The Best Of The Year - Modern Romance 2016. Кейт Хьюит

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The Best Of The Year - Modern Romance 2016 - Кейт Хьюит

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face animated below her halo of red curls. Benito was pedalling his trike doggedly in front of them, ignoring the fact that the deep gravel on the path made cycling a challenge for a little boy.

      Sarah was four years old and took after her mother in looks and her father in nature. She already knew all her numbers, was very much a thinking child and tended to look after her little brother in a bossy way. Benito was two, dark of hair and eye and as lively as a jumping bean. He was on the go from dawn to dusk and generally fell asleep during his bedtime story in his father’s arms.

      Sometimes, or at least until she looked at her expanding family, Poppy found it hard to credit that she had been married for five years. Gaetano might have been a late convert to family life but he had taken to it like the proverbial duck to water. He adored his children and rushed home to be with them and it was thanks to his persuasion that Poppy was carrying their third child. Third and last, she had told him firmly even though she liked the way their family had developed. In retrospect she was glad they hadn’t waited and that Sarah had taken them by surprise and not having too big a gap between the children meant that they could grow up with each other.

      But, at the same time, Poppy was also looking forward to having more time to devote to her own interests. She had taken several landscape designer courses over the years and was planning to set up a small landscaping firm. She had redesigned the gardens at La Fattoria to make them more child-friendly and had already taken several private commissions from friends, one of which had won an award. The gardens at the London town house and at Woodfield Hall both bore her stamp and when she wanted to relax she was usually to be found in a greenhouse tending the rare orchids she collected.

      Gaetano was CEO of the Leonetti Bank and when he travelled, Poppy and the children often went with him. He put his family first and at the heart of his life, ensuring that they took lengthy breaks abroad to wind down from their busy lives. Poppy’s mother, Jasmine, had made a good recovery and was now training as an addiction counsellor to help others as she had been helped. She lived in Manchester with her sister but she was a frequent visitor in London, as was Poppy’s brother. Damien, backed by Gaetano, had recently started up a specialist motorcycle repair shop.

      In fact there wasn’t a cloud in Poppy’s sky because she was happy. Sadly, Muffin had passed away of old age the year before and he had been replaced by a rescued golden Labrador who enjoyed rough and tumble games with the children.

      ‘Guess who...’ A pair of hands covered her eyes while a lean, hard body connected with hers.

      Poppy grinned. The familiar scent of Gaetano’s cologne assailed her while his hands travelled places nobody else would have dared. ‘You’re the only sex pest I know,’ she teased, suppressing a moan as the hand that had splayed across her slightly swollen belly snaked lower and circled, sending sweet sensation snaking through her responsive body.

      Gaetano spun his wife round and she reached up to wind her arms round his neck. ‘Sorry, I slept in this morning and missed seeing you.’

      ‘You were up with Benito last night when he had a nightmare, amata mia,’ he reminded her. ‘That’s why I didn’t wake you.’

      Poppy teased the corner of his wide sensual mouth with her own, heat warming her core. She wanted to drag him to the bed and ravish him. Her hunger for him never went entirely away. He shrugged off his jacket and stared down at her with smouldering dark golden eyes. ‘Share the shower with me...’

      ‘Promise not to get my hair wet,’ she bargained.

      ‘You know I can’t.’ An unholy grin slashed Gaetano’s lips. ‘Sometimes you get carried away. Is that my fault?’

      ‘Absolutely your fault,’ his wife told him as she peeled off her dress.

      Gaetano treated her to a fiercely appreciative appraisal. ‘Did I ever tell you how amazingly sexy you look when you’re pregnant?’

      ‘You may have mentioned it once or twice—’

      ‘Sometimes I can hardly believe you’re mine. I love you so much, amata mia,’ Gaetano swore passionately, gathering her up into his arms with care and kissing her breathless.

      ‘I love you too,’ she said between kisses, happiness bubbling through her at the sure knowledge that she was going to get her hair very wet indeed.

      * * * * *

      Miranda Lee

      What his billions can’t buy…

      If Sergio Mancini wants something, he only has to snap his fingers to get it. Except for Bella Williams. No matter how much his stunning stepsister once drove him wild with lust, he never allowed himself to have her, believing she was a gold digger like her mother.

      Now, when Bella calls unexpectedly seeking refuge at their secluded family home by Lake Como, their unfulfilled desire resurfaces. No longer able to resist, Sergio ruthlessly decides it’s finally time to quench the fire.

      But their one night together only inflames their passion—and now he wants more!

      The trouble hadn’t started till her birthday party, when Bella had emerged like a butterfly from a cocoon, blowing him away with her grace, her grown–up beauty and her devastating sex appeal.

      Sergio hadn’t been back to Sydney for several months. University life—and the sophistication of Rome—had had more appeal than staying in a house run by a woman he disliked intensely.

      He had been startled when Bella had come up to him and demanded a birthday kiss.

      ‘You’ll have to do, Sergio,’ she’d said, without a hint of flirtation. ‘A girl has to be kissed on her birthday and you’re the only male here other than Papa. And he doesn’t count.’

      Sergio hadn’t been ready for the effect on him when she’d gone up on tiptoe and pressed her mouth to his. For a split second he’d been tempted to yank her hard against him, to part her innocent lips and plunge his tongue inside. But he’d resisted the devil’s urging just in time, keeping the kiss to a platonic peck—which had obviously disappointed Bella, if her pout had been anything to go by.

      Well, she’s not an innocent now, Sergio, he reminded himself. Time you stopped having cold showers and started having what you’ve always wanted.

      Which was Bella herself—in his bed and at his mercy.

      Billionaires secure their brides!

      International tycoons Sergio, Alex and Jeremy were best friends at college. Bonded by their shared passion for business—and bedding beautiful women!—they formed The Bachelors’ Club, which had only two goals:

      1 Live life to the full.

      2 Become billionaires in their own right!

      But now, with the dotted line signed for the sale of their multibillion-dollar wine empire, there’s one final thing left for each of the bachelors to accomplish: securing a bride!

      The trilogy begins with Sergio’s story in

      The Italian’s Ruthless Seduction

      Look out for Alex and Jeremy’s stories, coming soon!

      Born and raised in the Australian bush, Miranda Lee was boarding-school-educated, and briefly pursued a career in classical music before moving to Sydney and embracing the world of computers. Happily married, with three daughters, she began writing when family commitments kept her at home. She likes to create stories that are believable, modern, fast-paced and sexy. Her interests include meaty sagas, doing word puzzles, gambling

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