Terrorist Dispatch. Don Pendleton

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Terrorist Dispatch - Don Pendleton

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led Bolan to the main salon, showed him the red pull station mounted on a wall between two reproductions of Van Gogh’s Flowering Orchards and Picasso’s Guernica.

      “And where’s the kitchen?”

      “Through that archway,” she directed.

      “Okay. Get the place cleared out,” Bolan ordered.


      He triggered three quick rounds into the floor. “No dawdling,” he advised her. “You’re about to have a fire.”

      He left her to it, found the kitchen on his own and yanked the range’s gas line from the wall. It hissed and sputtered in his hand like an unhappy viper, until he laid it on the marble countertop, secured beneath a heavy skillet near the microwave. Next, Bolan shoved a small soup pot and two handfuls of silverware into the microwave, set it to cook for ten minutes and headed back for the salon.

      An exodus was underway, including sleek women in lingerie and filmy robes, accompanied by men in sundry stages of undress whose forms and features weren’t the type to normally attract young beauties. Not, that was, unless they paid up front and very well for the attention they received.

      This night, the johns were not going to get their money’s worth.

      Approximately half the crowd had cleared the brothel’s doorway when the microwave exploded, touching off the broken gas line. Thunder rocked the place, a ball of flame erupting from the kitchen entryway lighting up the door frame, spreading quickly to the wallpaper and carpet. Newly motivated stragglers sprinted for the street, trailed by their host, with Bolan bringing up the rear.

      The madam stopped to face him on the stoop. “What do you think you’re doing?” she inquired.

      “Whatever Mr. Brusilov requires,” he said, and winked at her before he left her standing on the steps, backlit by fire.

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