A Passionate Reunion In Fiji. Michelle Smart

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A Passionate Reunion In Fiji - Michelle Smart

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had more work done on his tattoo, she noticed dimly, trying desperately hard not to let her gaze fall back below his waist, trying even harder to contain the rush of sultry warmth flooding her veins. His tattoo covered the entire bicep around his left shoulder, all in bold black lines. The large sun, the centrepiece that he had once told her symbolised his rebirth and represented the way he strove for perfection in all he did, was encircled by sharks’ teeth, which represented power, leadership and protection, and they were now encircled by spearheads. She didn’t know what the spearheads represented but knew they must mean something to him.

      Instinct told her they represented something to do with her.

      The sensation in her fingers that had almost had her touching his sleeping face earlier tingled again. An ache to touch his tattoo. To touch him. A yearning to feel the heat of his powerful body flush against hers, to be swept in his arms and to lose herself in the wonder she had always found in his lovemaking. It all hit her so quickly that if he had reached out for her she would have fallen into his arms in an instant.

      More seconds stretched without a word exchanged but with that thick, sick chemistry shrouding them.

      And then Massimo closed his eyes.

      When he next looked at her, the swirling desire had gone.

      He’d shut down again.

      He turned and walked back into the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

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