The Bridesmaid's Best Man. Susanna Carr

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The Bridesmaid's Best Man - Susanna Carr

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Cheryl said before she hurried away.

      Cole gently tipped Heidi’s head back to keep the airways open. He went still when he cupped her head. Angie was immediately aware of his wariness. That was one thing she wished had disappeared since they broke up. She was too aware of him. She knew the instant when his mood shifted. He would show no change in expression but somehow she knew.

      She leaned over Heidi and blocked Cole’s face from the crowd. “What is it?” she asked.

      He pulled his hand away. She saw the dark stain on his fingers. “Blood.”

      “What did she fall on?” She examined the table next to Heidi. There was no blood on the white tablecloth.

      Cole’s expression was grim. He leaned forward to whisper in her ear. “I think she got hit.”

      “With what?” She glanced around. All the tables and chairs were in place. The metallic vases were upright and not a flower was out of place. The drinking glasses were plastic. She had no idea what could be used as a weapon.

      “This isn’t happening,” Brittany wailed as she stomped off. “I should have known Heidi would do this to me.”

      Robin ran over to her and wrapped her arms around Brittany’s shoulders. “It’s going to be okay.”

      “How can you say that?” Brittany started to cry. “My party is ruined.”

      Angie rolled her eyes and moved closer to recheck Heidi’s pulse. “Remind me never to be around Brittany when there’s an emergency.”

      “I recommend staying clear when she finds out one of her friends did this.”

      * * *

      COLE SQUINTED AS he checked out the strip club. The building was a lot different when all the lights were on and the music stopped. The paramedics had left with Heidi on a stretcher and now the place felt barren and deserted. The white tablecloths and colorful flower arrangements couldn’t hide the utilitarian setting.

      “Anything else?” he asked Linda, the first officer on the scene. He remembered her from the force. Sometimes he missed the camaraderie at the police station. He missed having a partner. Having backup.

      “Yeah, I really like the outfit, Foster,” Linda said as she tapped her pen against her notebook. “It’s so you.”

      He crossed his arms and glared at her. He couldn’t wait to get out of these leather pants and put a shirt on. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ve already heard it from the other guys. I’m sure all the customers are curious about how I know everyone.”

      “They can think you’re friends with a few guys in law enforcement. Get over it. We have more important concerns. Now let me go over this statement again.”

      Cole took a deep breath. Linda was right. It didn’t matter if they found out he was an ex-cop or a private investigator. He needed to know what happened to Heidi. It bothered him that he got distracted and she was injured on his watch.

      “So,” Linda began as she perused her notes, “you were giving a lap dance.”

      He pressed his lips together. “I was undercover.”

      She raised her eyebrows. “To your ex-girlfriend.”

      “She’s a bridesmaid.” He glanced over to Angie. She was sitting alone, her arms and legs crossed, her face tilted away from the rest of the guests. She was quiet and thoughtful while the others chatted or used their cell phones.

      “And the lap dance was how long?”

      “I wasn’t keeping track.” Cole spotted Linda holding back a smile. He winced. He was never going to hear the end of this. “What hospital is the victim going to? I should notify her family.”

      The woman’s smile disappeared and she gave a nod, sliding back into her professional demeanor. “I’ll find out and get back to you.”

      “Thanks.” He gestured back to where they had found Heidi on the floor. “What do you think happened?”

      Linda shrugged. “I think drinking and high heels don’t mix.”

      He shook his head. “I don’t think that’s it. Something is not right.”

      “You suspect foul play? Because I don’t see that. I see it as bad luck. Is there something about your case that you’re not sharing?”

      “It’s about the angle that she fell. We found her face-first but her injury was on the back of her head. And why didn’t she break her fall with her hands?”

      “That doesn’t necessarily mean someone hurt her.” Linda pocketed her notepad and stepped away. “We’ll find out more when she regains consciousness.”

      Cole rubbed his hands over his face. He had found Heidi two weeks ago and had been investigating her life. He wished he had more answers.

      He turned and walked over to Angie. He paused in midstep. Was that wise? She was distracting him. It would be best to talk to the other women and to ignore her presence.

      No, he couldn’t do that. He quietly sat down next to Angie. He wasn’t sure what to say but he wanted to be there for her. He knew what she was like after a scare or an emergency. She did what needed to be done and then her adrenaline kicked in. He wanted to keep watch over her.

      “Why are you sitting all the way over here?” he asked. Angie was always friendly and could talk to anyone about anything. He always liked that about her and wished he could be the same. It was a skill he had to develop for his job but it didn’t come easy.

      “I’m about ready to tackle Brittany if she doesn’t shut up,” she answered. “I’d rather not do it in front of the police.”

      Yes, he’d made the right decision. He would have to watch her closely or she would let her emotions get the best of her.

      “Don’t you find it weird that Brittany hasn’t shown any concern for Heidi?” Cole asked as he watched the bride-to-be pace the floor. “All she’s worried about is whether this affects her wedding ceremony.”

      “You never know how someone will react in a stressful situation,” Angie said. She paused and glanced at him. “But, honestly, I expected this from Brittany.”

      “Why?” Brittany wailed as she sat down with a thump. Several women rushed over to pull her back up. “Why did she have to have an accident right before the wedding?”

      “Does she expect you to go over there?” Cole asked. “You are a bridesmaid. Isn’t taking care of her one of your duties?”

      “Not going to happen,” Angie said. “What did the police say about Heidi? Was it an accident?”

      “The police are treating it as one. I can’t say that it wasn’t.” He hoped it was an accident. If someone harmed her, he had no evidence of motive or means.

      “I warned her not to wear those heels!” Brittany’s voice rang through the club.

      “Great, now she’s revising history.” Angie slid down in her chair. “You may have to hold me back.”

      He knew it was all talk. Angie could take down a man twice her size but the only time he’d seen her use those skills was in the bedroom. Cole smiled as he remembered those lighthearted moments and the hot sex that came after. He shifted restlessly in his seat and tried to focus on something else. “How do you know she’s not telling the truth?”

      “Brittany told Heidi to buy those shoes,” Angie said. “We were at the mall picking up last-minute stuff for the party.”

      Cole watched the police leave the scene. “Seems like everyone can go home now. I can finally get out of these leather pants.”

      “And this bachelorette party from hell has officially ended.” She tensed beside him. “Brittany is coming over here. I will not be held accountable

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