Security Engineering. Ross Anderson

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Security Engineering - Ross  Anderson

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      PGP has a number of features but, in its most basic form, each user generates private/public keypairs manually and shares public keys with contacts. There are command-line options to sign a message with your signature key and/or encrypt it using the public key of each of the intended recipients. Manual key management avoids the need for a CA that can be cracked or coerced. Many things were learned from the deployment and use of PGP during the 1990s. As I described in section 3.2.1, Alma Whitten and Doug Tygar wrote the seminal paper on security usability by assessing whether motivated but cryptologically unsophisticated users could understand it well enough to drive the program safely. Only four of twelve subjects were able to correctly send encrypted email to the other subjects, and every subject made at least one significant error. QUIC

      QUIC is a new UDP-based protocol designed by Google and promoted as an alternative to TLS that allows quicker session establishment and cutting latency in the ad auctions that happen as pages load; sessions can persist as people move between access points. This is achieved by a cookie that holds the client's last IP address, encrypted by the server. It appeared in Chrome in 2013 and now has about 7% of Internet traffic; it's acquired a vigorous standardisation community. Google claims it reduces search latency 8% and YouTube buffer time 18%. Independent evaluation suggests that the benefit is mostly on the desktop rather than mobile [1009], and there's a privacy concern as the server can use an individual public key for each client, and use this for tracking. As a general principle, one should be wary of corporate attempts to replace open standards with proprietary ones, whether IBM's EBCDIC coding standard of the 1950s and SNA in the 1970s, or Microsoft's attempts to ‘embrace and extend’ both mail standards and security protocols since the 1990s, or Facebook's promotion of Internet access in Africa that kept users largely within its walled garden. I'll discuss the monopolistic tendencies of our industry at greater length in Chapter 8.

      5.7.7 Special-purpose primitives

      Researchers have invented a large number of public-key and signature primitives with special properties. Two that have so far appeared in real products are threshold cryptography and blind signatures.

      Threshold crypto is a mechanism whereby a signing key, or a decryption key, can be split up among n principals so that any k out of n can sign a message (or decrypt). For k equals n the construction is easy. With RSA, for example, you can split up the private key d as d equals d 1 plus d 2 plus ellipsis plus d Subscript n. For k less-than n it's slightly more complex (but not much – you use the Lagrange interpolation formula) [554]. Threshold signatures were first used in systems where a number of servers process transactions independently and vote independently on the outcome; they have more recently been used to implement business rules on cryptocurrency wallets such as ‘a payment must be authorised by any two of the seven company directors’.

      Anonymous digital credentials are now used in attestation: the TPM chip on your PC motherboard might prove something about the software running on your machine without identifying you. Unfortunately, this led to designs for attestation in SGX (and its AMD equivalent) which mean that a single compromised device breaks the whole ecosystem. Anonymous signatures are also found in prototype systems for conducting electronic elections, to which I will return in section 25.5.

      5.7.8 How strong are asymmetric cryptographic primitives?

      In order to provide the same level of protection as a symmetric block cipher, asymmetric cryptographic primitives generally require at least twice the block length. Elliptic curve systems appear to achieve this bound; a 256-bit elliptic scheme could be about as hard to break as a 128-bit block cipher with a 128-bit key; and the only public-key encryption schemes used in the NSA's Suite B of military algorithms are 384-bit elliptic curve systems. The traditional schemes, based on factoring and discrete log, now require 3072-bit keys to protect material at Top Secret, as there are shortcut attack algorithms such as the number field sieve. As a result, elliptic curve cryptosystems are faster.

      When I wrote the first edition of this book in 2000, the number field sieve had been used to attack keys up to 512 bits, a task comparable in difficulty to keysearch on 56-bit DES keys; by the time I rewrote this chapter for the second edition in 2007, 64-bit symmetric keys had been brute-forced, and the 663-bit challenge number RSA-200 had been factored. By the third edition in 2019, bitcoin miners are finding 68-bit hash collisions every ten minutes, RSA-768 has been factored and Ed Snowden has as good as told us that the NSA can do discrete logs for a 1024-bit prime modulus.

      There has been much research into quantum computers – devices that perform a large number of computations simultaneously using superposed quantum states. Peter Shor has shown that if a sufficiently large quantum computer could be built, then both factoring

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