Heat . Amy Blankenship

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Heat  - Amy Blankenship

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shirt was open and his pants were zipped but not buttoned, causing them to ride dangerously low on his hips. She felt her cheeks flame even hotter as the dream came back like a dirty thought in a nice clean mind.

      The look in his eyes as their gazes met was dark and dangerous… soaked in sexual tension. She hoped she was imagining it as she felt that gaze follow her past him and the rest of the way up the stairs.

      Micah wasn’t the only one who watched the exchange between Alicia and Damon. It took Kane elbowing him in the back before Michael finally turned his attention to the man coming down the stairs. Clasping hands with the cougar, he nodded toward the living room, “I’m sure you have questions.”

      “If he doesn’t then I do,” Kane announced wanting to make matters worse. He’d complained before about hearing other people’s thoughts, but it was times like this that made it all worthwhile.

      The funniest part was the fact that Damon had no clue Micah and Alicia were siblings… though he would give Damon credit for detecting the fact that she harbored a not-so-sisterly crush on her clueless brother. But, if the dream she’d been having a little while ago was any indication… it wouldn’t be hard for Michael or Damon to change her mind.

      Michael blinked trying to get the image of Alicia in that towel out of his head so he could focus. He wanted to get the obvious out of the way first. “I didn’t expect to see you out of bed this soon.”

      Kane heard Michael’s heart rate speed up and wondered at it. Trying to listen in on his thoughts, he was disappointed to find complete silence. Nice, his little Michael was keeping secrets.

      “I haven’t a clue,” Micah answered honestly then changed the subject, “I thought you lived alone.”

      Kane rolled his eyes when he heard Michael sigh in relief.

      Upstairs, Alicia ran for the bathroom where she’d left her clothes. Frowning at what she’d unthinkingly picked out to wear, she decided it wasn’t good enough. Micah had said he wasn’t going anywhere and she trusted him, so she went back into her room to find something nicer. She wound up blow drying her hair and even adding a touch of makeup before she was satisfied.

      She glanced in the mirror seeing that the color was still high in her cheeks and that her eyes were overly bright. Waving her hand as if to erase the facts, she rationalized that it was just because she was happy that her brother was back and somehow uninjured.

      ”That better be all it is,” Alicia mumbled self-consciously trying to second guess her first diagnosis. The last thing she needed right now was to be in a house full of attractive men and be in heat. It didn’t happen often, but if a female shifter went in heat without a mate, then the female had two choices… lock herself away and suffer for as long as it took, or have a string of one night stands until it was over. Or at least that’s what the girls she’d gone to boarding school with had told her.

      “Either way,” Alicia cocked an eyebrow at her reflection. “Getting out of this house is a good idea for everyone.”

      Packing all of her stuff back into the suitcase, Alicia figured she might as well take it downstairs since she would be leaving with her brother. She’d miss the freedom but smiled softly knowing she would be near Micah again. Still lost in thought, she left the bedroom and turned the corner to go downstairs only to run into what felt like a brick wall.

      Damon reached his arm out and wrapped it around Alicia’s waist, pulling her flush against him to keep her from falling down the stairs. Being in a bad mood, he had planned this little encounter if for no other reason than to prove a point… that he wasn’t the only one feeling this attraction. He wanted her to notice before Micah took her out of his reach.

      The moment he touched her, he could hear her pulse speed up. Already feeling justified, he let his hand slide just under the rim of her short shirt and across her soft skin as he righted her. He had to admit Micah was right about her having a fever.

      Alicia’s lips parted as she inhaled sharply and gazed up at Damon feeling every inch of him pressed against her and liking it. He was mad at her… she could see the anger in his eyes. And why shouldn’t he be. She’d tried to kill him… and in return he’d saved her life. She owed Damon more than one debt and it wasn’t right to just leave with Micah without telling him how grateful she truly was.

      She would be leaving in a few minutes and that alone gave her the courage she needed. Rising up on her tip-toes, Alicia placed a slow gentle kiss on Damon's lips wondering if it felt the same way to him as it did to her. He smelled wonderful and his skin was smooth and cool to her heated lips.

      “Thank you,” she whispered as she withdrew.

      “For what?” Damon asked feeling like she’d just thrown him completely off balance.

      “For saving me again,” she smiled.

      For a moment, Damon felt the heavy weight that had been crushing his chest ease… until she had to go and ruin it.

      “And for helping to bring Micah back to me.” Alicia picked the suitcase back up and started to slip past him, but to her surprise Damon grabbed her upper arms and backed her up against the wall, pinning her there. He leaned down within an inch from her and she watched his dark eyelashes lower as he gazed at her lips.

      “If it’s rewards you’re handing out, then let’s up the stakes.” Damon slashed his lips across hers, showing her the difference in the kiss she’d just given him and the one he needed. He made sure it was one she would remember for nights to come.

      Damon was ready for her to push him away or even fight to get free of his hold. When she did neither, he intensified the kiss feeling his own head rush. To his amazement, she was suddenly kissing him back and with just as much passion.

      Feeling like she had turned his punishment back on him, he ended the kiss just as quickly as he’d instigated it and backed away from her… this time jerking the damned suitcase up himself. Turning, he started down the stairs two at a time, leaving her standing there in a daze.

      Alicia took a moment to relearn how to breathe. She hadn’t been able to stop herself when he’d kissed her so demandingly… she’d wanted more. She still wanted more. Damn it. What gave him the right to turn her on like that then leave her like this? Rubbing her temple, she gave him the benefit of a doubt. If she was in heat… would a vampire feel it?

      “No,” she answered her own question. It was a shifter thing. She was sure of it.

      Damon was already in the living room relaxing on the sofa beside Michael when Alicia got the courage to come downstairs. Or at least he made it look like he was relaxing… not that she was staring. She looked away when he gave her that damned smile and turned her attention to Micah who was sitting on the huge overstuffed love seat. He was leaning forward, lost in conversation with Michael.

      Micah glanced up as Alicia came further into the room. “So I hear you’ve taken up suicide missions as a hobby. You know, I was only gone for a couple weeks.” He patted the cushion beside him and slid his arm across Alicia’s shoulders as she sat down. After what Michael had just told him, he wondered who had been in more danger… him or Alicia.

      Alicia nodded trying to keep her gaze averted from Damon’s. She shifted it to Michael's and felt the butterflies take flight in her stomach. She finally decided: out of the vampires, Kane was the safest… though she doubted anyone would agree with her.

      “I owe all three of them a huge thank you.” She tried not to flinch when she felt Damon's glare. Feeling a touch vindictive, she gave him a slow smile letting him think she would. She quickly learned who would win that staring contest and turned her attention to what Michael was saying to her brother.

      “The city is dangerous right now,” Damon pointed out. He had saved her three times, though she was only aware of two of them. Add Michael and Kane's saves to that list and that was five deaths avoided within the last couple weeks. He suddenly didn’t think it was very safe for her to leave their side.

      “I agree,” Micah shrugged

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