To Catch a Virus. John Booss

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To Catch a Virus - John Booss

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       1 “Mad Dog,” caricature of a rabid dog

       2 Louis Pasteur

       3 “An inoculation for hydrophobia”

       4 Karl Landsteiner

       5 “Coughs and Sneezes Spread Diseases,” World War II poster

       6 “L’influenza à Paris,” cover of “Le Petit Parisien”

      Chapter 3

       1 Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, in a Turkish embellished costume

       2 Edward Jenner

       3 “Triomphe de la Petite Verole” (Triumph of Smallpox), caricature

       4 Elie Metchnikoff

       5 Jules Bordet

       6 Complement fixation diagram

       7 Neutralization assay in tissue culture, diagram

       8 Hemadsorption in tissue culture

      Chapter 4

       1 Caricature of Rudolf Virchow

       2 An 1859 advertisement for achromatic microscopes

       3 “Kill the mad dog,” Indian rabies poster

       4 Negri bodies in brain

       5 Varicella-zoster virus inclusions

       6 Tzanck smear

       7 Cytomegalovirus inclusions

       8 Bodo von Borries and Ernst Ruska

       9 Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska

      10 Helmut Ruska

      11 Electron micrograph of poxvirus

      12 “1887−1987: a Century of Science for Health,” NIH poster

      Chapter 5

       1 Ross Granville Harrison

       2 Thomas Rivers

       3 Franklin D. Roosevelt; his dog, Fala; and Ruthie Bie at Hill Top Cottage

       4 “Your gifts did this for me,” polio fundraising poster

       5 Frederick Robbins

       6 Cytopathic effect resulting from CMV replication

       7 Colonel Harry Plotz

       8 Joseph Edwin Smadel

       9 Maurice Hilleman

      10 Edwin Herman Lennette

      Chapter 6

       1 Werner and Gertrude Henle

       2 G.-D. Hsiung, Yale University

       3 G.-D. Hsiung with the diagnostic virology class

       4 Chen Pien Li and Morris Schaeffer

       5 Walter Dowdle

       6 Charles Armstrong

       7 Robert J. Huebner and a prize Angus bull

       8 Robert J. Huebner and Wallace Rowe

       9 Robert Chanock and Robert J. Huebner

      10 Coronavirus

      Chapter 7

       1 Sydney Brenner

       2 Robert Horne

       3 The first electron micrographs of negatively stained bacteriophages

       4 Adenovirus, negative stain E.M.

       5 Tobacco mosaic virus E.M.

       6 June Almeida

       7 John Zahorsky

       8 Norovirus E.M.

       9 Albert Kapikian

      10 Ruth Bishop and Thomas Flewett

      11 Rotavirus in stool E.M.

      12 Albert Coons

      13 Clinical specimen diagnosed as RSV, fluorescent-antibody stain

      14 Phillip Gardner

      Chapter 8

       1 Jaundice

       2 F. O. MacCallum

       3 Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Joseph Stalin at Yalta, 1945

       4 Baruch Blumberg

       5 Rosalyn Yalow and Solomon Berson

       6 Eva Engvall, Peter Perlmann, Anton Schuurs, and Bauke van Weemen

       7 Harry Towbin, Julian Gordon, and Gordon’s group

       8 F. Brown

       9 Georges Kohler and Cesar Milstein

      Chapter 9

       1 Oswald Avery

       2 Erwin Chargaff

       3 Rosalind Franklin

       4 Linus Pauling

       5 Francis Crick and James D. Watson

       6 Drawing of a DNA double helix

       7 “AIDS doesn’t sleep,” Russian poster

       8 Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier

       9 Harald zur Hausen

      10 Kary Mullis

      11 Political cartoon, 1919 influenza pandemic


      The idea for this book emerged following the memorial service organized by Marie L. Landry in 2006 for Gueh-Djen (Edith) Hsiung at the Historical Library, Yale University School of Medicine. Dr. Landry strongly encouraged the concept of the book and has provided

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