Practical Guide to Diagnostic Parasitology. Lynne Shore Garcia
Читать онлайн книгу.from PAM, so the diagnosis may have to be reached by a process of elimination. A high index of suspicion is often mandatory for early diagnosis. All aspects of diagnostic testing (specimen collection, processing, examination, and reporting) should be considered STAT. Although most cases are associated with exposure to contaminated water through swimming or bathing, this is not always the case. The rapidly fatal course of 3 to 6 days after the beginning of symptoms (with an incubation period of 1 day to 2 weeks) requires early diagnosis and immediate chemotherapy if the patient is to survive.
Analysis of the CSF shows decreased glucose and increased protein concentrations. Leukocyte counts may range from several hundred to >20,000 cells per mm3. Gram stains and bacterial cultures of CSF are negative; however, the Gram stain background can incorrectly be identified as bacteria, thus leading to incorrect therapy for the patient.
A definitive diagnosis could be made by demonstration of the amebae in the CSF or in biopsy specimens. Either CSF or sedimented CSF should be placed on a slide under a coverslip and observed for motile trophozoites; smears can also be stained with Wright’s or Giemsa stain. CSF, exudate, or tissue fragments can be examined by light microscopy or phase-contrast microscopy. Care must be taken not to mistake leukocytes for actual organisms or vice versa. It is very easy to confuse leukocytes and amebae, particularly when one is examining CSF by using a counting chamber, hence the recommendation to use just a regular slide and coverslip. Motility may vary, so the main differential characteristic is the spherical nucleus with a large karyosome.
Specimens should never be refrigerated prior to examination. When centrifuging the CSF, low speeds (250 × g) should be used so that the trophozoites are not damaged. Although bright-field microscopy with reduced light is acceptable, phase microscopy, if available, is recommended. Use of smears stained with Giemsa or Wright’s stain or a Giemsa-Wright’s stain combination can also be helpful. If N. fowleri is the causative agent, only trophozoites are normally seen. If the infecting organism is Acanthamoeba spp., cysts may also be seen in specimens from individuals with central nervous system (CNS) infection. Unfortunately, most cases are diagnosed at autopsy; confirmation of these tissue findings must include culture and/or special staining with monoclonal reagents in indirect fluorescent-antibody procedures. Organisms can also be cultured on non-nutrient agar plated with Escherichia coli.
In cases of presumptive pyogenic meningitis in which no bacteria are identified in the CSF, the computed tomography appearance of basal arachnoiditis (obliteration of basal cisterns in the precontrast scan with marked enhancement after the administration of intravenous contrast medium) should alert the staff to the possibility of acute PAM.
The amebae can be identified in histologic preparations by indirect immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase techniques. The organism in tissue sections looks very much like an Iodamoeba bütschlii trophozoite, with a very large karyosome and no peripheral nuclear chromatin; the organisms can also be seen with routine histologic stains.
Granulomatous Amebic Encephalitis and Amebic Keratitis
The most characteristic feature of Acanthamoeba spp. is the presence of spine-like pseudopods called acanthapodia. Several species of Acanthamoeba (A. culbertsoni, A. castellanii, A. polyphaga, A. astronyxis, A. healyi, and A. divionensis) cause GAE, primarily in immunosuppressed, chronically ill, or otherwise debilitated persons. These patients tend to have no relevant history involving exposure to recreational freshwater. Acanthamoeba spp. also cause amebic keratitis, and it is estimated that to date approximately 1,000 cases of Acanthamoeba keratitis have been seen in the United States.
GAE caused by freshwater amebae is less well defined and may occur as a subacute or chronic disease with focal granulomatous lesions in the brain. The route of CNS invasion is thought to be hematogenous, with the primary site being the skin or lungs. In this infection, both trophozoites and cysts can be found in the CNS lesions. An acute-onset case of fever, headache, and pain in the neck preceded by 2 days of lethargy has also been documented. The causative organisms are probably Acanthamoeba spp. in most cases, but it is possible that others are involved such as Balamuthia mandrillaris and Sappinia diploidea.
Cases of GAE have been found in chronically ill or immunologically impaired hosts; however, some patients apparently have no definite predisposing factor or immunodeficiency. Conditions associated with GAE include malignancies, systemic lupus erythematosus, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, Hodgkin’s disease, skin ulcers, liver disease, pneumonitis, diabetes mellitus, renal failure, rhinitis, pharyngitis, and tuberculosis. Predisposing factors include alcoholism, drug abuse, steroid treatment, pregnancy, systemic lupus erythematosus, hematologic disorders, AIDS, cancer chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and organ transplantation. This infection has become more widely recognized in AIDS patients, particularly those with a low CD4+ cell count.
Laboratory examinations similar to that for N. fowleri can be used to recover and identify these organisms; the one exception is recovery by culture, which has not proven to be as effective with GAE patients infected with B. mandrillaris.
Request for Blood Films
Malaria is one of the few parasitic infections considered to be immediately life-threatening, and a patient with the diagnosis of P. falciparum malaria should be considered a medical emergency because the disease can be rapidly fatal. Any laboratory providing the expertise to identify malarial parasites should do so on a STAT basis (24 h/day, 7 days/week).
Patients with malaria can present for diagnostic blood work when they are least expected. Laboratory personnel and clinicians should be aware of the STAT nature of such requests and the importance of obtaining some specific patient history information. On microscopic examination of the blood films, the typical textbook presentation of various Plasmodium morphologies may not be seen by the technologist. The smears should be examined at length and under oil immersion. The most important thing to remember is that even though a low parasitemia may be present on the blood smears, the patient may still be faced with a serious, life-threatening disease.
It is important for both physicians and laboratorians within areas where malaria is not endemic to be aware of the problems associated with malarial diagnosis and to remember that symptoms are often nonspecific and may mimic other medical conditions. Physicians must recognize that travelers are susceptible to malarial infection when they visit a country where malaria is endemic, and that they should receive prophylactic medication.
With the tremendous increase in the number of people traveling from the tropics to malaria-free areas, the number of imported malaria cases is also on the rise. There have been reports of imported infected mosquitoes transmitting the infection among people who live or work near international airports. It is also possible that mosquitoes can reach areas far removed from the airports. This situation has been termed “airport malaria,” malaria that is acquired through the bite of an infected anopheline mosquito by persons with apparently no risk factors for the disease. Unfortunately, unless a careful history is obtained, the diagnosis of malaria can be missed or delayed. Tests to exclude malaria should be considered for patients who work or live near an international airport and who present with an acute febrile illness. The potential danger of disseminating the mosquito vectors of malaria via aircraft is well recognized; however, modern disinfection procedures have not yet eliminated the risk of vector transportation. Not only can insects survive nonpressurized air travel, but also they may be transported further by car or other means after arriving at the airport.
We usually associate malaria with patients having a history of travel within an area where malaria is endemic. However, other situations that may result in infection involve the receipt of blood transfusions, use of hypodermic needles contaminated by prior use (for example, by drug addicts), possibly congenital infection, and transmission within the United States by indigenous mosquitoes that acquired the parasites from imported infections.
Malaria is usually associated with patients having a history of travel within an area