The Wedding Party Collection. Кейт Хьюит

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The Wedding Party Collection - Кейт Хьюит

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take care of him,” Betsy said. “And cover things out here.”

      “Are you sure?” His gaze searched hers.

      She forced a smile. “Positive.”

      “Thank you.” He handed her the bag. “I brought scones.”

      Betsy placed the sack on the desk for the last time. So often it was hard to know when a tradition ended. But after today there would be no more scones and no more intimate conversation and laughter between her and Ryan.

      Her heart did a slow, painful roll.

      “I’ll see you when we’re done?” he asked.

      “Of course she will.” His mother’s comment spared Betsy the need of answering. “She works for you. Where else would she be?”

      Where else indeed, Betsy thought as Ryan followed his parents out of the room.

      The three had barely disappeared into his office when the phone rang. With the roads between Idaho Falls and Jackson snow-packed and more of the white stuff in the forecast, Mr. Fitzgibbons had decided against making the trip.

      Betsy rescheduled the elderly man and wished him a good afternoon. Because they didn’t have any other clients scheduled for the morning, she placed the bell on the counter and went to her office.

      The door to Ryan’s office wasn’t shut completely. Betsy thought about closing it but decided that might be even more disruptive.

      “Betsy isn’t my secretary, Mom,” Ryan said, his voice tight with frustration. “She’s my legal assistant. More importantly, she’s my girlfriend.”

      Betsy wasn’t surprised he told them. The only thing that surprised her was he hadn’t told them before. Of course, considering how his father had gone on about his past relationships, he’d probably learned to keep his mouth shut.

      Betsy slid her chair closer to the door just in time to hear his mother laugh.

      “Oh, honey, for a second I thought you said you were dating the girl.”

      “What happened to Audrey?” His father’s voice boomed.

      “Yes, Mother, that’s what I said.” Ryan’s clipped tone spoke of his rising irritation. “Betsy and I are dating. And, Dad, I don’t know anyone named Audrey.”

      Betsy wheeled her chair closer to the door. She glanced through the tiny opening just in time to see Frank’s brows pull together in a frown.

      “Of course you know her. The one you couldn’t quit talking about over Labor Day. Audrey.”


      “It doesn’t matter now.” His father waved a dismissive hand. “If you can’t even remember her name, she’s obviously ancient history.”

      “Betsy is the only woman who matters,” Ryan insisted.

      “Honey, you can’t be serious. She’s your employee.” His mother sounded bewildered at his vehemence. “You barely know the woman. Last time we were in the office, Caroline was here.”

      “What does that have to do with anything? I never dated Caroline.”

      “I simply meant that Betsy is very new in your life.”

      “I love her, Mom.”

      Betsy’s breath caught in her throat. Even though she’d seen it in his eyes, she’d never heard him say those three little words. Until now.

      Betsy loved him, too. Enough to protect him from Chad. And the scandal.

      “Give it time,” Sylvia said in a gentle, if slightly patronizing, tone. “Don’t rush into anything.”

      “I don’t need to give it time.” Ryan’s jaw jutted out. “Try to understand. All those other women taught me what I don’t want. Now I know what I want. I want Betsy. I want to marry her.”

      His parents exchanged a glance.

      “All your mother is saying is to take it slow. Don’t rush into anything.”

      “If it’s true love, it will be there in six months.” His mother reached across the desk and patted his hand. “If you marry in haste and discover in another couple months she’s just another of your infatuations, it’s not only you who will be hurt, but her, as well.”

      Ryan’s brows slammed together like two dark thunderclouds. He shoved his chair back.

      “I’m sure that Betsy is a lovely young woman,” his mother continued, softening her tone. “She deserves a man who honestly and truly loves her. Until you’re sure of your feelings, don’t make any promises.”

      Ryan rose abruptly and Betsy scooted from the door, her heart pounding. Seconds later his office door closed.

      Betsy knew she wasn’t the kind of woman they wanted for their successful son. She wasn’t a doctor like Kate and Mitzi or a nurse-midwife like Adrianna. She was the daughter of an alcoholic former showgirl. A legal assistant with a brother in prison.

      In time Ryan would have seen that, too. Unfortunately he wasn’t tired of her yet. Which meant he wouldn’t be breaking up with her today.

      She would have to do it. She would have to make him believe that this had just been a brief fling for her. That she was tired of him and ready to move on.

      Because if Ryan stayed with her, Chad would end up dragging him through the mud and ruining his reputation. Nobody was going to hurt the man Betsy loved. She would protect him...even if it meant breaking her own heart in the process.

      * * *

      Riding bulls had taught Ryan that he had to trust his gut. And right now his gut was signaling that something was wrong. Very wrong.

      He tried telling himself it was simply a stressful morning for both of them. But the set to Betsy’s shoulders, the shuttered look to her eyes and the way she was too busy to share a scone and talk once his parents left told the story.

      Worse yet, the day turned busy with clients coming in and out, which meant there was no time for private conversation. But he consoled himself with the knowledge that after work they could go somewhere quiet, have a nice dinner and he could make things right. Once he knew what was wrong.

      There wasn’t anything they couldn’t work out. He’d seen his parents do it time and again over the years. An issue would come between them, but they were always able to compromise, find common ground and a solution they could both live with. It would be the same with him and Betsy. If it was simply that she needed more reassurance that he cared, he would give it to her.

      In fact, tonight might be the time to pull out the ring he’d been carrying around in his pocket, tell her he loved her and ask her to marry him. His lips curved up in a smile, thinking of the celebration sure to follow....

      A knock sounded on his partially closed office door.

      He lifted his head and widened his smile. Just the woman he wanted to see. “Since when do you knock?”

      “I wasn’t sure if you were off the phone or not.”

      Ryan ignored the fact that she hadn’t returned his smile and motioned her inside. “With all the appointments done for the day, let’s take off early and do something fun. What do you say?”

      Still no smile.

      She took the seat across the desk and folded her hands into her lap. “We need to talk.”

      Were there four more dreaded words in the English language? Unease slid its fingers up his spine, even as Ryan tried to tell himself this was no big deal. “What’s on your mind?”

      “This isn’t working out.”

      He leaned forward, resting his arms on the table, trying to ignore his skyrocketing heart rate. Don’t assume, he

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