Top-Notch Men!. Anne Fraser

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Top-Notch Men! - Anne Fraser

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is that going to repair his head injury?’

      ‘Children are very touch-sensitive,’ Allegra explained. ‘Young children in particular are used to being touched by their mother and father in loving ways, such as helping them dress each morning, doing their hair for them or cuddling them.’

      ‘Look, Dr Tallis, I’m not a new-age sort of man, as you’ve probably already guessed,’ Keith confessed. ‘I was brought up by strict parents who only ever touched me with a strap or a belt in their hands. I find it hard to express physical affection. I’ve never really kissed or cuddled Tommy, or at least not since he was about a year old.’

      ‘I know this is painful for you to answer, but did his mother have any particular physical routine that you can recall that Tommy might respond to?’ Allegra asked.

      He gave her a shamefaced look. ‘I was always on at Kate for being too soft on the boy,’ he said. ‘She was always touching him, kissing him or playing with his hair. I was frightened she would make a sissy out of him.’

      ‘A lot of men feel that way, but let me assure you nothing could be further from the truth,’ Allegra said. ‘Touch is essential in a child’s life. Why not sit with Tommy now and tell him you’re here? And if you feel up to it, touch him in any way that makes you feel comfortable.’

      ‘We haven’t got long,’ Serena said, with an impatient glance at her diamond-encrusted watch.

      ‘If you think it would help …’ Keith said, although he looked as doubtful as his sister.

      Allegra left them in privacy to return to the office, where she made a few notes, but she’d hardly finished a sentence or two when she saw Keith and his sister leave the unit once more.

      ‘What did I tell you?’ Bethany said poking her head around the glass partition. ‘She’s exactly the same as him—cold as a frozen fish.’

      ‘Yes, well, with that sort of background, what else could you expect?’ Allegra said as she toyed with her pen. ‘I can’t believe how cruel some parents can be. It’s no wonder Mr Lowe didn’t want Tommy’s grandparents to be contacted.’

      ‘I guess you’re right,’ Bethany said. ‘Well, I’m off now that Chloe’s back. I did an extra couple of hours to cover for her. Dr Addison is insisting only the senior staff look after Tommy.’

      Allegra looked up at that. ‘Oh?’

      ‘Yes, he may not be too keen on your project, but he’s certainly doing his best to help Tommy before he makes his final decision. I saw him sitting with him earlier. He was talking to him and stroking his hand. If you ask me, he was a whole lot better at it than the kid’s own father.’

      ‘Thanks for helping with Tommy,’ Allegra said after a tiny pause. ‘I’m going to head off home.’

      ‘No hot date tonight?’

      ‘I have a date with a good book and a glass of Pinot noir,’ she answered. ‘That’s about as hot as it gets in my life right now.’

      ‘You could always throw a vindaloo curry in there somewhere to turn up the heat a bit,’ Bethany suggested with a smile.

      ‘What a great idea,’ Allegra said, as she dragged herself to her feet. ‘The last thing I want to do is cook. Take-away, here I come.’

      The Indian restaurant not far from her apartment had a small waiting area for customers waiting for their take-out orders. Allegra sank gratefully into a vinyl chair once she’d placed her order and picked up a magazine that was at least two years out of date, flicking through it absently.

      Once her number was called she collected her meal and made her way out to the street, but had only gone a few paces when she saw a very familiar figure heading her way.

      Joel looked down at the container in her hand. ‘Great minds think alike, it seems,’ he said. ‘What did you get?’

      ‘Beef vindaloo.’

      ‘Enough for two?’


      ‘Pity,’ he said. ‘I guess I’ll have to go and order my own.’

      She pursed her lips for a moment. ‘I suppose I could make it stretch, but only if you’ve got a decent bottle of wine.’

      He gave her a smile that melted her instantly. ‘I’ll go and get one from the bottle shop and meet you back at your place. Is there anything else you need?’

      Only my head read, she thought as she returned his smile with a tentative one of her own. ‘No, the wine will be fine.’

      Allegra answered the door a short time later and he held out the bottle for her to inspect. ‘Mmm …’ She peered at the label. ‘Last Hope Ridge, a ‘98 Merlot. Not a bad vintage. You have good taste.’

      ‘In some things,’ he said, looking down at the soft curve of her mouth.

      Allegra felt her senses spring to attention at the smouldering heat in his dark gaze as it returned to hers, her skin feeling tight and overly sensitive, as if preparing itself for his touch.

      ‘So I take it internet dating didn’t work out?’ she said, surprised her voice sounded so normal when her breathing was all over the place.

      ‘I was seriously thinking about it,’ he said, stepping closer. ‘But I wasn’t sure if you’d cast a spell on me earlier today so that I would end up with some wacko woman intent on having her wicked way with me.’

      ‘I do not cast spells,’ she said, trying to sound cross and indignant, but it didn’t quite work, with him smiling at her so disarmingly.

      ‘Yes, you do,’ he said, tugging her closer, his hands on her hips. ‘You’re doing it right now.’

      ‘That’s totally ridiculous,’ she gasped as his lower body came into contact with hers. ‘I wouldn’t know the first thing about magic … and all that … stuff …’ She swallowed as he brought his head down, his warm breath caressing the surface of her lips.

      ‘What about this stuff?’ he asked, as his mouth brushed hers.

      ‘That’s not magic …’ she breathed into his mouth.

      ‘What is it, then?’ he asked, his warm breath mingling with hers.

      ‘It’s … madness …’ she said, kissing him back softly, her lips clinging to his. ‘Total madness …’

      ‘It’s not madness,’ he growled as he pulled her even closer. ‘It’s desire.’

      ‘Lust,’ she corrected him. ‘It’s good old-fashioned lust. It will go away if we ignore it.’

      ‘How do you suggest we ignore it?’ he asked, nibbling gently at the soft underside of her neck.

      ‘Um … we could try some other activity …’ She shivered all over as the tip of his tongue briefly entered her ear.

      ‘What did you have in mind?’ He grazed her top lip with the masculine and totally irresistible rasp of his tongue. ‘Scrabble?’

      ‘I cheat at Scrabble,’ she said, sagging against him as he found her bottom lip and stroked it with his tongue, back and forth until her lip began to swell with need. ‘I make up words and I always win.’

      ‘I’d never let you get away with it,’ he warned softly, as his mouth hovered over hers.

      ‘No one’s beaten me yet.’ Her breath mingled intimately with his, making her stomach feel hollow.

      ‘I like the sound of being the first to conquer you,’ he said, pressing his mouth to hers in a scorching, probing kiss that left her totally breathless. Her arms wound around his neck as she rose on tiptoe to get even closer to him, her fingers delving into the thick black pelt of his hair, her body soft against his hardness, her legs feeling unsteady and trembling

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