Boundaries. Jennie Miller

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Boundaries - Jennie Miller

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that ‘got away’? Did you have a faithful relationship? Were you hurt or disappointed when it came to an end, or did you initiate the break up? And were you fair in your own behaviour (looking back honestly)?

      • Have you ever checked up on them or anyone else since online? Have you thought of initiating contact? Are past loves casting a shadow over your present life as well as your love life?

      • Would your friends describe you as happy in love overall, or unhappy?

      • Where are you now with your sexuality? Are you confident? Unsure? Or experimenting?

      • If single, are you looking for love, licking your wounds, or generally fearful?

      • If in a couple, are you centred and secure, worried, or resentful?

      Your answers to these questions will help you as we explore how to set down some boundaries in regard to your current or future relationships and how to draw some lines regarding the past, if necessary.

      In the next sections we will help you to understand current and past relationships and examine how to stay in love and improve the existing relationship you have. We will also cover what happens when it is time to make an exit as comfortably as possible, if staying really doesn’t make any sense anymore, and in Looking for Love, we cover dating.

      Lastly, we will look at how the same boundaries are applicable in those non-intimate relationships with your friends and peers.

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