His Brother's Son. Jennifer Taylor

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His Brother's Son - Jennifer Taylor

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The courts would need to take account of all sorts of issues if there was a battle for custody. She barely earned enough to meet their bills, and the fact that she had needed to return to full-time work at St Leonard’s Hospital might also go against her. What chance would she really have of keeping the little boy when she wasn’t his natural mother…?

      ‘Senñorita! Por favor!’

      Becky jumped when the taxi driver spoke sharply to her. It was obvious that he was impatient for her to get out so that he could find another fare. She quickly pulled some money out of her bag and paid him, thinking that she may as well get out now that she was here.

      She just needed a little more time to think everything through properly. She couldn’t afford to make a mistake. She had to be sure that she was making the right decision—for Josh’s sake.

      Felipe Valdez sighed as he got up from his desk. He’d spent the best part of the morning dealing with paperwork. It was an aspect of his job which he particularly loathed but there was no way to avoid it.

      As director of the Clinica Valdez, his say-so was needed before any decisions could be taken. Oh, he had some excellent people working for him, but he preferred to keep his finger very firmly on the pulse. He knew that his staff considered him to be something of a control freak, but they didn’t understand. The Clinica Valdez was not only his greatest achievement—it was the main focus of his life. He had worked too hard and made too many sacrifices to take a chance on anything going wrong.

      A frown drew his thick, black brows together because that thought had caused him more than a little pain. He tried not to think about the mistakes he had made in his life, but sometimes it wasn’t easy to block them out. Now, as he looked out of the window at the sunlit grounds of the private hospital, he felt a familiar ache settle in his heart as he thought about his brother Antonio.

      If he hadn’t been so busy opening the clinic, he might have realised that something was wrong with Antonio. Maybe he would have been able to make his brother understand that he had to continue to receive proper medical care. Antonio should never have been allowed to leave hospital when he’d been so ill. With the right kind of treatment he could have lived for another six months at least.

      Not that he blamed Antonio, of course. He had been too ill to realise what he’d been doing, too ill and too much under the influence of that woman. No, if anyone was to blame for Antonio’s premature death, it was Rebecca Williams!

      Felipe’s mouth thinned. With his austerely handsome features he looked even more forbidding as he stared out of the window. He tried not to think about Rebecca Williams very often because it was pointless getting upset. However, sometimes he found himself wishing that he’d gone to see her in London after Antonio’s funeral and told her exactly what he thought about her.

      Only close family and friends had attended the service in Mallorca. Rebecca Williams certainly hadn’t been invited so they’d never met. He had seen a photograph of her, however, and even though he’d torn it up he could still recall every detail, from the long blonde hair falling softly around her oval face to those huge grey eyes. She had looked like every man’s vision of a ministering angel, but he knew how misleading appearances could be. Was it any wonder that poor Antonio had been deceived?

      A woman suddenly walked along the path beneath his window and Felipe blinked. Just for a moment he felt his mind spin as he stared at her. Her blonde hair was caught up into a knot on the top of her head and her face was in profile, but there was something strangely familiar about her…

      His heart began to pound as he turned and strode to the door. He wrenched it open, startling his secretary who had been about to knock. Felipe shook his head when she opened her mouth to speak.

      ‘Later!’ he ordered in a tone that brooked no argument.

      He hurried into the corridor, taking the stairs two at a time as he raced down to the ground floor. There was a queue of people in Reception but he didn’t pause as he made his way to the entrance. His heart was pounding, the blood drumming painfully in his ears, the need to check if he’d been right urging him on. If it had been Rebecca Williams walking past his window just now then, by God, he didn’t intend to let her escape!

      She was sitting on a bench outside the main doors. Felipe ground to a halt, feeling his breath coming in laboured spurts. There was something almost tragic about the way she sat there so still, so alone. When a wisp of pale blonde hair blew across her face, he was shocked when he saw how her hand trembled as she tucked it behind her ear.

      He was suddenly overwhelmed by a feeling of compassion that stunned him because it was the last thing he’d expected to feel if they ever met. She looked so sad, so lonely, so deeply unhappy that his heart was immediately touched before he forced himself to remember who and what she was.

      This was the woman who had hastened Antonio’s death because of her own greed for his money. Did he really have any sympathy to spare for someone like her?

      He must have made some small sound of disgust because she suddenly glanced round and he saw the colour drain from her face. She rose to her feet and he could see the tremor that passed through her slender body and was pleased. He had no idea why she had come to see him but it didn’t really matter. It was enough that he would have the chance to tell her what he thought of her at last.

      ‘You’re Antonio’s brother, aren’t you?’

      Her voice was low and surprisingly sweet. He frowned because it surprised him that he should have noticed a thing like that.

      ‘I am Felipe Valdez,’ he said harshly, and saw her flinch. He took a few quick steps and stopped in front of her, surprised once again when he realised how tiny she was. For some reason he’d imagined that she would be much taller and far less fragile-looking, so it threw him off balance for a moment to realise that the image he’d formed of her hadn’t been wholly accurate.

      ‘You probably don’t know who I am,’ she began in that low, sweet voice, but he curtly interrupted her, irritated that his mind should start running off at tangents at a time like this.

      ‘You’re Rebecca Williams. My brother’s girlfriend, for want of a better description.’ He smiled thinly when he saw her surprise. ‘Antonio sent me a photograph of you. He said that he wanted me to see the most important person in his life.’

      ‘I didn’t know…He never told me…’ Her grey eyes filled with tears and she turned away while she hunted a tissue out of her bag.

      Felipe’s hands clenched because the urge to touch her then was so very strong. It shocked him to the depths of his being that he should feel such a need to comfort her, shocked and angered him because wasn’t it an indication of her power? If he could be manipulated like this, how much easier must it have been for her to persuade Antonio to do what she’d wanted?

      The thought was just what he needed. Placing his hand under her elbow, he briskly steered her away from the main entrance, ignoring her murmured protest as he led her along the path until they reached a sheltered spot well away from any prying eyes. He had no idea what she wanted but he preferred to keep their dealings private if possible.

      He had never spoken of his feelings about this woman to anyone, and certainly hadn’t shared the contempt he felt for her with any of his colleagues. He preferred to keep his own counsel when something affected him deeply. Only once in his life had he ever opened his heart to anyone, and look how badly that had turned out.

      He was surprised when that thought crossed his mind because it had been years since he’d thought about his engagement to Teresa and how it had ended. He had no time to dwell on it, however, as Rebecca Williams wrenched her arm out of his grasp. There was a touch of colour in her face and a glint in her grey eyes that told him she was angry about the way he’d behaved towards her, but she had forfeited her right to be treated with courtesy after what she had done to Antonio.

      ‘I don’t know what you think you’re doing—’ she began hotly, but he brusquely interrupted her once more.

      ‘What precisely do you want, Miss Williams?’ He smiled

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