The Wedding Party Collection. Кейт Хьюит

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The Wedding Party Collection - Кейт Хьюит

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used the bathroom earlier.

      “I’m not sleeping in your bed.” Sleeping with Betsy would make no sense on so many counts that it would be difficult to name them all. If he was going to get naked with anyone, it would be Adrianna.

      “I don’t recall offering that option.” Betsy jerked her head in the direction of the sofa. “It’s a sleeper, so you should be comfortable. I know this place isn’t as big or as nice—”

      He put two fingers over her lips, silencing her words. “I like it here. I feel comfortable. As long as you keep the little red fluffball away from me.”

      “Puffy is going through a difficult time. Aunt Agatha was her whole world. She simply needs a little TLC and time to adjust.”

      From several things Betsy had said during the game, Ryan knew she hadn’t planned on having a dog. Not only because of the expense, but also because she wasn’t home all that often. Despite those issues, she’d taken the ten-year-old dog into her home and into her heart because it was the right thing to do.

      According to Betsy, her great-aunt had loved Puffy as if the dog were her own child. There was no way Betsy was letting her go to the pound or to a stranger. Ryan doubted any of the women he’d dated would make such a sacrifice.

      Even Adrianna.

      * * *

      It didn’t take long before they were both ready for bed. Betsy gave him a pair of pajamas she’d bought in case Keenan was ever able to visit. When she pushed them into his hands, Ryan accepted, knowing his friend wasn’t likely to use them.

      She went into her bedroom to change. When she came out, he did a double take. Flannel pajamas with feet? “I haven’t seen a pair of those since I was four years old.”

      Her cheeks turned bright pink. “They keep my feet warm.”

      “You’re not going to impress anyone wearing that getup to bed.”

      She lifted her chin in a defiant tilt. “You’re the only one I see here now, and I’m certainly not trying to impress you.”

      Despite her bravado, he could see that he’d hurt her feelings, which wasn’t his intent at all. The truth was, seeing her in such a getup made his fingers itch to take it off her, to see the creamy flesh beneath, to touch her, to kiss her all over....

      He pulled his thoughts up short. Seeing Adrianna and having such a pleasant conversation with her this evening must have sent his hormones surging.

      “I was just thinking of you and Tripp,” Ryan said. “Most guys like silky, sheer stuff.”

      “I appreciate your advice.” Her tone said she didn’t appreciate it at all. “But I think I can be trusted to handle my own love life. Good night, Ryan.”

      He sat on the top of the blankets she’d given him for his makeshift bed. “Don’t I get a good-night kiss?”

      Ryan expected her to say no. Possibly in a not-so-very-nice tone. Instead she crossed the room and kissed him on the lips, like she’d done earlier. Only this time she let her lips linger for an extra heartbeat. “Sleep tight.”

      “You, too,” he called out as she flicked off the lights and headed to her room.

      He crawled under the covers and pulled them up to his chin. Betsy might look like a sweet innocent, but she sure knew how to kiss.

      Tripp Randall, he thought to himself, better prepare to be dazzled.

      * * *

      Even though they’d been up late the night before, Puffy was ready to go outside at 7:00 a.m. Betsy tiptoed into the living room, holding the dog in her arms, hoping she wouldn’t wake Ryan.

      She cast a glance at the couch when she slipped past it. His hair was all mussed and stubble graced his lean cheeks. His eyes were shut and he was breathing easily. From the position of the covers, it looked as though he hadn’t moved a muscle all night.

      He was still sleeping by the time Betsy brought Puffy inside. She quickly fed the dog, then brought her back to bed. Once under the quilts, Puffy quickly fell back asleep. Betsy wasn’t so lucky.

      All she could think of was Ryan lying in the other room. When they’d begun the evening, she hadn’t been sure she’d get to see him today. Now here he was. In her apartment. Sleeping. With her.

      Well, not technically with her. He’d just happened to get stranded at her place. They’d had a good time last night. And she’d learned a lot.

      As they played the game, they’d started talking about the people they’d dated in the past. She hadn’t realized before then just how many women Ryan had dated and how many times he’d fancied himself in love. While he talked, her mind began counting up the women who at one time or another seemed like “the one” to him. It was a staggering number.

      In one way it was reassuring. Was he really in love with Adrianna? Or simply in love with being in love?

      It was also worrisome. What if he did fall in love with her? Would she always have to worry that he’d fall out of love as quickly as he fell into it?

      “We’re not even close to being at that point.” Betsy stroked Puffy’s soft fur. “There’s no need worrying about it...right?”

      The Pomeranian opened her eyes, stared at Betsy for a long moment, then licked her chin.

      Tears sprang to Betsy’s eyes. She couldn’t help it. Sometimes she felt so alone. Other than Adrianna, how long had it been since she’d had someone in her life? Someone she truly cared about?

      Keenan. But he was in prison.

      Aunt Agatha. She was dead.

      Ryan. Who considered her simply a means to an end.

      But she was going to change that, right? She was going to make him fall in love with her. Which wasn’t going to happen if he spent the rest of the morning in bed.

      “Time to get up,” she called out. “We’re going to—”

      The words died in her throat when she saw Ryan, all tall, dark and handsome, standing in the doorway to her bedroom, still in Keenan’s pajamas.

      “What are we going to do?” He stifled a yawn.

      Betsy’s heart fluttered in her chest. “I thought I’d make breakfast. Later, maybe we could build a snowman.”

      It had been an impulsive thought, and the second the words left Betsy’s mouth she wished she could pull them back. Even though her parka and mittens would keep her toasty warm no matter what the temperature, her cheeks would get chapped and her nose would turn a red that would rival Rudolph’s. Hardly a way to make an impression. She should take a clue from Adrianna. Her friend wouldn’t be caught dead playing in the snow.


      “Of course if you can’t stay or aren’t interested I completely understand,” she said quickly.

      “No, I’m interested.”

      Her heart nearly stopped when he crossed the room and sat on the bed. He rubbed his arms up and down with his hands. “Jeesh, it’s cold in here.”

      “I keep the temperature at fifty-eight,” Betsy admitted. “Saves on heating costs.”

      “I bet it does.”

      Before she knew what was happening he’d flung aside the covers and slipped into bed beside her. Puffy growled but moved over to make room for him.

      “What—what are you doing?” Betsy stammered.

      “What does it look like?” Ryan said. “I’m preventing myself from getting frostbite while we discuss our plans for the day.”

      “Oh.” Betsy forced herself to breathe. While a tad awkward, this was no different than sitting across the table from him talking over

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