The Complete Empire Trilogy. Janny Wurts

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The Complete Empire Trilogy - Janny Wurts

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he was a Minwanabi agent.’

      Mara twined a bit of ribbon between her fingers. ‘Has anything been done?’

      Arakasi understood her perfectly. ‘The first man had an unfortunate accident. His message fell into the hands of another vegetable seller who, it so chances, hates Jingu.’ The Spy Master withdrew a document from his robe, which he gravely offered to Mara.

      ‘You still smell like seshi tubers,’ the Lady of the Acoma accused gently, then went on to read the note. ‘Yes, this proves your suppositions. It also suggests that Bruli had no idea he had a second agent in his party.’

      Arakasi frowned, as he always did when he read things upside down. ‘If that figure is accurate, Bruli is close to placing his father in financial peril.’ The Spy Master paused to stroke his chin. ‘With Jican’s guidance, I convinced many of the craftsmen and merchants to delay their bills until we wish them sent. Here the Acoma benefit from your practice of prompt payment.’

      Mara nodded in acknowledgement. ‘How much grace does that leave the Kehotara?’

      ‘Little. How long could any merchant afford to finance Bruli’s courtship? Soon they will send to the Lord of the Kehotara’s hadonra for payment. I would love to be an insect upon the wall watching when he receives that packet of bills.’

      Mara regarded her Spy Master keenly. ‘You have more to say.’

      Arakasi raised his brows in surprise. ‘You have come to know me very well.’ But his tone implied a question.

      Silently Mara pointed to the foot he tapped gently on the carpet. ‘When you’re finished, you always stop.’

      The Spy Master came close to a grin. ‘Sorceress,’ he said admiringly; then his voice sobered. ‘The Blue Wheel Party has just ordered all their Force Commanders back from Midkemia, as we had suspected they might.’

      Mara’s eyes narrowed. ‘Then we have little time left to deal with this vain and foolish boy. Within a few days his father will send for him, even if he hasn’t discovered the perilous state of his finances.’ She tapped absently with the scroll while she considered her next move. ‘Arakasi, watch for any attempts to send a messenger to Bruli before Nacoya convinces him to make me a gift of that litter. And, old mother, the moment he does, call him to visit.’ Mara’s gaze lingered long upon her two advisers. ‘And hope we can deal with him before his father orders him to kill me.’

      Bruli sent a new gift each of the next four days. The servants piled them in one corner of Mara’s study, until Nacoya commented sourly that the room resembled a market stall. The accumulation was impressive – costly robes of the finest silk; exotic wines and fruits, imported to the central Empire at great cost; gems and even metal jewellery. At the last, on the fifth day following the afternoon she had sent the young man away, the fabulous litter had arrived. Then Mara ordered Arakasi to send Bruli the second message, one intercepted scarcely the day before. The Lord of the Kehotara had at last received word of his son’s excesses and sternly ordered the boy home at once. In his instructions the angry old patriarch had detailed exactly what he thought of his son’s irresponsible behaviour.

      Mara would have been amused, if not for Arakasi’s agitation over how word of the incident had got through to the Kehotara lord without his agent’s knowledge. The Spy Master had touchy pride, and he regarded any failure, however slight, as a personal betrayal of his duty. Also, his discovery of the Minwanabi agent in Bruli’s train had him concerned. If two agents, why not three?

      But events progressed too swiftly to investigate the matter. Bruli of the Kehotara returned to the Acoma estate house, and Mara again attired herself in lounging robes and makeup to further confuse her importunate suitor as he bowed and entered her presence. The musicians were conspicuously absent, as were the fine clothes, the jewellery, and the crimped hair. Red-faced and ill at ease, the young man rushed through the formalities of greeting. With no apology for his rudeness, Bruli blurted, ‘Lady Mara, I thank the gods you granted me an audience.’

      Mara forestalled him, seemingly unaware that his ardour was no longer entirely motivated by passion. ‘I think I may have misjudged you, dear one.’ She stared shyly at the floor. ‘Perhaps you were sincere …’ Then, glowing with appeal, she added, ‘If you would stay to supper we might speak again.’

      Bruli responded wth an expression of transparent relief. A difficult conversation lay ahead of him, and the affair would be easier if Mara’s sympathies were restored to him. Also, if he could come away with a promise of engagement, his father’s rage would be less. The Acoma wealth was well established, and a few debts surely could be paid off with a minimum of fuss. Confident all would end well, Bruli waited while Mara instructed Jican to assign quarters for Bruli’s retinue. When the son of the Lord of the Kehotara had been led away, Mara returned to her study, where Arakasi waited, once more in the guise of a vegetable seller.

      When she was certain of privacy, Mara said, ‘When were you planning to leave?’

      Arakasi halted his pacing, a shadow against shadow in the corner made dim by the piles of Bruli’s gifts. The songbird sang incongruously pretty notes through his words. ‘Tonight, mistress.’

      Mara threw a cloth over the cage, reducing the melody to a series of sleepy chirps. ‘Can you wait another day or two?’

      He shook his head. ‘No longer than first light tomorrow. If I do not appear at a certain inn in Sulan-Qu by noon, and several other places over the next week, my replacement will become active. It would prove awkward if you ended up with two Spy Masters.’ He smiled. ‘And I would lose the services of a man very difficult to replace. If the matter is that vital, I can find other tasks for him and remain.’

      Mara sighed. ‘No. We should see an end to this nonsense with the Kehotara boy by then. I want you to identify the Minwanabi agent in his retinue to Keyoke. And tell him I will sleep in Nacoya’s quarters tonight.’ The songbird stopped its peeping as she finished. ‘What would you think if I have Pape and Lujan keep watch in my quarters tonight?’

      Arakasi paused. ‘You think young Bruli plans to pay a late visit to your bed?’

      ‘More likely an assassin from his retinue might try.’ Mara shrugged. ‘I have Bruli where I want him, but a little more discomfort on his part would serve us well. If someone roams the corridors tonight, I think we shall make it easy for him to reach my quarters.’

      ‘As always, you amaze me, mistress.’ Arakasi bowed with irony and admiration. ‘I will see your instructions reach Keyoke.’

      In one smooth movement the Spy Master melted into the shadows. His departure made no sound; he passed from the corridor unseen even by the maid who came to tell Mara that her robes and her bath awaited, should she care to refresh herself before dinner. But one more item remained. Mara sent her runner for Nacoya and informed the old woman that Bruli should now receive his father’s overdue messages. In the gathering gloom of twilight she added, ‘Be sure to tell him they have just arrived.’

      An evil gleam lit Nacoya’s eyes. ‘May I carry them myself, mistress? I want to see his face when he reads them.’

      Mara laughed. ‘You old terror! Give him the messages, with all my blessing. And don’t lie too extravagantly. The letters were delayed from town, which is more or less the truth.’ She paused, hiding a moment of fear behind humour. ‘Do you think this will spare me his simpering during dinner?’

      But Nacoya had already departed on her errand, and the only answer Mara received was a sleepy twitter from the songbird. She shivered, suddenly, needing a hot tub between herself and thoughts of the play she was about to complete against the Lord of the Kehotara.

      The oil lamps burned softly, shedding golden light over the table settings. Carefully prepared dishes steamed around a centrepiece of flowers, and chilled fish glistened against beds of fresh fruit and greenery. Clearly, the Acoma kitchen staff had laboured to prepare a romantic dinner for lovers, yet Bruli sat ill at ease on his cushions. He pushed the exquisite food here and there on his plate, his thoughts obviously elsewhere. Even the deep neckline of

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