Celtic Fire. Alex Archer

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Celtic Fire - Alex Archer

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were the Treasures of Wales.

      Something to be treasured by all pure-blooded Celts like her family.

       Chapter 9

      He had tried several times to get a better look at the peculiar pieces of stone during the daylight, but every time he did his presence drew curious looks from visitors and cathedral staff. He tried standing on it again to see if he could replicate that weird voice, but the stone remained silent.

      He hadn’t noticed the priest he had seen that morning walking across the grounds toward him.

      “Can I help you at all?” the cleric asked, a gentle smile on his weathered old face. The heavy crags only served to make him appear closer to God in a literal sense.

      The man wrestled down the sudden surge of panic he felt at the curate’s approach and plastered a smile on his own face. It was highly unlikely—if not impossible—that the man recognized him from their previous encounter, but if he did, what of it? He wasn’t duty bound to accept an offer of tea just to salve the curate’s conscience, and walking away was hardly a crime.

      “I’m good, thanks,” he said, hoping to keep the man at a distance. “Just taking a few minutes to myself. Soaking in the ambience of the cathedral. It really is an incredible building. Inspiring.”

      “That it is,” the cleric agreed, accepting his lie at face value. The curate left him to his contemplation, and as soon as the man was out of sight he crouched down again to take a closer look at the stone he’d been standing on. It was rectangular in shape and stretched almost eight feet in length, but was less than three feet wide, like a grave marker but not. It almost abutted the cathedral wall, stone hugging stone. He ran his fingers across it, sensing there was something strange about the piece of rock, even if he didn’t know what. The fact that it was so large and in a single piece was noteworthy, especially in this region, but what really interested him was why it had been placed so close to the wall. That led to a second question he hoped to answer: What was its purpose?

      He ran his fingers across the surface, feeling for any irregularities in the sheet of rock, but as far as he could tell it was perfectly smooth. How long had the stone lain in place? Maybe not time immemorial, but it had certainly been there more than a few centuries. Hence the surface was so smooth, as if it had been worn down by the endless shuffle of penitents’ and pilgrims’ feet. Though given its relative position to the cathedral that was impossible, surely? He lived for a good mystery. They made life interesting.

      With one fingertip he found the slightest of indentations. It was so small he almost missed it, but then he found another and knew he was onto something; something had been scratched into the rock once upon a time so long ago that the weather had worn it down to almost nothing.

      He reached into his pocket and pulled out a plastic water bottle. It was barely half-full, but that should be more than enough for what he intended. He unscrewed the top and searched with his fingers again, locating the slight indent of the markings, and tipped the contents of the bottle over it.

      The water splashed and ran across the surface of the stone; some of it found its way into the shallow indentations. It wasn’t about washing them away; the water turned the dirt and grime caught in the cracks a darker shade in contrast to the stone it was ground into. Even without scraping the dirt away he could read the two words that were revealed as if by magic....

      Two words that meant he’d found what he had been looking for.

      Giraldus Cambrensis.

      * * *

      IT WAS NIGHT when he returned.

      It had been so hard to resist the lure of the stone, but he couldn’t risk drawing more attention; the curate noticing two men loitering around the stone in one day was coincidence enough, a third time was just downright careless. And carelessness led to questions. And questions increased the risk of discovery.

      He’d done his best to scatter earth across the surface, masking the newly revealed writing long enough for the soil to dry out and leave the surface seemingly bare again. The risk was that the curate returned to take a closer look before it had dried out. But even so, in this day and age of heathens who’d forgotten their own history, would the man even know who Giraldus Cambrensis had been? It was a risk he’d rather not run, if he could help it. It was always better to go undetected than trust to blind luck and the failings of the school system.

      He had brought a crowbar with him, intending to try to prize the stone out of its position and reveal what lay beneath, and with luck turning himself into a grave robber in the process. That brought a wry smile to his lips. He was still struggling to believe that after all this time he’d done it...and by chance. Years and years of focused and very deliberate study, years and years of systematic searching, and he’d almost literally stumbled upon Giraldus Cambrensis’s final resting place.

      He moved slowly around the side of the cathedral, keeping to the shadows as best he could. Nosy neighbors might be a cliché, but it was a cliché born in truth as far as he was concerned.

      The section of wall closest to the funereal slab was out of sight of most of the street, but working by flashlight was asking for trouble. Someone would see the beam and, even if they didn’t know what it meant, would remember they’d seen it. He needed to operate fast, and as “blind” as possible.

      He found the edge of the slab by feel and, on his knees, teased the metal bar down along the edge, pushing at it to feel for its thickness before applying any weight to lever it up. Not that it was going to be easy. The slab had been in place for who knew how long. It was part of the land. It wasn’t just going to pop open. He pushed down with all of his weight and the stone shifted slightly. He pushed again, but it didn’t budge more than that first inch.

      He adjusted his position, trying to get more leverage—it was basic physics. A longer bar would have helped. He slid the tip of the crowbar farther in, forcing it into the dirt and underneath the great stone slab to increase his purchase. Then he leaned into it, putting all of his weight and strength into a single huge push to try to shift it.

      For a moment he didn’t think it was going to move, then he felt it tear free of the ground, opening a crack no more than six inches wide—but that was all the gap he needed to wedge a piece of wood in place.

      His back and shoulders burned from the effort. He could feel the strain in all the muscles around his upper arms and his ribs.

      He reached for the flashlight, but didn’t hurry. He took the time to recover his breath and give his heart the chance to slow down. He wasn’t a young man anymore. He had brought his car jack with him, despite the difficulties of concealing it beneath his coat along with the crowbar and the piece of wood he had liberated from a nearby skip. Now he slipped it into the gap beside the wood and worked the jack’s handle until it rose enough to take the weight from the wood, increasing the gap without adding to the strain in his old bones.

      He cranked it up another six inches, the jack’s feet being pushed down into the ground by the incredible weight of the slab combined with their small surface area.

      He wasn’t sure how much higher he could risk working it.

      The street was still silent. There was no sign of anyone approaching either across the footbridge or from within the cathedral.

      He risked turning on the flashlight and angling the beam into the wide crack to try and get a first look at his find.

      Beetles scurried for darkness, fleeing the too-bright beam as it shone inside. Other, slower-moving creatures slithered for safety.

      It took him a moment to process what the contours of the darkness and the shades of dirt meant, but soon he realized he was watching something slide through the gaping eye socket of a skull.

      There was no doubt in his mind he’d struck metaphorical gold. The only question was whether the stories were true, and if they were, that what he sought was still inside

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