A Chase For Christmas. Candace Shaw

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A Chase For Christmas - Candace Shaw

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a lot.”

      Twisting her lips to the side, she playfully pinched his arm. “I like men, but dating is hard for me.”

      “You had your heart broken?”

      “No, not really. More like a wakeup call.” She shrugged and paused, contemplating whether or not she should tell him about her horrible ex. “I’m taking a dating break right now. Sure, I’ve been on a few random dates here and there but for the most part I’m just concentrating on me. Plus, sometimes men want to rush me after the first or second date...if you know what I mean and I’m like ‘Dude, slow down. We just met.’ That turns me off. Some men want to play games and I’m too old for that. I want forever, not a one-night stand or a relationship that goes nowhere. I want stability and commitment. For some reason I keep meeting duds, so now I’m just taking a break and focusing on me.”

      He nodded his head in understanding, The doors opened to the first-floor lobby of his company, and they headed out the back door toward where she’d parked.

      “Oh...well. Those men are stupid, because you’re a really great person. When men are ready to settle down with the right woman, they’ll realize it’s not a game. Trust me. I’ve had a lot of fun times with women and my life in general. But as men we need to know when to respect a woman and her wishes. Apparently these men you’ve gone out with aren’t looking for forever because if they were you wouldn’t have had a string of dating disasters. A man who really wanted to be with you would wait, get to know you and respect your decision. Until you’re both ready.”

      Tilting her head, she slid her tote bag from his shoulder and grabbed her keys from the side pouch as they made it to her black four-door Lexus.

      “Oh...wow... I...” She pushed the button on the key fob to unlock the door, but she didn’t open it. She held the handle and stared up at him in bewilderment.

      “What? The last words you thought I’d ever utter?”

      “Um...something like that.”

      “I’m not a bad guy, Blythe,” he said in a low, serious tone, stepping toward her. He reached over to the handle, settling his hand on hers, and opened the door for her.

      The brief touch of his warm skin in the cold air sent a heated current through her, and the atmosphere around them altered. But she knew she had to ignore it and stay focused. “I know you’re not. Your advances and flirtations just don’t do anything for me.” She laughed and slid into the driver’s seat. “Good night, Preston.”

      “Good night, and thank you for committing to the Winter Wonderland project.”

      “No problem. I think what you’re doing for the children is wonderful. I’m happy to help.”

      “Ideally you’ll get to see another side of me.”

      “I’m already seeing it.” Winking, she pulled the door shut and waved at him through the glass.

      She zoomed away a little faster than normal. It was the only way that she could clear her mind until she arrived home. There she could blast some jazz and paint away her crazy thoughts that she could actually have a relationship with Preston Chase.

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