Modern Romance January 2020 Books 5-8. Heidi Rice

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Modern Romance January 2020 Books 5-8 - Heidi Rice

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And as to Layla’s interest in him, well, it was more than reciprocated. And if he were to be honest with himself, that spark of attraction had started way earlier than the afternoon in the north tower. Way, way earlier.

      ‘Layla had nothing to do with Grandad’s will being changed. If anyone is to blame for that it’s me. I’ve taken way too long to get on with my life after losing Susannah. But the time is right now and I can’t think of a better person to marry than Layla, who loves this place as much as I do.’

      ‘Personally, I don’t get what either of you see in this place,’ Robbie said, throwing the castle a look of distaste. ‘It’s old and cold and too far away from any action. You’re welcome to it. And to each other.’

      Layla’s cheeks were a bright shade of pink and yet he was proud of the way her chin came up and her grey-green gaze stared his brother down. ‘I know our marriage must’ve come as a complete surprise to you, Robbie, but Logan and I have always been friends. I hope, in time, you can be happy for us.’

      Robbie’s smile was cynical. ‘I’ve seen the will. I know what this is—a marriage of convenience to secure Bellbrae. My brother will never love you, Layla. He’s not capable of it.’

      ‘You’re wrong,’ Layla said. ‘He’s capable of much more than you give him credit for.’

      ‘I think it might be time for you to leave,’ Logan said to his brother. ‘We’re still on our honeymoon and three’s a crowd and all that.’

      Robbie tossed his car keys in the air and deftly caught them, his expression mocking. ‘I give you guys a year, tops.’

      That’s all I want, Logan thought.

      And Logan led Layla into the castle without a backward glance as his brother roared down the driveway with a squeal of tyres over the gravel.


      LAYLA LOOKED AT Logan once the door was closed on their entry into the castle. His expression was thunderous and a muscle kept flicking in his cheek.

      ‘Are you okay?’ she asked.

      He let out a rough-edged sigh and shrugged himself out of his jacket and hung it on the coat rack near the entrance. ‘I’m sorry about that. My brother can be a prize jerk sometimes. Most of the time, actually.’

      ‘It’s okay.’ She began to unbutton her own coat. ‘Our relationship must’ve come as a bit of a shock. I mean, you and me? It’s a bit of a stretch to think you would ever be—’

      His hand came down in a gentle press on the top of her shoulder, his expression softening. ‘Don’t keep doing that. You’re a beautiful and desirable woman and if things were different, I would…’ He pressed his lips together as if determined not to voice the words out loud.

      ‘Would what?’ Layla’s voice was barely more than a whisper.

      His navy-blue eyes darkened and his other hand came down on her other shoulder. She wasn’t sure who moved first but suddenly they were standing almost chest to chest and hip to hip. The quality of the air changed—a tension was building, crackling, fizzing like a current of electricity singing along a wire. His gaze dipped to her mouth and she heard the intake of his breath. Held her own breath as his head lowered as if in slow motion, down…down…down…

      ‘Oh, sorry to be a gooseberry!’ Aunt Elsie’s cheery lilt sounded from the right of the foyer. ‘How did the wedding and honeymoon go?’

      Logan stepped back but kept one of Layla’s hands in his. ‘It was short but wonderful.’

      Aunt Elsie beamed like she was intent on solving an energy crisis for the whole of Scotland. ‘Well, it wasn’t long enough to my way of thinking, which is why I’m going to go on a wee holiday of my own to give you two lovebirds some space.’

      Lovebirds? If only. And since when had her great-aunt ever left Bellbrae?

      Layla looked at her great-aunt as if she had just said she was going to tap dance on the castle roof. Naked. ‘But where will you go? You haven’t been on a holiday since I don’t know when.’

      ‘Which is why I’m going now,’ Aunt Elsie said. ‘I’ve booked myself a few days in the Outer Hebrides—on the Isle of Harris to start with. I’ve an old pen-pal from school who lives there. Her husband passed away recently so she could do with some company. You’ll be right with looking after Flossie for a few days?’

      ‘Of course,’ Logan said. ‘We’re not going anywhere.’

      That was news to Layla. What about his big landscaping project in Tuscany that he’d put on hold? Surely he couldn’t postpone it too much longer. She had expected him to deliver her back to Bellbrae and fly out again as soon as he could to put even more distance between them. Had he changed his mind? And if so, why?

      ‘Do you need transport? A lift anywhere?’ Logan continued.

      ‘Och, no, I’ve got it all sorted,’ Aunt Elsie said. ‘I’m being picked up in half an hour by my friend’s daughter. I thought that was her just now but I saw it was Robbie. He didn’t stay?’

      ‘No,’ Logan said, his mouth pulled into a grim line. ‘He had other plans.’

      ‘Good.’ Aunt Elsie smiled as if she’d just received the best news of the day. ‘You’ll be all alone.’

Paragraph break image

      Logan left Layla to say her goodbyes to her great-aunt and saw to some business in his grandfather’s study. It was strange to think of it now as his study. Strange but deeply satisfying. He cast his gaze around the room, from the wall-to-wall bookshelves, the leather-topped desk that both his father and grandfather had used, at the Aubusson carpet that generations of McLaughlins had walked on. He looked out of the windows that overlooked the estate—the loch, the forest, the Highlands that were currently shrouded by clouds.

      The whole of Bellbrae now belonged to him, thanks to Layla’s willingness to be his bride. His paper bride. He had to keep reminding himself of that simple fact. Not so simple when she made him feel things he didn’t want to feel. Things he had forbidden himself to feel. He had been so close to kissing her before her great-aunt had interrupted them. So close to once again disregarding the rules he had set down. The rules he was having trouble obeying because of the aching need their lovemaking had awakened.

      By making love with her, he had crossed a threshold and he couldn’t find a way back. The door had slammed behind him and no matter how hard he tried to prise it open, it wouldn’t budge. His body had been reprogrammed, finely tuned to notice every one of her movements, to respond to every smile or velvet-like touch.

      He suppressed a whole-body tremor. It was her touch he craved. The glide of her small hands over his flesh, the press of her soft lips to his mouth, the playful teasing of her tongue, the hot wet tight cocoon of her body.

      He wanted it all, hungered for it like he would starve without it. It consumed him like a fever, it occupied his every thought, it kept him from sleep.

      Logan walked back to the desk and sent the leather chair into a slow spin, his forehead tight with a frown. He had planned to fly to Italy to check in on his project but he didn’t feel comfortable leaving Layla alone now her great-aunt wouldn’t be at Bellbrae. There were ground staff who came and went on the estate but the castle was a big place to stay in alone. And these days Flossie was hardly what anyone could describe as a guard dog.

      There was a tap at the door. ‘Logan?’ Layla’s voice called out.

      ‘Come in.’

      She opened the door and entered the study with the old dog padding slowly behind her. She had changed from her travelling outfit into black

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