The Chatsfield: Series 2. Кейт Хьюит

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The Chatsfield: Series 2 - Кейт Хьюит

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      She flushed as his gaze narrowed on her. He came closer and Keelin could sense the tension reaching out to touch her like the sharp end of a nail across her skin. This was a man who didn’t appreciate being messed with. And she’d been like a mouse teasing a lion for the past two days.

      She lifted her chin and avoided answering that question directly. ‘I’m sorry if you’ve been inconvenienced, but I have no intention of marrying you.’

      Gianni was grim. ‘And would you care to explain why you didn’t walk away when your father proposed this arrangement?’

      Not really. Keelin swallowed and crossed her arms defensively. There was no way she could physically move past Gianni. He seemed to take up all the space in the room. Hell. Eventually, with the utmost reluctance, she said, ‘If I walk away, then my father will effectively disown me.’

      The prickle of exposure to have said that out loud made her irritated now. She didn’t want to feel any vulnerability here in front of this man.

      Gianni mirrored her, folding his arms across his chest, making the muscles of his arms stand out against the cloth of his suit.

      ‘Need I point out that by marrying me you’ll become obscenely wealthy?’

      Keelin flushed, angry to be so aware of him. ‘It’s not about the money.’

      He arched a brow. ‘Could have fooled me. You spent a small fortune yesterday.’

      She felt slightly sick to think of it now. ‘That was just part of...’ She faltered and stopped. ‘I can send the clothes back.’

      His voice was cooler than the Arctic. ‘Don’t worry, my assistants are already in the process of doing that. So this was your grand plan? To try and convince me that you were entirely unsuitable?’

      Some of Keelin’s anger drained away. ‘In a nutshell, yes.’ She felt supremely foolish now to have underestimated Gianni so much.

      He snorted derisively. ‘You thought that if you could make me believe you were the total opposite of what I wanted, then I’d show you the door?’

      Keelin looked at him, determined not to let him intimidate her. ‘You have to admit it, you had doubts.’

      As if Gianni Delucca would admit such a thing. And then he took the wind out of her sails, saying, ‘You’re not the only one who did some digging.’

      Keelin’s stomach dropped. She’d been afraid of this but tried to brazen it out, unconsciously tossing her hair over her shoulder. ‘And?’

      His gaze became speculative. ‘Surprisingly enough in spite of your teenage fits of rebellion no photographic evidence showed up of you behaving as the vacuous socialite you’d have me believe you are.

      ‘What did turn up,’ he continued, ‘was evidence of a model student in college, recently graduating with flying colours.’

      Once again the memory stung of all her friends celebrating with their adoring families while she’d had no one there for her. The momentary self-pity mocked her and added a bitter twinge to her voice. ‘Don’t let that fool you, Gianni, it served a purpose. If I’m to take over my family business some day I’m not so arrogant as to assume I don’t need any preparation.’

      Another derisive-sounding snort. ‘You take over O’Connor’s? A global company?’

      Keelin saw red. ‘Just because I’m a woman—’

      Gianni cut her off with ice-cold precision. ‘It has nothing to do with you being a woman. Some of the best CEOs in the world are women. It has to do with the fact that you have zero experience and seem to think it should be handed to you on a platter.’

      The unfairness of Gianni’s attack made something hot prickle behind Keelin’s eyelids. Aghast that he might see how high her emotions were and afraid of what might come out of her mouth, she whirled around and went to stand at a nearby window, arms even tighter across her chest. She felt intimidated and cornered. Misunderstood.

      When she was more in control she turned around again and it was as if she was seeing Gianni for the first time. His sheer dark good looks and charisma reached out almost like a taunt.

      ‘You don’t get it, Delucca. My father believes that because I’m a woman I’m not entitled to inherit my place in the family business. All I’ve ever wanted is a chance to prove to him that I’m capable of being his heir. That’s the only reason I agreed to this farcical arrangement, because he literally gave me no other choice. But I have no intention of going through with it, and you are going to be the one to call it off, or so help me I’ll attract all the attention you don’t want in a convenient wife.’

      Danger crackled in the air between them but Keelin fought not to back down.

      Gianni sneered faintly. ‘You expect me to walk away from the deal of a lifetime because you’re too scared to stand up to Daddy Dearest?’

      Keelin gritted out, ‘He’s not my Daddy Dearest, far from it.’

      She realised she was breathing heavily and that her blood was high. Damn this man for pushing her buttons and making her blurt everything out.

      Gianni’s narrowed gaze was far too assessing, and then he said silkily, ‘Perhaps you should have this discussion with your father when you see him this evening?’

      Keelin felt her blood go cold. ‘My father? What are you talking about?’

      Tension stretched between them, as brittle as glass.

      ‘I’ve arranged an engagement party for this evening in The Harrington’s penthouse suite. It’ll be an intimate exclusive party to introduce you to my friends and business associates.’

      Keelin’s heart thumped hard. Once. Her mouth felt dry. ‘Since when?’

      Gianni looked all too innocent and yet as sinful as the devil. ‘Oh, I’m sorry, bella, did I not mention it before now?’

      ‘No,’ she responded tightly as dread skittered over her skin that he was turning the tables on her, and at the thought of this being made public. Official. ‘You didn’t.’

      Gianni smiled and it was the smile of a shark. ‘Please forgive me. It must have escaped my attention. Your beauty continues to—how do you say in English?—divert me...’

      The compliment rang hollow with insincerity, and she was nothing like his usual women. He spoke English better than she did. But it was effective enough to bring back the memory of the throbbing beat of the music in the club and the feel of Gianni’s tongue sliding into her mouth with carnal intent, the way his body had felt against hers.

      She blurted out, ‘Why are you doing this?’

      Gianni ignored her question and since when had he moved closer? Now only a couple of feet separated them, his arms down by his sides. Keelin felt hot.

      ‘Both your parents will be there. Our guests of honour. They fly in this evening. They’re staying at The Harrington. Your mother said something about wanting to see the plans for the ceremony and the reception.’

      Keelin’s brain froze. She looked into those fathomless dark eyes that were utterly guileless and yet not. Vulnerability hit her right between the eyes at the thought of her parents suddenly showing a level of support and interest that had never existed until now. And at the thought that Gianni was colluding with them, which of course he was. So why was she feeling a bizarre dart of hurt?

      ‘How dare you do this without consulting me?’

      Colour slashed Gianni’s cheeks and Keelin felt something else vibrate in the air between them, something much more physical.

      ‘I dare because you were hell-bent on making me a laughing stock and that is not going to happen.’

      Frustration mounted inside Keelin to have him so baldly lay out how helpless

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