His Brother's Son. Jennifer Taylor

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His Brother's Son - Jennifer Taylor

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nine months old,’ she told him quietly. ‘He looks very like Antonio and you, too, I suppose.’

      She gave him a tentative smile, watching the rapid play of emotions that crossed his face as he struggled to make sense of what she was saying. ‘He definitely has your colour eyes, as Karen just mentioned. Antonio’s eyes were a lot darker.’

      ‘Antonio took after our mother,’ he said roughly. ‘I favour my father’s side of the family.’

      ‘But there’s still a strong resemblance between you both.’ She felt her heart catch because until then she really hadn’t been aware of the similarities between the two brothers. Now it scared her to realise how alike they were. The last thing she could afford was to look at Felipe and see Antonio. She had to remember that they were two very different people.

      It was a relief when there was a knock on the door because she desperately needed some time to think about what had happened. She hurried to answer it, shaking her head when Debbie apologised for the interruption.

      ‘It’s fine, really. Don’t worry. Has Mr Watts arrived?’

      ‘Yes. Karen sent me to tell you.’ Debbie shot a curious glance at Felipe then lowered her voice. ‘He’s none too pleased because you weren’t there to meet him, I’m afraid, Becky.’

      ‘I’ll be straight there,’ she assured her.

      She closed the door then felt her heart skip a beat when she turned and found Felipe standing right behind her. He was so close that she could smell the tangy scent of his aftershave, feel the heat of his body, and all of a sudden it felt as though her senses were being swamped by him.

      ‘I have to go,’ she explained, quickly moving away. She went to the desk and picked up a pen, trying her best not to let him see how nervous she was all of a sudden. She had never felt like this around Antonio, never once felt so deeply aware of him as she was of his brother. The idea worried her for a moment until it struck her that it was because Antonio had never presented a threat to her, like Felipe did.

      ‘I have to get back to work,’ she said more calmly, relieved to have found such a simple explanation.

      ‘But we need to talk, Rebecca. That is obvious. Sí?’

      He had phrased it as a question, but Becky knew there wasn’t the slightest chance that he would let her refuse. He wanted to know all about Josh, and who could blame him?

      Finding out that he was an uncle had come as a shock to him, but it was what happened from here on that frightened her most. She was under no illusions as to how Felipe felt about her. He might be struggling to come to terms with what had happened at the moment, but it wouldn’t be long before the implications of it hit him.

      How would he feel about her being Josh’s mother? Maybe he would have to accept it while he believed that Josh really was her child, but if the truth ever emerged it would be a very different story. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that Felipe would waste no time trying to remove her from his nephew’s life.

      She bit her lip as the irony of the situation struck her. A few days ago she had seen Felipe Valdez as her only hope to stop Josh being taken away from her. Now he presented as big a threat as Tara did.

      It was an effort to contain her panic, but she couldn’t afford to give in to it. She carefully wiped all expression from her face when Felipe spoke.

      ‘This is the address and telephone number of the hotel where I am staying. I shall expect you to call me as soon as you are free.’ He took a notebook from his jacket pocket and wrote down the details then tore off the sheet and handed it to her. ‘We need to arrange a time this evening when we can meet.’

      ‘But I don’t finish work until six,’ she protested, knowing that she needed more time to work out what she should tell him.

      ‘Six o’clock will be fine. I shall expect you to call me then. To be perfectly blunt, Miss Williams, I am not prepared to wait while you choose a time that is more convenient for you.’

      He didn’t say anything else before he left. Becky heard his footsteps echoing along the corridor and shuddered as reaction set in. She took a deep breath, but the feeling of panic was getting worse.

      Maybe it was understandable that he should want to know all about his brother’s child, but she didn’t dare think about how difficult it was going to be, explaining everything to him. How much could she really afford to tell him?

      It was an effort to put that thought out of her mind as she hurried into the ward. James Watts, the consultant in charge of the IC unit, was waiting by the door with his party, and he greeted her with noticeable coolness.

      ‘Ah, there you are, Staff. Good of you to join us. If we’re all here at last, shall we get started? I have to be in Sheffield by five, and the last thing I need are any more delays.’

      Becky hastily apologised, feeling suitably rebuked. They went straight to Danny Epstein’s bed and she handed James the boy’s notes. Danny had been admitted a few days earlier with severe endocarditis—inflammation of the internal lining of the heart—and he was still giving them cause for concern.

      She waited by the bed while James read through the night staff’s report in his usual thorough fashion. Although the consultant had brought several students with him that morning, as well as his two registrars, it was very quiet. Nobody dared to interrupt him or they would suffer the consequences.

      Becky found her thoughts drifting back to what had happened in the office as the silence lengthened. What would be the best way to handle this coming meeting with Felipe? He was bound to have a lot of questions and she had to find a way to answer them without arousing his suspicions—

      ‘We’ll continue the high-dose antibiotics and hope that they’ll clear things up eventually…Staff?’

      She blinked as James Watts paused and peered at her over the top of his spectacles. A wash of colour ran up her face when she saw Simon Montague, the senior registrar, treat her to a conspiratorial grin. It must have been obvious to everyone that she hadn’t been paying attention, and it alarmed her that she had allowed her own problems to intrude on her work.

      ‘I’ll mark that down on Danny’s card,’ she said, hurriedly thinking back over what the consultant had said. ‘Is the cardio team planning on replacing the damaged heart valves soon?’

      ‘Once we have the infection under control,’ James replied shortly, making sure she knew that he didn’t appreciate it when members of his staff failed to give him their undivided attention.

      Becky breathed a sigh of relief when James turned to the students and began to outline the boy’s case history. She’d got off pretty lightly, bearing in mind that she’d already provoked the consultant’s wrath once that day.

      ‘This young fellow caught an infection whilst having a tooth extracted,’ James explained. He paused, the students hanging on his every word. ‘Lo and behold, a few days later he came down with endocarditis. We know for certain that two of the valves have been damaged, but we shall have to wait and see how badly the rest have been affected.’

      Becky gathered together the notes as the students exclaimed in amazement. They were in their first year at medical school and it was obvious they’d never realised that having a tooth out could be such a risky procedure. James had played up the dangers for dramatic effect, but at least it had helped to restore his good humour when his audience had responded as he’d hoped.

      ‘OK, so what’s wrong? You look as though you’ve got the weight of the world on your shoulders.’ Simon hung back to talk to her as the others moved to the next bed.

      Becky sighed inwardly when she saw the concern on his face. Simon was really nice and if it had been anything else worrying her she might have been tempted to unburden herself. However, there was no way that she could tell him what was wrong that day.

      ‘Nothing’s wrong. I’m fine,’ she began, then looked round when James coughed. She flushed again when he

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