Yuletide Baby Bargain. Allison Leigh

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Yuletide Baby Bargain - Allison Leigh

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Gus. He’d died when he was still a relatively young man. No matter what sort of success the wildcatter had found before his death, though, he’d always worn overalls and cowboy boots.

      One thing Maddie was used to doing, though, was improvising. She’d folded a regular bedsheet tightly around the crib mattress and Linc had produced a woven throw to use as a blanket. The pink one Layla had been left with had fallen victim to what Maddie kindly termed a “poopsplosion” while her uncle had been examining Layla. Linc had promptly turned green and produced a trash bag, seeming horrified that Maddie had been prepared to just toss the blanket in the washing machine. Instead, he’d promised to replace the blanket with a half-dozen if need be.

      As for diapers and such, they had only what remained of the meager supply that had been left with Layla—also strongly depleted after the poopsplosion. Which meant Maddie was going to have to resupply. Soon. Because when it came to disposable diapers and formula, there was only so much improvising she was willing to do.

      The second she picked up Layla, the baby stopped crying.

      Her diaper still felt dry when Maddie checked, and she cuddled her close. “You just want a little company, or are you hungry?” She turned the light on in the empty closet, leaving the door nearly closed so a little light seeped through, then sat down on the upholstered rocking chair in the corner and stood Layla on her thighs. The baby pushed down on her feet, bouncing jerkily. “I think it is just company you want. Don’t you know that it’s two in the morning, sweetie?”

      The baby babbled and grabbed two handfuls of Maddie’s hair, yanking merrily.

      Maddie winced. “You need better toys than my hair,” she murmured ruefully as she tried to disentangle herself.

      “I’ll take care of that tomorrow.”

      Startled, she looked over at the open doorway where Linc stood.

      She might have gone to bed fully dressed, but Linc clearly had not. He wore only a pair of jeans. The rest of him above the waist was bare.

      Gloriously bare.

      She was glad for the dim light, because she was pretty sure if there’d been more, she wouldn’t have been able to hide her gawking.

      It really had been too long since she’d had a decent date if she couldn’t keep from drooling over Lincoln Swift.

      He stepped into the room and she quickly shifted her focus to the baby’s grip on her hair. “A few plastic things from your kitchen would do just fine.”

      “Babies need stimulation. Your uncle talked about that when he was here.”

      “Yes, they do. Doesn’t mean they need a bunch of fancy toys, though.” Finally freeing herself, she quickly twisted her hair behind her neck with one hand and grabbed the baby’s hands. “Oh no you don’t, missy.” She patted their hands together and Layla chortled, bouncing on her legs again. “They need love and attention. They need a safe environment and to feel secure.”

      “And health care and college funds.”

      She looked up at him. He’d crossed the room and was facing the oversize teddy bear.

      She turned Layla around so she was sitting on Maddie’s lap. “So what’s going on between you and Jax?”

      Except for the way the sinewy muscles roping over his shoulders flexed, he gave little response. “Nothing new. How do I get a DNA test done?”

      Layla leaned her head back against Maddie’s chest, and she couldn’t resist rubbing her cheek against the infant’s silky hair. “The hospital in Weaver can facilitate it. I know they’ve got a sizeable backload, though.” His determination wasn’t exactly a surprise, even though it had been more than a decade since she’d come up against it. “You do expect Jax to come back, don’t you?”

      Linc turned around, folding his arms across his wide chest. It only seemed to make his jeans hang even more precariously below some serious washboard abs. Maddie might be feeling her age lately, but Linc was five years older and, on him, thirty-five sat very well.

      “He always comes back. He does own Magic Jax. Sooner or later, he checks in on the bar.”

      “And you really have no idea where he could be?”

      He shook his head, then rubbed his hand over his chin, and then down his chest.

      She chewed the inside of her cheek, trying not to stare. “You’re going to look for him anyway. Right?”

      His lips thinned. “I should have given you something to sleep in,” he said, rather than answering her question.

      Which just made her wonder even more about the state of their brotherly love. “No need.” It was much too easy to imagine slipping a T-shirt of Linc’s over her head. And it wasn’t professional at all. “It’s one night. I’m fine like this.”

      “Have you slept at all?”

      She nodded and stood. The spacious nursery felt much too close. “I think I’ll fix Layla a small bottle. Maybe she’ll sleep afterward. You want to hold her?”

      He immediately shoved his hands in his front pockets.

      She averted her eyes from the fine line of dark hair running downward from the flat indent of his navel, and headed toward the doorway. “I’ll take that as a no.”

      “She’s happy with you.”

      She realized he was following her, and hoped that he would turn into whichever room leading off the wide hallway belonged to him.

      But he didn’t. Soon, she’d reached the staircase. He flipped on a light as she grabbed the bannister and started down.

      Since Maddie had first promised that she would at least stay there for the night, he hadn’t made a single attempt to hold the baby. “You realize that if you do get your way where Layla is concerned—no matter how temporary—you’re going to have to hold her. You’re going to have to change a diaper or two. And you’re not going to want to throw away every blanket just because it gets a little soiled.”

      “I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. Jax and I had nannies when we were little. So can Layla.”

      Sure. A single, male foster father. Who hired nannies. Judge Stokes would love that.

      Maddie pressed her lips together and continued down the stairs in silence.

      He flipped on lights as they made their way to the kitchen. The lone baby bottle was still sitting on a clean towel next to the sink where Maddie had left it last. Before she could mix up more formula, Linc did.

      She sat on one of the bar stools at the island and watched.

      And wondered some more.

      About Linc and Jax.

      About the nursery.

      About how the bare skin stretching over Linc’s shoulders would feel beneath her fingertips...

      She swallowed and looked down into Layla’s wide-awake face. The baby’s fingers were again wrapped in Maddie’s hair. Linc was warming the formula by holding the bottle under the faucet and running hot water the same way she’d done it. “From what I’ve heard, Swift Oil is doing well.”

      He made a sound. Agreement, she guessed. Although if Swift Oil weren’t doing well, he wouldn’t admit it. Greer would know. Her sister kept her finger far more securely on the pulse of local businesses than Maddie did.

      Layla continued tugging merrily on Maddie’s hair.

      She noticed a crock of cooking utensils sitting next to the enormous gas range, so she got up and pulled an oversize wooden spoon from the selection. Layla released Maddie’s hair and grabbed for it. Maddie returned to the stool, holding Layla on her lap. The wooden spoon smacked the counter and Layla jerked, gurgling. “Fun stuff, huh?”

      Her eyes strayed to Lincoln’s

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