The Heart of a Cowboy. Charlene Sands

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The Heart of a Cowboy - Charlene Sands

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      There’d be no more nights of love and no more sweet embraces.

      The only thing she had to look forward to was the arrival of the baby. That would be enough to see her through long lonely nights.

      On the way home, Case pulled up to the Beckman Bridle Homes trailer located just outside of Prescott. The sign out front showed a planned community with a country club, golf course and boasted five hundred new “bridle path homes.” Hell, every damn ranch within a twenty-mile radius was a bridle path home. And if the path wasn’t there, you simply mounted your cow pony and etched one out of the land.

      “Case, what are you doing here?” Sarah asked.

      “I was thinking I’d go in there and give those land agents a piece of my mind.”

      “I don’t think they’ll come around again.”

      “Look at that sign, Sarah,” he said, gesturing toward the large painted signpost. “Doesn’t appear to me that they’re going to give up. Looks as though they got this whole thing planned and nothing’s going to stop them. I heard that five ranches have already agreed to their terms.”

      “Case, I can’t say as I blame them. The smaller ranches haven’t turned a profit in years. Those folks were just barely holding on. The offer came at a good time for them.”

      “And what about McPherson’s barn? Don’t folks care that these people they’re selling to have no compunction?”

      “I know it seems suspicious, Case, but we have no proof that Beckman Corporation had anything to do with that fire. Could have been an accident.”

      He scoffed at that. Case was certain that barn burned down because of foul play. He wasn’t going to let anything like that happen at the Triple R. He doubted the corporation would buckle under just because one woman lifted a rifle and shooed their agent off the property. Brave as she was, Sarah just didn’t have it in her to truly intimidate another living soul. That Merriman fella probably just decided to leave the pregnant woman be and find another approach.

      “Besides, Case. It looks like they’re closed for the day.”

      Case did a cursory glance and found Sarah to be right. Everything looked locked up good and tight as the small Closed sign on the far right window indicated.

      “Yeah, guess you’re right.” Case would have to deal with them later. It was best Sarah not be around when he did. He wouldn’t want her to get upset if things got ugly.

      Case drove off slowly, noting Sarah putting her hand on her abdomen. “Everything okay?” he asked, peering at her from the corner of his eye.

      A warm smile graced her face. “Yeah, just fine, Case. The baby is moving a whole lot.”

      Case swallowed a lump in his throat. He’d never been the sentimental type, but seeing Sarah so at peace, enjoying the movements of that little babe, twisted something in his gut.

      “He gets fidgety this time of night,” Sarah said softly.

      “Does it hurt, with him moving around like that?” Heck, it wasn’t as if there was lots of room in there.

      “No, doesn’t hurt at all. Oh,” she said sharply, then smiled, “but he’s very active. I think he just kicked my ribs.”

      “And that doesn’t hurt?”

      “Well, it’s a good kind of pain and doesn’t last long.”

      Case nodded and returned his focus to the road. He had a lot to learn about babies. Tonight, he’d read through the brochure Dr. Michaels had given him.

      They drove on in silence. Case noticed Sarah yawning several times. She’d had a long tiring day. He probably shouldn’t have insisted they stop to eat, but sometimes he forgot that she needed more rest than usual.

      The sun set on the horizon and it was dark by the time Case pulled up to the house. About fifteen minutes earlier, Sarah had fallen asleep, her head lodging uncomfortably against the truck’s window. He hated to wake her, but darn it, she’d get a kink in her neck from the way she’d fallen asleep.

      Quietly Case slid his body next to her. “Sarah,” he whispered, “we’re home.”

      Sarah didn’t budge.

      “Sarah,” he repeated a little louder. He put his arm around her shoulder and gently shook her.

      “Mmmm,” she murmured and turned into his arms. Drugged by sleep, Sarah rested her head onto his chest and snuggled in. Golden strands of hair tickled his hand in a silken caress. Case sat there a moment, uncertain as to what to do. He listened to her deep breaths, taking in the flowery scent that was Sarah’s alone.

      “Sarah,” he whispered again, but she didn’t respond at all this time. The woman was definitely out.

      Case folded his arm around her, holding her against him, letting her sleep. He forced himself to relax and lean back a little bit. Sarah flowed against him, but didn’t stir.

      She wouldn’t like this, if she knew. But hell, Case had tried to wake her, several times. The woman was tired and needed her sleep. Case decided to enjoy this secret time with her. How long had he dreamt of holding her this way? Of taking her into his arms, and kissing her until kissing wasn’t enough? He’d wanted Sarah for so long, he’d had to banish her from his thoughts at night so he could get some sleep. And now, he held her in his arms, as he’d always imagined.

      Case wouldn’t torture himself with those thoughts. He couldn’t have Sarah. She had no use for him in her life. He’d made a promise to Reid to watch out for her and the baby. He’d lay down his life doing that, but Case knew that’s all it would ever be. He couldn’t compete with his brother’s memory. For all he knew Sarah was still in love with Reid. At least that’s the uneasy feeling he got every time she looked at him, as though she was disappointed that he wasn’t Reid.

      Maybe Sarah felt the wrong brother had been taken. Hell, Case rode around with that guilt, too. He was the one with the dangerous profession. Busting broncs nearly took out his eye and crushed his cheekbone, but ironically it was Reid who’d been injured in a nightmarish accident that eventually took his life. If Case had been here at the ranch, helping out, maybe Reid wouldn’t have died.

      In his heart Case believed Sarah would never look at him and see him clearly, for the man he truly was. He’d let her believe him to be a scoundrel for so long she’d never have any other opinion of him. Perhaps it was better that way.

      When Sarah flinched, Case peered sharply down at her belly. He could see ripples, a small tide of movement. His better sense gave way to desire. Case laid his hand carefully on Sarah’s stomach. A little flutter, then a jolt met with his hand. The baby had spunk. Case stifled a chuckle, but a smile split his face wide open. No doubt, this child was a Jarrett.

      A miracle lay under his fingertips. Case sat in wonder, holding the woman he wanted, feeling new life reach up and touch him. He closed his eyes and a deep sense of peace, of tranquillity, of something stronger he didn’t dare name, washed over him. For a moment, he knew how Sarah must feel, carrying this child, nurturing it with all the love she had in her heart. Case brushed a soft kiss on Sarah’s forehead.

      And wished she’d sleep in his arms all night long.

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