The Wedding Party Collection. Кейт Хьюит

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The Wedding Party Collection - Кейт Хьюит

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“The first day I started, he made some comment about how my dress flattered my figure. It wasn’t so much what he said as how he said it. I didn’t like the way his gaze lingered on my chest, but I told myself I was simply being overly sensitive.”

      “Then what happened?” Ryan forced a conversational tone at odds with the anger sluicing through his veins.

      “The comments continued, becoming more blatant, more...crude.” Betsy’s eyes took on a distant look. “I started searching for another job, but there was nothing. And he was very careful to be perfectly respectful when we were around other people.”

      “How did you end up alone with him?”

      Thankfully she didn’t appear to take offense at the question. “One of the other attorneys was with us, but she got a call that her child was sick and had to suddenly leave. We were almost through, so I thought it would be okay.”

      “What happened?” Ryan asked through gritted teeth.

      “He started talking about how I wanted it, how I wanted him. I tried to laugh it off, but he was, well, he was acting crazy. He lunged at me, tore my silk blouse. I’m not sure how far he would have taken it. I used one of the self-defense moves Keenan had taught me and I got away.”

      “You should have called the police, charged him with attempted rape.”

      “It would have been my word against his...and we both know that his family’s reputation in the community is so much better than mine.”


      She placed a hand on his arm. “He wanted to fire me, but I told him he would give me a good reference and say I was downsized. If he didn’t, I’d go to the police.”

      “The authorities need to know what he did.” His lips were stiff and the words sounded as if they were coming from far away.

      “Ryan.” Her tone took on an urgency. “Listen to me. You don’t know what it’s like coming from a family like mine. I want to put all that behind me. I don’t want to go to court and feel like a victim and then have people look at me and whisper and wonder what I did to encourage him.”

      Ryan clenched his hands into fists. “I hate the thought of his getting away with this.”

      “As do I,” she said in a sad little voice. “But that’s how it has to be.”

      “I suppose...” Ryan fought to keep a lid on the anger rising inside him. The thought of Chad talking to Betsy in that manner, of touching her, made him want to go over to his house and punch him in the nose.

      “You promised me,” she reminded him.

      “I won’t do anything.”

      “Or say anything.”

      “Or say anything,” Ryan reluctantly agreed, not liking this arrangement at all and already trying to think of a way around it. Must be the lawyer in him.

      “Thank you.” Her hand reached over and covered his, giving it a squeeze. Then, as if realizing what she’d done, she pulled it back. “You know, I vowed to never tell anyone about the incident.”


      “I felt stupid, almost as if I was the guilty one.”

      “That’s how predators like Chad want you to feel.”

      “I know,” she said with a sigh.

      “You didn’t tell anyone?” A thought struck him. “Not even Adrianna?”

      Betsy shook her head.

      “Yet you told me.”

      “Maybe because you were available.” She gave a little laugh. “Maybe it was time to get it off my chest.”

      He winced at the pun and she chuckled.

      “Seriously, I feel better.”

      “I’m glad you do. But I’m mad as hell.” If Chad had been standing in front of him now, Ryan would have decked the guy.

      “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

      “No, I’m glad you did,” he said, realizing it was true. He’d known Betsy as long as he’d known Keenan. He’d watched her struggle to grow up in that difficult home life. She had every reason to be proud of her success in breaking free of her mother’s world. “That’s what friends are for.”

      Tears filled her eyes. “Do you really mean that?”

      “Absolutely.” Ryan looked into her soft blue eyes and made a vow. While Keenan was away, he would be Betsy’s champion, her protector and her friend.

      As long as he was around, no man was going to even look at her wrong. If they did, they’d answer to him.

       Chapter Four

      “That pond-sucking scum.” Adrianna’s green eyes flashed and she placed the dress back on the rack with extra force.

      Betsy had just finished telling her friend the same story she’d told Ryan last night. The way she figured, she couldn’t tell him about Chad and keep her best friend in the dark.

      When Adrianna had called Saturday morning and mentioned doing some shopping, Betsy had been seriously tempted to beg off. After recounting the tale of that night in the boardroom with Chad, she’d had difficulty sleeping.

      But she’d decided nothing would be accomplished by moping in her apartment. And she wasn’t in the mood to go over to Aunt Agatha’s home—with no heat—and clean.

      “Let’s not talk about Chad anymore,” Betsy said. “He’s so not worth the time.”

      Adrianna met her gaze. “You should file charges.”

      “That’s what Ryan said,” Betsy said with a sigh.

      “You told Ryan Harcourt the story?” Adrianna’s eyes widened with disbelief. “Before you told me?”

      Betsy briefly explained about running into Chad at Wally’s Place. “I have to admit I felt better getting it off my chest.”

      “Why didn’t you tell me when it happened?” Hurt underscored Adrianna’s words. “You had to know I’d be there for you.”

      “I was embarrassed,” Betsy began, then paused when the clerk, who’d been hovering just out of earshot, moved closer.

      “Is there anything I can help you ladies find?” the woman asked.

      Adrianna flashed her trademark smile at the plump grandmotherly type. “Thank you, but we’re just looking.”

      After making them promise to let her know if they needed anything, the woman bustled off to help a customer at the cash register.

      “Let’s talk about something more pleasant,” Betsy said. “Delivered any babies lately?”

      It was a question guaranteed to change the subject. Her friend loved her job as a nurse-midwife and could talk about it anytime, anywhere.

      Adrianna laughed. “All I’m saying is that nine months ago must have been an extremely busy time. It’s been crazy lately.”

      “Maybe one of these days it’ll be you or me having a little one.” The second the words left her lips, Betsy wished she could pull them back. With Adrianna being so commitment-phobic and her being so, well, it wasn’t as if men were beating down her door, the odds that either one of them would end up with a home and family of her own were decreasing every day.

      “Perhaps.” Adrianna gave a little shrug, her eyes giving nothing away. “By the way, did I mention that I got a text from Tripp Randall the other day?”

      Betsy thought for a moment. “Tall,

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