Very Truly Sexy. Dawn Atkins

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Very Truly Sexy - Dawn  Atkins

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heels. AJ had seen right through to her inner librarian.

      “Don’t apologize. The contradictions suit you.”

      His scrutiny and flattery unnerved her, so she decided to joke away the feeling. “Excellent. I’m completely charmed. And what’s my line? ‘No one’s ever noticed that about me before’?”

      “You’re catching on,” he said, but a flicker in his eyes told her she’d hurt his feelings.

      “I’m sorry. I guess I’m not good at this.”

      “At what?”

      “You know. Snappy repartee, flirting, all that. I prefer to be more direct. I like people to say what they mean.”

      “Me, too.”

      “But you’re good at the other. You were great with the waitress, and that dropped-pen bit with me was very fresh.”

      “I guess that’s a compliment?”

      “Absolutely. I’m just interested in how this all works.”

      “Why is that?”

      She couldn’t exactly answer that, but she could come close. And get some data on the male point of view on dating. If she wasn’t going to sleep with the guy, she could at least interview him. “The thing is, I haven’t dated in a while. I’m kind of, well, rusty. So, I have questions about the whole process.”

      “You haven’t dated for a while, huh?”

      “No. I was in a relationship that ended. And I’ve been out of, um, circulation for quite a while.”

      “Our loss, I would say. Speaking for men in general.”

      “Thanks. So, can I ask you about how all this works?”

      He seemed amused by her question. “It’s not like I’m an expert, but ask away.”

      “Great.” She wiggled into her seat, feeling better wearing her reporter hat. “Here goes. How do you decide what to say first when you want to meet a woman?”

      He shrugged. “It depends on the woman and the situation.”

      “No tired lines, right, like, ‘Did it hurt much when you fell out of heaven’?”

      “Hell, no. That’s for amateurs.” He winked, clearly teasing her. “The first line is just to break the ice. It should be funny or intriguing and certainly not sexual.”

      “Too offensive, right?”

      “Exactly. And the first line isn’t make-or-break. It’s the second line that counts. By the second line, you’ve got a conversation on your hands.”

      “Oh, very true.” She wished she could flip on her tape recorder, or at least take notes. “So, how do you figure out what to talk about in that conversation?”

      “It varies. Say I’m at the airport and I see a woman I want to get to know. I might ask her about the book she’s reading, or how she likes her laptop, whatever seems natural. Assuming I’m not intruding. You pick up the vibe if someone would rather enjoy her privacy than talk.”

      “I see what you mean.” That would be her he was talking about—the woman giving off privacy vibes. Except even she might succumb to AJ’s overtures. Something about him made her feel comfortable, as if she’d known him for years, instead of moments.

      “Okay, here’s something I’m curious about…” She paused, wondering if she dared ask the question flashing in her head. Oh, what the hell. “How often do these encounters lead to more? A date…and um…?”

      “You mean sex?” He grinned again. “Depends on the chemistry, on how we both feel.” His smile faded and he became thoughtful. “Lately, not often, to tell you the truth. I’ve been traveling a lot and just haven’t been that interested.”

      “I can imagine.” Darn. That meant tonight would be just talking. But that was good, too. She had something for her column, at least—“pickup lines and possibilities.” But would that be racy enough to dazzle Will and the VP at Man’s Man?

      “Until I saw you and your kitty barrette, that is,” AJ said, startling her. “You’ve got me very interested.”

      “I do? You are?” Little, fizzy sparklers began to sting her stomach. She took a big gulp of her drink to put them out. Except the drink was nastily sweet. She made a face.

      “Try this.” AJ handed over his Scotch.

      She took a swallow, but it was too much and too strong and she choked.

      He leaned across the table to pat her back. “You okay? I didn’t mean to shock you.”

      She nodded, gasping for air. “F-fine.”

      “You like people to be direct, right? To say what they mean?”


      “Okay. I want to take you to bed, Beth.”

      Her entire body went electric. She couldn’t believe her luck. She’d not only met a hot man in a bar, but also not fifteen minutes into the conversation, he’d asked her to sleep with him. This was way easier than even Sara had said. She must have stepped into some magic wish-fulfillment time warp. The Em Zone. Maybe the universe wanted her to keep her column.

      “Beth?” AJ said. “You okay?”

      “Yes. Very. I’m better than okay. So, you want to…?”

      “Take you to bed? Very much. So, are you interested?” His eyes flared with heat.

      Even though she hadn’t even dreamed she’d get this far, she’d come prepared. At Sara’s suggestion, she had a pre-pasted travel toothbrush and a selection of condoms—ribbed, flavored and ultrathin—in her handbag.

      Even more amazing, she did want this man, with his intense eyes and easy smile, square jaw and warm hands. Her whole body lifted with the pleasurable possibility of being with him. It wasn’t because of her sex column or Sara’s challenge, either. She just wanted him. From somewhere deep inside, where she wasn’t nervous or embarrassed or clumsy. Where she knew what she wanted and why, and exactly how to get it.

      But could she do it? It could be a disaster. Awkward and awful. Or it could be heaven.

      “If this isn’t a good time, don’t feel pressured,” AJ said, seeming to pick up on her doubts. “I’m just telling you that I’m available. And you should know that you could crook your finger and get every unmarried guy in here—and some of the married ones—into your bed or anywhere else you wanted them.”

      “That’s kind of you.” The man had managed to read and erase her doubts in one sentence. She wanted to kiss him in gratitude.

      “It’s all true.”

      How could she pass up a man like this? A chance like this? She wasn’t a coward or a quitter. She was going for it, dammit.

      “Actually, AJ, I think I am interested. I would like to, um, go to, uh, bed with you. I think.” Her face flamed.

      “You sound like you just accepted a dangerous assignment.” His eyes twinkled at her, inviting her to loosen up. “As always, Mr. Phelps, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions.”

      She laughed. “Like I said, I haven’t dated in a while. And meeting a man like this and…pursuing something so fast…well…it’s just…”

      “I’m out of practice, too, if that makes you feel better.”

      Out of practice? She’d never done it. But she wasn’t about to admit that. At least not right off the bat. “So, good then. We’re together on this.” She bit her lip. “So I guess now we should go up to your room?”

      AJ covered both

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