Welcome to the Genome. Michael Yudell

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Welcome to the Genome - Michael Yudell

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      15  Conclusion: Conclusion: Don’t Believe the Hype (Including Ours) REFERENCES

      16  INDEX

      17  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 10Table 10.1 GMO transformation methods adapted from Husaini et al. (2010).Table 10.2 Transgene introgression. (Adapted from Ellstrand et al., 2013). (61)

      List of Illustrations

      1 f06Figure I.1 The 40‐foot Barosaurus welcomes visitors every day to the America...Figure I.2 This artist’s conception of a DNA double helix was displayed in t...

      2 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 This picture, known as a karyotype, is a photograph of all 46 hum...Figure 1.2 The nucleus of every human cell (the large purple mass inside the...Figure 1.3 Although it took decades for Gregor Mendel’s work on pea plants t...Figure 1.4 Mendel’s first law of segregation says that alleles will segregat...Figure 1.5 Most Drosophilia look like the red‐eyed fly on the left. Morgan’s...Figure 1.6 Morgan’s experiments with Drosophila led to the development of th...Figure 1.7 This eugenic map shows an estimate, state by state, of the number...Figure 1.8 James Watson and Francis Crick are seen here at Cambridge Univers...Figure 1.9 Once called the “dark lady” by her colleague Maurice Wilkins, Ros...Figure 1.10 Franklin’s X‐ray crystallography of DNA, shown to James Watson w...Figure 1.11 This diagram shows the double helix structure of DNA. In the mod...Figure 1.12 The mechanisms of epigenetics.

      3 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 This figure shows the way in which amino acids are the building b...Figure 2.2 Frederick Sanger played a critical role in the development of mol...Figure 2.3 Proteins are made in two steps. Messenger RNA first assembles alo...Figure 2.4 DNA hybridization occurs when a single strand of a double helix f...

      4 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Sickle‐cell anemia is caused by a mutation in DNA that causes the...Figure 3.2 This test helps screen for red–green color blindness. If you don’...Figure 3.3 This chart shows, year by year, the rapid pace in growth of gene ...Figure 3.4 To the untrained eye, the vast code of our DNA is baffling. This ...Figure 3.5 Studying model organisms, including the zebrafish, Caenorhabditis...Figure 3.6 The NHGRI and Celera sequencing methods were different in one key...

      5 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Chart of Moore’s Law and actual cost.Figure 4.2 Four sequencing reactions (G, A, T, C) showing signal where a com...Figure 4.3 Single Molecule Real Time (SMRT) sequencing pin. The pin has inse...Figure 4.4 A Single Molecule Real Time (SMRT) cell showing inner workings of...Figure 4.5 Detecting base details of sequencing reactions in Single Molecule...Figure 4.6 Schematic diagram of shotgun sequencing process. The top figure s...Figure 4.7 DNA sequences of short oligonucleotides for a DNA resequencing ch...

      6 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 A group of distinguished scientists and policy makers, including ...Figure 5.2 Genetic imperfections are often in the eyes of the beholder.

      7 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 J. Craig Venter (left); Carl von Linne (right).Figure 6.2 A schematic diagram of what random breeding and crossing over doe...Figure 6.3 DNA sequences of the β‐globin gene of sickle‐cell (two bottom) an...Figure 6.4 From reference 39. The horizontal colored bars indicate ancestry ...

      8 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 If you look closely at the two sequences of DNA above, from ident...Figure 7.2 Morton’s ideas about Native American and African inferiority were...

      9 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 The changing Bacteria tree of life. Black branches represent cult...Figure 8.2 Phylogenetic tree of human, chimp, mouse, opossum, and lizard. No...Figure 8.3 Cactus (right) and euphorb (left).Figure 8.4 The three possible ways to arrange human, chimp, and mouse. The r...Figure 8.5 Tree of life indicating relationships of Archaea (A), Bacteria (B...Figure 8.6 Figure of the tree of life labeled for the three major domains of...Figure 8.7 The origin of plastids in Plantae via a cyanobacterial primary en...Figure 8.8 Amino acid sequences of chimp human and mouse.Figure 8.9 The mouse and human genomes are so much alike that the human geno...Figure 8.10 Diagnostics for DNA barcoding for two species (A and B). The red...Figure 8.11 An example of the similarity approach to barcoding.

      10 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Venn diagram showing overlap of genes in three genomes. The numbe...Figure 9.2 The figure shows a summary plot of some of the first results from...

      11 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 It took many millennia of breeding by peoples in the Americas to...Figure 10.2 When engineered with a desired stretch of DNA, the common soil b...Figure 10.3 Gene target for editing.Figure 10.4 Pew Report, “The New Food Fights: U.S. Public Divides Over Food ...Figure 10.5 The NAS committee on the safety of genetically engineered food e...


      1  Cover

      2 Table of Contents

      3  Begin Reading


      1  iii

      2  iv

      3  v

      4  ix

      5  x


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