The Billionaire's Legacy Collection. Кейт Хьюит

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The Billionaire's Legacy Collection - Кейт Хьюит

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she ever would.

      At least not to the same one he had swept her away from.

      ‘Where are we going?’ Abby asked as they took their seats and, because it was a private jet, in a matter of moments they were heading off. As they hit cruise level the flight attendants moved into the sleeping area and then the captain’s voice came on.

      ‘Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Di Sione, on your marriage. With a tailwind our flight will take approximately seven hours.’

      Matteo took her hand and led her to the sleeping area and the crew had done them proud.

      There were petals strewn on the bed and there was a feast of champagne and so many delicacies that for a moment she took her eye off the groom.

      There were cupcakes that looked like miniature wedding cakes but when Abby bit into one it was filled with a rich chocolate mousse.

      ‘Seven hours’ flying time,’ Matteo said and he took her in his arms. ‘Whatever will we do?’

      ‘Is this a mystery flight?’

      ‘No.’ Matteo shook his head. ‘We’re going to Paris, the city of romance. I think it’s time to make up for some lost time—neither of us have ever really dated. I’m going to put that right.’

      He put her whole world to rights and Abby did the same for him.

      ‘So no mystery,’ Matteo said. ‘It’s just the start of our adventure.’

      * * * * *

      Read on for an extract from SLEEPLESS IN MANHATTAN by Sarah Morgan.

      PAIGE STOOD FOR a moment, thinking how unpredictable life was.

      Who would have thought that herself, Eva and Frankie losing their jobs would have turned out so well?

      Urban Genie existed only because life had laid a twist in her path.

      Change had been forced on her, but it had proved to be a good thing.

      Instead of fighting it, she should embrace it.

      What had Jake said?

      Sometimes you have to let life happen.

      Maybe she should try to do that a bit more.

      And maybe one day she’d look back and realize that not being with Jake was the best thing that could have happened—because if she’d been with Jake she wouldn’t have met—


      Would she ever meet someone who made her feel the way Jake did?

      She stood leaning on the railing, gazing at the city she loved.

      The lights of Manhattan sparkled like a thousand stars against a midnight sky and now, finally, as the last of the guests made their way to the elevators, she allowed herself a moment to enjoy it.

      “Time to relax and celebrate, I think.”

      Jake’s voice came from behind her and she turned to find him holding two glasses of champagne. He handed her one. “To Urban Genie.”

      “I don’t drink while I’m working.” And while Jake was present this was definitely still work.

      She knew better than to lower her guard a second time.

      “The guests have gone. You’re no longer working. Your job is done.”

      “I’m not off duty until the clear-up has finished.” And then tomorrow would be the follow-up, the postmortem. Discussions on what they might have done differently. They’d unpick every part of the event and put it back together again. By the time they’d finished they’d have found every weak spot and strengthened it.

      “I don’t think one glass of champagne is going to impair your ability to supervise that. Congratulations.” He tapped his glass against hers. “Spectacular. Any new business leads?”

      “Plenty. First up is a baby shower next week. Not much time to prepare, but it’s a good event.”

      He winced. “A baby shower is good?”

      “Yes. Partly because the woman throwing it for her pregnant colleague is CEO of a fashion importer. But all business is good.”

      “Chase Adams is impressed. By tomorrow word will have got around that Urban Genie is the best event concierge company in Manhattan. Prepare to be busy.”

      “I’m prepared.”

      His praise warmed her. Her heart lifted.

      He stood next to her and the brush of his sleeve against her bare arm made her shiver.

      His gaze collided briefly with hers and she thought she saw a blaze of heat, but then he looked away and she did, too, her face burning.

      She was doing it again. Imagining things.

      And it had to stop.

      It had to stop right now.

      No more embarrassing herself. No more embarrassing him.

      She turned her head to look at him but he was staring straight ahead, his handsome face blank of expression.

      “Thank you,” she said.

      “For what?”

      “For asking us to do this. For giving us free rein and no budget. For trusting us. For inviting influential people and decision-makers. For making Urban Genie happen.” She realized how much she owed him. “I hate accepting help—”

      “I know, but that isn’t what happened here. You did it yourself, Paige.”

      “But I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you. I’m grateful. If you hadn’t suggested it, pushed me that night on the terrace, I wouldn’t have done it.” She breathed in. Now was as good a time as any to say everything that needed to be said. And if she said it aloud maybe it would help both of them. “There’s something else—” She saw him tense and felt a flash of guilt that he felt the need to be defensive around her. Definitely time to clear the air. “I owe you an apology.”

      “For what?”

      “For misreading the situation the other night. For making things awkward between us. I was...” She hesitated, trying to find the right words. “I guess you could say I was doing an Eva. I was looking for things that weren’t there. I was close to panic and you were trying to distract me. I understand that now. I don’t want you feeling that you have to avoid me, or be careful around me. I’d never want that. I—”

      “Don’t. Don’t apologize.”

      He gripped the railing and she noticed his knuckles were white.

      “I wanted to clear it up, that’s all. It was a kiss. Didn’t mean anything. Two people trapped in an elevator, one of whom was feeling vulnerable.” Shut up right now, Paige. “I know I’m not your type. I know you don’t have those feelings. I’m like your little sister. I get that. So—”

      “Oh, for— Seriously?” He interrupted her with a low growl and finally turned to face her. “After what happened the other night you really think I see you as a little sister? You think I could kiss you that way if I felt like that about you?”

      She stared at him, her heart drumming a rhythm against her chest. “I thought— You said— I thought you saw me that way.”

      “Yeah, well, I tried.” He gave a humorless laugh and drained his champagne in one mouthful. “God knows, I tried. I’ve done everything short of asking Matt for a baby photo of you and sticking that to my wall. Nothing works. And do you know why? Because I do have feelings, you’re not little and you’re not my damn sister.”

      Shock struck her like a bolt of lightning.

      They were the only two people left on the terrace. Just them and the Manhattan night.

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