The Wedding Party Collection. Кейт Хьюит

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The Wedding Party Collection - Кейт Хьюит

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were lots of beautiful princesses for this handsome prince to choose from.”

      Betsy snorted.

      Without warning Ryan bent his head and kissed her softly on the mouth.

      “Hey, what—”

      “Every time you interrupt, you get a kiss. Now, may I continue?”

      Betsy nodded, resisting the urge to touch her lips.

      “While there were lots of beautiful princesses, not just any princess would do. When the prince came upon Princess Betsy, he realized he’d found the one he’d been waiting for his whole life. But there was a problem.”

      His eyes seemed to glitter, suddenly looking more black than gray.

      “Chad Dunlop.” The name popped out before she could stop it.

      His eyes dropped to her mouth. Leaning close, he kissed the base of her jaw, his breath warm against her neck as he spoke. “The problem was Princess Betsy didn’t believe Prince Ryan loved her. She didn’t trust him.”

      Betsy pulled her brows together. If he was telling a story, he should at least try to be factual. “I trust you.”

      He took the fingers of her hand and kissed them, featherlight. “Not enough to tell me about Chad and the upcoming hearing.”

      Betsy inhaled sharply, snatching her hand back. “You know?”

      He nodded.

      “So you understand why we can’t be together.”

      “No.” He shook his head. “I don’t understand at all.”

      Ryan was a smart guy. The fact that he didn’t seem concerned about the hearing only added to her worry. “You saw how Chad acted in the office the other day. He’ll make it look like you’re a fool taken in by my charms.”

      “I’m not sure about the fool part.” He shot her a teasing grin. “But I have been taken in by your charms.”

      “Be serious. I won’t let your association with me damage your reputation.” Tears filled Betsy’s eyes. “Please, Ryan, I’m not worth it.”

      His head jerked up.

      Betsy didn’t know which of them was more surprised. Not worth it? Did she really feel that way? Had Mr. Marstand been right? Had her past affected her more than she’d realized?

      “You are worth it, Betsy. And don’t worry about Chad’s attorney. He might try to discredit us, but it won’t work.” Ryan slid his fingers through her hair. “We love each other. There’s no shame in that.”

      “Your association with me could damage your reputation,” she repeated, her voice cracking.

      “If that happens, we’ll deal with it.” His gaze searched hers. “Being with you is all that matters to me.”

      Her heart swelled in her chest and she hugged the sentiment close. But Ryan wasn’t being rational. He needed to look at what he’d be giving up, what he stood to lose if he was wrong. Having his good name and his reputation tainted by scandal was a real possibility. Chad was crafty and the attorney he’d hired was the best in the region.

      Ryan’s gaze scanned her face. The moment his eyes touched hers, something inside Betsy seemed to lock into place and she couldn’t look away.

      “I can survive losing my career.” He cupped her face in his hand. The raw emotion in his eyes took her breath away. “I can’t survive losing you.”

      Betsy’s heart rose to her throat. Forgiving her mother had been only the first step in throwing off the shackles of the past. Trusting in Ryan’s love and feeling worthy of that love was the next step. Could she take that step? Was she ready?

      “I love you,” she murmured. Then, because something so important should be said with gusto, she said it again. Only this time louder and with all the passion in her heart. “I love you, Ryan. I don’t want to live my life without you.”

      He let out a long breath but waited, as if sensing she wasn’t finished. As if knowing there were still words welling up inside her that needed to be shared.

      “From the time I was ten I was convinced I loved you. I realize now that it was mere girlish infatuation.” Betsy fought the urge to drop her gaze to her hands. Instead she focused on his eyes, those beautiful gray eyes that held so much love. “Spending time with you has made me realize how superficial those feelings were. But my feelings for the man I’ve come to know are anything but superficial. They’re deep and true. I’ll never love anyone more than I love you.”

      “You and No Other.” A sudden look of tenderness crossed his face. “That’s what the coin says.”

      Betsy nodded.

      “That’s how I feel about you.” His voice grew husky. “That’s why I had those words inscribed inside the ring.”

      Before she knew what was happening, Ryan took her hand, then dropped to one knee. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a diamond ring. The large marquis-cut stone caught and scattered the light.

      “Will you marry me, Betsy? Will you share your life and your heart with me?”

      She leaned over and cupped his face in her hands and gently kissed his lips. “Yes.”

      He slipped the ring on her finger and suddenly she was in his arms. Tears of happiness welled up and overflowed. As if on cue, Puffy jumped high in the air, barking and trying to kiss them both.

      Moments later, dazed and breathing hard, Betsy stepped back from his embrace, lifting her hand to gaze at the brilliant stone. Its brightness was only surpassed by the love she had for the man who’d given it to her.

      “You and no other,” she murmured.

      “Forever,” he vowed.

      “Forever,” she repeated, ready to embrace the future with the man she loved, knowing there wasn’t anything they couldn’t face...together.


      “I never thought it was possible to pull together a wedding in six weeks.” Betsy gazed up at her husband of seven hours, then around the crowded ballroom.

      The fact that the Spring Gulch Country Club was still decorated for Valentine’s Day seemed appropriate because her wedding day three days after had been filled with passion. The promise of her and Ryan’s love had been fulfilled when they’d said their vows this afternoon in a small ceremony in the mountains. Betsy smiled. “I can’t believe so many people showed up.”

      “They wouldn’t have missed it.” Ryan’s hand rested on her waist. “Just like the preliminary hearing. They make time for what’s important.”

      When Betsy had arrived at the courthouse last month, she’d been stunned to find the place packed. Their friends had all turned out to show their support.

      Chad and his attorney had been shocked. At first Betsy thought he might waive the prelim, but both Betsy and the woman he’d violated had been allowed to testify. Despite the stress, Betsy had achieved a measure of peace by confronting her attacker in court.

      When Chad’s attorney had tried to bring Ryan into the picture, Betsy hadn’t gotten defensive. She’d simply stuck to the facts and reiterated that anything that had gone on between she and her fiancé had been consensual.

      Even though nothing had been decided, rumors around town were that Chad’s attorney was proposing a plea agreement. That part of Betsy’s life would soon be relegated to the past. But Betsy had already decided that once they got back from the honeymoon she was going to get involved with the Teton County Victim Services.

      “You look a million miles away.” Her husband leaned over, brushing his lips against

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