One Night Of Consequences Collection. Annie West

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One Night Of Consequences Collection - Annie West

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blanket. It kept her from making mistakes—or being surprised by things. If her own mother had crossed every t and dotted every i maybe she wouldn’t have been so shocked when her father had left them and never came back. Maybe she would have been more prepared.

      ‘He left me when I needed him the most,’ she said, wondering why that still had the capacity to hurt. She’d got over that as well, hadn’t she? ‘How could I ever trust him with Nadeena? With me?’

      ‘That’s definitely a black mark against him. But you have to think of what’s best for Nadeena now.’

      Imogen chewed on her lower lip so hard she tasted blood. ‘I’m what is best for Nadeena. He’s nothing more than a playboy prince who comes and goes as he pleases and gets whatever he wants.’ Imogen steeled her heart, more resolved than ever to resist him. ‘I won’t let Nadeena have my childhood and that’s all Nadir can offer.’

      They talked for a few minutes more, with Minh promising to call her boss and tell him that she wouldn’t be in over the next couple of days, and then Imogen focused on getting Nadeena to sleep.

      Her conversation with Minh had unsettled her. She’d wanted him to tell her that Nadir was a rat bastard but all he’d done was say things that had flashed across her own mind, which left her more conflicted than ever.

      She knew giving in to his demand that she marry him would ultimately end in tears. Most likely Nadeena’s. And quite possibly her own. In frustration, if nothing else!


      IN THE END it took her an hour to put Nadeena to sleep and when she went looking for Nadir she wasn’t expecting to find him barefoot and shirtless with a dark-haired woman bending over his lap.

      The sight shocked her and suddenly a long-lost memory of her fifteen-year-old self flew into her mind. She’d been with a bunch of friends on a school excursion when they had come across her father in a passionate embrace with a woman who wasn’t her mother. The woman’s hands had been in her father’s hair, his hand close to her breast, his mouth devouring hers. Imogen had been stunned. Sickened. The girls with her had giggled nervously and her father hadn’t even looked contrite. He’d scowled at her and asked her why she wasn’t in school. God, she hadn’t remembered that in years.

      The woman in the white abaya straightened and Imogen saw she was holding an empty silver tray and a tumbler of Scotch sat on the low table beside the sofa.

      Imogen did a double-take when she realised that the woman was a servant who was now retreating from the room. Her mind had put two and two together and come up with ten. Maybe she was more tired than she’d realised...

      ‘You must be Imogen?’

      Whirling around at the sound of a deep male voice, Imogen saw a man bearing a striking resemblance to Nadir standing over by the keyhole windows. He looked tall and imposing in his traditional white robes and matching headdress and Imogen knew that there was no way she would have missed him if she hadn’t been so riveted by the sight of Nadir’s impressive chest.

      ‘Imogen, this is my brother, Zachim. Zach, this is Imogen.’

      Zachim nodded, his eyes glinting amber-gold in the softly lit room as he regarded her. ‘I remember you from the dance hall and it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.’

      Feeling trapped by her pent-up emotions and unsure what Nadir had told him, Imogen was uncertain as to how to proceed. It seemed highly improper to let rip with the frustration and angst clawing at the inside of her throat and yet she didn’t want to wait till morning to discuss things with Nadir. It seemed important to do so now. ‘I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to interrupt. Perhaps you can let me know when you’re free.’

      ‘I thought you were going to bed?’

      The easy familiarity with which Nadir spoke to her in front of his brother made her instantly defensive. ‘Why—because you told me to?’

      ‘No. Because you look like you’re about to fall over with exhaustion.’

      Imogen glared at Nadir and felt even worse when his brother cleared his throat discreetly from behind her. ‘I think I should leave you both alone.’

      ‘No, please.’ She was horrified at what he must think of her. ‘I didn’t mean to interrupt you.’

      Prince Zachim smiled but it was weary. ‘You didn’t. My brother is being his usual obstinate self. Maybe you can talk some sense into him. He won’t listen to me.’

      Imogen was about to say that Nadir didn’t listen to her either when he rose from the sofa and the sight of all those hard muscles rippling across his abdomen as he moved made the words fly out of her head.

      ‘I’m not going to change my mind, Zach.’

      ‘It’s your birthright.’

      ‘If you’re feeling guilty about taking something from me then don’t. I don’t want anything to do with Bakaan.’

      ‘Nadir, I know you’re still angry about the past but—’

      Nadir made a motion with his hand that cut his brother off. ‘Goodnight, Zach.’

      Zachim scowled. ‘All right, Nadir, You win this round.’

      ‘Hallelujah.’ Nadir’s voice held no enthusiasm and Imogen wondered what it was Nadir was still angry about and what exactly Zach was taking from him.

      ‘I have to fly to the mountains early tomorrow,’ Zachim said as he turned to go. ‘But I’ll be back by noon.’

      ‘I’ll be waiting.’

      Zachim gave her a weary smile. ‘Lovely to meet you, Imogen. I’m not sure if I should congratulate you on your impending marriage to my brother or offer commiserations.’ His smile held a touch of irony. ‘But I definitely look forward to getting to know you and to meeting my niece over lunch tomorrow.’

      Imogen smiled warmly. As handsome and dashing as he was, this brother didn’t tie her insides up in knots like Nadir did. ‘I look forward to it.’

      Zach looked back at Nadir as if he wanted to say more but Nadir gave him a faint smile. ‘Give it up, Zach. You’re perfect for the role and you know it. And stop flirting with my fiancé.’


      His name left her lips in an appalled reprimand but Zach just laughed heartily.

      ‘You might not like being back in Bakaan, brother, but I like you being here’

      * * *

      Nadir watched his brother give him a mocking salute and stride out of the room and knew that he was doing the right thing in giving Zach the leadership role. They had different mothers and therefore vastly different experiences of their father and their homeland. And it wasn’t just anger or resentment at the past that stopped Nadir wanting to be the next King; it was also the painful memories that haunted him every time he was here. It was the sense of guilt his brother would never understand because Nadir had never told him of the cowardly role he’d played in his mother and sister’s deaths. The feelings of shame and ineptitude. A feeling of emptiness.

      If he’d thought the people of Bakaan really needed him, if he thought he could add some value Zach couldn’t as leader then he might do it. But the fact was Zach was a capable military leader and was perfect for the job.

      ‘I apologise if I ruined your conversation with your brother. It wasn’t my intention.’

      He eyed Imogen still standing in the middle of the room and picked up his Scotch, hoping it would distract him from his bleak thoughts. He knew a way she could distract him as well but he didn’t think she’d be as biddable as the Scotch. Unfortunately. ‘You didn’t; he was leaving anyway.’

      She chewed the inside

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