Medical Statistics. David Machin

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Medical Statistics - David  Machin

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target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_68269b7c-8635-5a24-a5f4-d47b2d7f3668">Figure 4.13 Normal distribution curve for birthweight with a mean of 3.4 kg ...Figure 4.14 Examples of probability density/distribution functions for the t...

      4 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Taking a sample from the population and using the sample to estim...Figure 5.2 Histograms showing mean birthweight (kg) for 100 random samples o...Figure 5.3 Distribution of a large number of random digits (0–9).Figure 5.4 Observed distributions of the means of 500 random samples of size...Figure 5.5 Sampling distribution of the sample mean.Figure 5.6 One hundred different 95% confidence intervals for mean birthweig...

      5 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Histograms for the distance walked, in metres, on an ESWT in 161 ...Figure 6.2 Possible errors arising when performing a hypothesis test.Figure 6.3 Use of confidence intervals (CIs) to help distinguish statistical...Figure 6.4 Distance walked example: clinical importance and statistical sign...

      6 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Statistical methods for paired data or paired samples.Figure 7.2 Histograms of the VAS pain score at baseline, three‐month follow‐...Figure 7.3 Statistical methods for comparing two independent groups or sampl...Figure 7.4 Histograms of six‐month PHQ‐9 score by the intervention group (N ...

      7 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Scatter diagram of the relationship between systolic and diastoli...Figure 9.2 Scatter plots showing data sets with different correlations: (a) Figure 9.3 Examples where the use of the correlation coefficient is not appr...Figure 9.4 A scatterplot of birthweight and gestation in 98 preterm infants ...Figure 9.5 A scatterplot of birthweight and gestation in 98 preterm infants ...Figure 9.6 A scatterplot of birthweight and gestation in 98 preterm infants ...Figure 9.7 Predicted birthweight for a baby of 30 weeks' gestation.Figure 9.8 Scatter plot of residuals versus gestation from the linear regres...Figure 9.9 Histogram of the residuals from the linear regression of birthwei...Figure 9.10 Scatter plot of residuals vs. fitted or predicted birthweight fr...Figure 9.11 Scatterplot and regression line of the relationship between the ...

      8 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 ROC curve from the logistic regression model with multiple covar...

      9 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Endpoints or critical events relevant to a clinical trial in chi...Figure 11.2 ‘Calendar time’ when entering and leaving a study compared to ‘p...Figure 11.3 Kaplan–Meier survival curves for time from randomisation to deat...Figure 11.4 Kaplan–Meier survival curve for the 20 patients of Table 11.1.Figure 11.5 Kaplan–Meier survival curves by treatment group of the data of T...Figure 11.6 Healing times of initial leg ulcers by clinic and home care inte...Figure 11.7 Testing the assumption of proportional hazards – a plot of log(−...Figure 11.8 Examples of hazard functions over time for (a) exponential, (b) ...Figure 11.9 Kaplan–Meier survival functions for patients with amyotrophic la...

      10 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 FEV1 (litres) in 56 subjects by two different spirometers with t...Figure 12.2 Scatter diagram of the difference between methods against the me...

      11 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for diagnosing PND...Figure 13.2 The ROC curve when results of a diagnostic test are cut‐points i...

      12 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Number of deaths from breast cancer in females and prostate canc...Figure 14.2 Definition and progress of a cohort study.Figure 14.3 Design and progress of a case–control study.

      13 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Stages of a parallel two group randomised controlled trial.Figure 15.2 Stages of a two group two period cross‐over randomised controlle...Figure 15.3 Schematic illustration of the SHARED Stepped Wedge Cluster Rando...

      14 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Distribution of the difference in means, d, under the null (δ = ...

      15 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Patient progress through the trial – CONSORT flow chart for low ...Figure 17.2 Profile of mean SF‐36 pain scores over time by treatment group...Figure 17.3 The area under the curve (AUC).Figure 17.4 Profile of mean SF‐36 pain scores over time stratified by drop o...Figure 17.5 Histogram of mean distance walked (in metres) from 1000 bootstra...

      16 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Forest plot of data from Table 18.1 with weights, point estimate...Figure 18.2 A funnel plot of the data from Table 18.1.

      17 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 Three‐dimension pie chart of method of delivery for births at NH...Figure 19.2 Bar chart of method of delivery for births at NHS hospitals in E...Figure 19.3 Mean and standard error bars of SF‐36 Mental Health dimension sc...Figure 19.4 Dot plot of SF‐36 Mental Health dimension score at six months by...Figure 19.5 Mean SF‐36 Mental Health dimension scores over time by randomise...Figure 19.6 Growth of 10 babies in one month against (a) birthweight and (b)...Figure 19.7 Change in fasting serum cholesterol after 30 weeks of marathon t...Figure 19.8 Time profiles of postprandial plasma glucose concentrations in p...Figure 19.9 Response curves from three individuals and their mean response c...Figure 19.10 Possible summary statistics for the profile of each subject in ...Figure 19.11 Fasting plasma glucose concentrations.Figure 19.12 Scatterplot of obesity prevalence amongst male and female adult...Figure 19.13 Obesity prevalence amongst male and females adults in England 1...


      1  Cover

      2 Table of Contents

      3  Begin Reading


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