The Wedding Party Collection. Кейт Хьюит

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The Wedding Party Collection - Кейт Хьюит

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looking stupefied. “But you’re his mother.”

      She shook her head wildly. “No, I’m not. Fliss is his mother.”

      “You’re his mother in every way that counts.”

      The pain nearly shattered her. “But you’re his father, his real father. His place is with you.” She’d have the memories of the years with T.J. as a baby, the memories of Damon’s lovemaking to carry her through the rest of her life. Hopefully Damon would agree to visits, too. She’d see them maybe once a month. That would have to be enough.

      He took a hesitant step toward her, then stopped. “You would do that? You’d give up the person you love more than your own life to me?”

      “You belong together.”

      “You belong with us, too.”

      Her heart skipped. “What do you mean?”

      “T.J. is your child.” He moved quickly. Before she could blink, he had her in a rough bear hug. “I’m not letting you go. I love you,” he whispered against her neck. “You’re not going anywhere. I’m going to do what I should’ve done four years ago if I hadn’t been so blind. I’m going to marry you.”

      She started to tremble. “You love me? You want to marry me?”

      “Yes.” He held her tighter, his arms hard bands around her ribs.

      His throat was very smooth, very tanned, and she watched his Adam’s apple move convulsively. “You don’t even know if I love you,” she murmured.

      “You love me. If I wanted proof, you just gave it. You were prepared to leave T.J. with me, sign him over to me completely and go away. But I’m not letting you go. Never again.”

      “You’re right, I love you.” Rebecca pressed her lips against the hollow of his throat and then she whispered, “So what are you going to do about it?”

      They tore off their clothes and fell on top of Damon’s wide bed. Damon pulled Rebecca onto him, moaning as her naked skin slid across his torso.

      She placed her lips over his, swallowing his next moan, and licked the slick heat of his mouth. The salty taste of her tears on his skin made her wipe the back of her hand across her face.

      “Let me,” he whispered, the sound husky in the silent room. His thumbs stroked across her eyes, closing them, the pads soft against her eyelids.

      When she opened her eyes again, she stared down into his and asked, “Do you forgive me?”

      “What for?” His expression held bewilderment.

      “For keeping your son from you.”

      He stilled. “You didn’t know he was my son. And you raised him with love, lots of love, without holding back and never hesitated risking your heart. You kept him safe. How can I ever hold that against you?”

      “Thank heavens.” Relief washed through her, turning her knees weak. “When Soula, called I was so afraid—”

      “Don’t.” He pulled her close. “I don’t want you to ever be afraid again. We have so much for which to be grateful. I must have done something good in my life to have got this…you…right.”

      She made a sound that was half laugh, half choke. “I’m far from perfect, you know.”

      “You’re perfect for me.” His hand smoothed over the back of her thigh, over the curve of her buttock. She murmured something incomprehensible as his fingers traced up the groove of her spine. Shivered.

      Then his hands laced into her hair. He held her fast. He pulled her down and opened his mouth as their lips met, his tongue surging into her mouth. The kiss was ravenous.

      Rebecca scissored her legs against his, then let them part, falling on either side of his thighs, and she pressed herself against him.

      He shuddered.

      His hands loosened and he fell back against the pillows.

      Rebecca wriggled a little, rubbed against his hardness and watched the blaze of heat light his eyes.

      “Rebecca. Oh, Rebecca.” His voice was throaty. “Never leave me.”

      “Never! I’ll keep you close. Forever.” She shot him a little grin. Shifted her lower body over a fraction. Felt his erection leap. Then she moved.

      “Woman, what are you doing?”

      But he knew.

      His face was alight. She stared down at him. There was desire and passion in his face, but more than that, there was love. Naked, unashamed love.

      For her.

      It turned her on.

      She raised her hips carefully, slowly, conscious of the length of him below her. Her body was already slick with arousal. His hand was moving downward.


      He froze at her command.

      “Keep still. Watch me. I want to love you.”

      His eyes never wavered from hers. “I love you more than I’ve loved any woman. Do you know that? I love everything about you. I wouldn’t change anything about who you are, how you make me feel. I’ve never felt anything like this before.”

      Rebecca stared into the deep blue depths. The black streaks like dark, dangerous rocks in a tempestuous sea. “I believe you.”

      She paused for a heartbeat.

      Then she sank down with one swift movement, sheathing him within her heat. There was a moment of sheer pleasure…and a warm glow of completion. She watched emotion explode in his eyes until the blue burned like silver. Wonder, pleasure and more love.

      His arms wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her down against him. A moment later he began to rock his hips. Skin slid against skin. Slowly. So, so slowly. The pleasure that burst through her was incredible.

      She gave herself up to the wildness, the heat.

      When they finally gained track of time, Damon and Rebecca came downstairs to announce that they would be getting married. There was jubilation and Soula wept a little with joy.

      Finally everyone settled down to dinner and Rebecca gazed around the faces at the table: Soula, Demetra, Savvas, T.J. Her family. Her own eyes prickled with tears of happiness. So many people, so much love. When her gaze came around to the man seated beside her, he gave her a slow, satisfied smile.

      “So who gets to plan your wedding, Rebecca?” Demetra chimed in.

      “I’ll take care of that,” Damon said firmly. “I think I know what the bride’s fantasies are.” His smile grew wide and Rebecca eyed the curve of that sexy lower lip with hunger. Beneath the table his hand moved in lazy circles against her thigh. Rebecca shot him a narrow glance.

      Demetra started to laugh. “Well, this is one marriage no one needs to worry about. You two are so in tune it’s positively scary.”

      “About time they realised it,” Soula snorted.

      “If Mummy marries Daddy, does that mean I get ducks?” T.J. piped, tugging at Damon’s sleeve.

      “Whatever you want—”

      “Let’s think about it, okay?” Rebecca interrupted Damon, rolling her eyes. “Ducks in the lap pool? I can see that you’re going to take full advantage of the situation, young man.”

      T.J. gave a naughty grin. “But I’ve never had a Daddy.”

      Damon’s eyes flared hot with emotion as he looked from T.J. to Rebecca. “I’ve never had a son. And soon I’ll have a wife. What more could any man ask?”

      Later, back in Damon’s bed, their bodies a naked tangle under the covers, Damon murmured,

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