The Return of the Shadow. Christopher Tolkien

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The Return of the Shadow - Christopher  Tolkien

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in this respect he survived into the third version of the chapter.

       9 a small ring: emended from his famous ring.


      Certain changes made to the manuscript towards its end have not been taken up in the text given above. In Bilbo’s speech, his words ‘Secondly, to celebrate my birthday, and the twentieth anniversary of my return’ and the comment ‘No cheers; there was some uncomfortable rustling’ were removed, and the following expanded passage substituted:

      Secondly, to celebrate OUR birthdays: mine and my honourable and gallant father’s. Uncomfortable and apprehensive silence. I am only half the man that he is: I am 72, he is 144. Your numbers are chosen to do honour to each of his honourable years. This was really dreadful – a regular braintwister, and some of them felt insulted, like leap-days shoved in to fill up a calendar.

      This change gives every appearance of belonging closely with the writing of the manuscript: it is clearly written in ink, and seems distinct from various scattered scribbles in pencil. But the appearance is misleading. Why should Bilbo thus refer to old Bungo Baggins, underground these many years? Bungo was pure Baggins, ‘solid and comfortable’ (as he is described in The Hobbit), and surely died solidly in his bed at Bag End. To call him ‘gallant’ seems odd, and for Bilbo to say ‘I am half the man that he is’ and ‘he is 144’ rather tastelessly whimsical.



       The Third Version

      Discussion of the change made to Bilbo’s speech in the second version has already indicated the central new feature of the third: the story is now told not of Bilbo, but of his son. On this substitution Humphrey Carpenter remarked (Biography p. 185):

      Tolkien had as yet no clear idea of what the new story was going to be about. At the end of The Hobbit he had stated that Bilbo ‘remained very happy to the end of his days, and those were extraordinarily long.’ So how could the hobbit have any new adventures worth the name without this being contradicted? And had he not explored most of the possibilities in Bilbo’s character? He decided to introduce a new hobbit, Bilbo’s son – and to give him the name of a family of toy koala bears owned by his children, ‘The Bingos’.1 So he crossed out ‘Bilbo’ in the first draft and above it wrote ‘Bingo’.2

      The first part of the third version is almost wholly different from the two preceding, and I give it here in full, with a few early changes incorporated.

       A long-expected party

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