Introduction To Romance (10 Books). Кэрол Мортимер

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Introduction To Romance (10 Books) - Кэрол Мортимер

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how’re you doing? Is something wrong with your bike?”

      It was all she could do not to wince at her own inanity. Seriously, Genna? That’s the best you can come up with? She gave herself a mental slap upside the head as if it’d knock her back to normal. Normal Genna had no problem talking. And she’d spent the last three months practicing her flirting skills for an opportunity like this.

      One where it was just her and Brody. Alone. Together.

      Time to put all that practice to good use.

      “You came to ask about my bike?”

      “I came to visit with you,” she corrected, taking another one of those deep breaths. His gaze didn’t drop to her chest, though, so she let it out. No point hyperventilating. It wasn’t going to make her breasts any bigger.


      “Why not? You’re a friend of my brother’s. You’re over at our place all the time.” An exaggeration, since he’d been over maybe three times in the last year. Sheriff Reilly didn’t care for troublemakers on his property. But that was beside the point. “You never visit with me, though. I figure it’s because Joe’s such an attention hog. My mom says he takes the title ‘son’ in the wrong way, figuring the whole universe revolves around him.”

      She grinned, waiting for him to join her. When he just stared, those gold eyes intent and cautious, she dimmed the smile a little. Obviously friendliness wasn’t something he was overly familiar with. No point scaring him.

      “And tonight I was out and about, and saw a light on.” She gestured to the bulb swinging overhead with its halo of moths. “Since Joe’s not around, I figured why not stop by and say hi.”

      “If Joe were here, you wouldn’t have bothered?” He looked around, then spying the portable phone, grabbed it. To call her brother?

      Genna’s lips twitched. Wasn’t he the gentleman? That’s what was so fascinating about him, though. He didn’t play the games boys her age did. From what she could tell, he didn’t play games at all.

      “Do you ever smile?” She wanted to see those lips turn upward and his gaze light up almost as much as she wanted to feel his mouth on hers and his eyes filled with desire.

      He didn’t respond. Just tucked his phone into his back pocket, crossed his arms over that sexy chest and stared.

      “You gonna tell me why you’re here? You lose a bet or something?”

      Won a dare. But he didn’t need to know that.

      “I’ll tell you as soon as you smile,” she teased, stepping farther into the garage. She was hit with the scent of hot concrete, metal and oil she associated with car repair, and something else. Something earthy and appealing.

      Soap. And man. Her belly quivered and her thighs trembled.


      The sound of her name on his lips sent shivers through her, eliminating every niggling doubt or cautionary concern.

      Leaving only excitement and desire.

      “Actually, I’m here to seduce you,” she blurted out. As if her words were gasoline on a fire, the already sultry air flared even hotter.


      She was ready to get hot and wild.

      * * *


      Brody Lane had been in trouble plenty of times in his life. So many, it’d be easier to count the times he hadn’t been in trouble.

      But he’d never been as screwed as he was right now.

      He was smart enough to know that.

      What he wasn’t was smart enough to know how to get himself out of it.

      Genna Reilly.

      Sugar-sweet and wickedly exotic.

      The popular, preppy princess who got good grades, cheered at games and helped old ladies across the street.

      About as opposite Brody’s type as an eighty-year-old nun.

      And the star of four out of five of his sexual fantasies.

      A problem considering that at the tender age of seventeen, she was pure jailbait.

      And so off-limits, she should be wrapped in barbed wire and sporting an alarm button.

      Nobody messed with Sheriff Reilly’s little girl.


      And nobody’d have to be a total dumbass to not only cross that line, but to mess with Joe Reilly’s little sister. The sheriff was a mean son of a bitch, but Joe was meaner. He didn’t believe in letting a silly thing like the law get in his way.

      Joe’s mean side rarely bothered Brody.

      Unless he was facing the possibility of having all that mean aimed his way.

      Smart thinking said shoo Genna right back out of his garage and out to the very edges of his life again. The edge where she only showed up on the opposite side of the street from time to time. And in his hot, sweaty dreams every night.

      “Are you gonna offer me a beer?” she asked, tilting her head toward the six-pack minus one he’d left in the cooler.

      “You’re underage.”

      Eyes rounded in amusement, she gestured to the one he’d cracked open an hour ago, then forgot about after one swig.

      “Pot, meet kettle?”

      Brody’s lips twitched. Damn, she had a smart mouth.

      A very sexy, pouty-lipped smart mouth.

      One he spent way too much time fantasizing over.

      One he’d worked damned hard to ignore.

      “I’m not aiding and abetting underage drinking,” he said with a shrug. He didn’t mind the hypocrite label. He’d sported worse. And he didn’t think Genna, with any fewer inhibitions than she had already, was good for his peace of mind.

      “So why are you here again?” he asked with his darkest glower. “Because we both know you’re not the seducing kind.”

      He wanted to shove her out the door. Except that’d require touching her. So maybe he could mean her out instead. It always worked for his old man. The guy opened his nasty mouth and cleared a room in less than a minute.

      “Why am I here?” she repeated, clearly buying time as she wet her lips and took a nervous breath. The move sent the ruffles of her halter fluttering in a way Brody had no business noticing. “I’m here because of a dare.”

      Figured. Brody crossed his arms over his chest.

      “You’re here to use me?”

      Her lower lip dropped, then jutted out in a pout. He didn’t figure she had the experience to realize just how freaking sexy that move was.

      He did, though.

      His rapidly hardening dick echoed its agreement.

      “I wouldn’t use you.”

      “No? So you came in here to talk to the bad boy of Bedford because you were craving my scintillating conversation?”

      She started to giggle, then pressed her lips together, her face so amused she looked as if she were going to burst at any second.

      “What?” he prodded with a growl.

      “You said scintillating.”

      “Yeah? So? I know how to read, too.” Damn, he hated this town. Everyone—even the sexy wannabe seductress in front of him—thought they had him so figured out. Labeled and dismissed, they never looked past his last name.

      Hell, Genna’s own brother, Joe, was way worse

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