcasm at face value.

      ‘There will be no official reception under the circumstances. Things will be low-key. We will go straight to the palace where my uncle, the King—’

      Her eyes flew wide. ‘King? You’re asking me to believe you’re really a prince?’

      He stared at her hard. ‘Who did you think I was?’

      ‘Someone my father paid to get me out of jail. I thought you were pretending to—’

      ‘I can’t decide if you’re just plain stupid or incredibly naïve.’ He shook his head from side to side in an attitude of weary incredulity. ‘You thought all I had to do was walk in, claim to be of royal blood and all the doors would open to release you?’ What alternative universe did this woman live in?

      Her eyes narrowed with dislike as he threw back his head and laughed.

      ‘What was I meant to think?’

      ‘That you were extremely lucky you have a father who cares so much about you, a father who is waiting with my uncle and Sheikh Sa’idi of Quagani. The only reason you are not now facing the consequences of your actions is because the Sheikh has been told that you are my fiancée.’

      ‘And he believed that?’

      ‘I think the wedding invite swung it.’

      ‘Well, I’m out, so job done. You can tell him the wedding’s off.’

      ‘I can see that that is the way things work in your world.’ A world with no honour.

      ‘What is that meant to mean?’

      The plane hit a pocket and he braced himself as it sank and rose while she staggered and grabbed the back of a chair. ‘That you step away from commitment when it suits you.’

      Hannah was waiting for her stomach to find its level but this not so veiled reference to her engagements brought an angry flush to her cheeks. ‘I’m fine, thanks for asking,’ she murmured, rubbing the area where her wrist had banged against the chair.

      He continued as though she had not spoken. ‘But that is not the way it works here. My uncle feels indebted to your father and he has given his word.’

      ‘I didn’t give my word.’

      ‘Your word!’ he echoed with acid scorn.

      She felt the burn of tears in her eyes and furiously blinked to clear them. ‘I won’t be lectured by you!’

      ‘Your word means...’ he clicked his fingers ‘...nothing. It is otherwise with my uncle. He is a man of integrity, honour. I suppose I’m speaking a foreign language to you?’

      ‘So your uncle would be embarrassed. I’m sorry about that—’

      ‘But not sorry enough to accept the consequences of your actions?’

      Consequences...consequences... Hannah fought the urge to cover her ears. ‘This is stupid. What terrible thing is going to happen if we don’t get married?’ Hannah hoped the question didn’t give him the false impression that she would even consider this.

      ‘I’m glad you asked that.’

      He opened the laptop that lay on a table and spun it around, stabbing it with his finger. ‘We are a small country but oil rich, and we have enjoyed relative political stability. Since the discovery last year of these new reserves, we are set to be even more rich.’

      She pursed her lips at his lecturing tone and stuck out her chin. ‘I do read an occasional newspaper.’

      ‘Don’t boast about your IQ, angel, because,’ he drawled, ‘stupidity is the only possible excuse for your little escapade.’

      An angry hissing sound escaped her clenched teeth. ‘I know the country is a shining light of political stability and religious tolerance. What I didn’t know was

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