Cats For Dummies. Gina Spadafori

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Cats For Dummies - Gina  Spadafori

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in how cats are loved but also where cats are kept. Increasingly, more cats are living indoors (see Figure 1-4).

Photo depicts two cats, it seems one is exclusivey indoors and other is exclusively outdoors.

      Kelsey and Tim/Photo by Linda Stark

      FIGURE 1-4: You must decide whether your cat will live indoors or out — or have access to both!

      The subject is so hot that almost all reputable breeders and an increasing number of shelters and rescue groups refuse to place a cat with someone who does not promise — in writing — to keep the animal exclusively indoors. With some breeds, this restriction is imperative: Imagine the tiny, nearly furless Devon Rex or the naked Sphynx trying to survive in the outdoors!

      Outdoor cats are also far more prone to skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma. It’s a horrible disease that often results in the loss of their ears, or nose, and is often incurable, even with radical surgeries. Dr. Lauren, who went to veterinary school in Australia, notes that she saw more of this horrible disease there, since cats in other countries are far more likely to roam freely than pets in the United States.

The truth, however, is that all cats are living dangerously if you allow them to go in and out at will. With correct diet and preventive care, an indoor cat can easily live for 15 to 20 years — or more. A cat with outdoor privileges is lucky to live a fraction as long, although many exceptions do exist, of course. Here’s a list of the things that can “do in” the outdoor kitty:

       Cars: Cats can be hit, of course, but cars also present a danger even when parked. Heat-loving kitties crawl up into the warm engine and can be seriously injured — or killed — if someone starts the car again while the cat is still there.

       Dogs: Some dogs are gleeful cat killers, and woe to the cat who wanders into the territory of one of them. Some mean-spirited people even encourage their dogs to attack cats — and let the animals off the leash to do it!

       Coyotes: A well-fed cat is a tasty temptation to wild predators such as coyotes. And you don’t need to live in a rural area: Coyotes have been found even in Manhattan and are common in many other urban areas.

       Poisons: From antifreeze puddles to garden chemicals to rat poison (in baits or the stomach of dead vermin) to plants, an outdoor cat can easily get a lethal dose of something he wouldn’t be as easily exposed to indoors.

       Disease: Feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus are two of the contagious and often lethal diseases your cat can pick up from other cats — through close contact, including fighting. And speaking of fighting, outdoor cats spend a lot of their time defending their turf — and you spend a lot of your time and money taking them to the veterinarian to patch up their bite wounds and abscesses.

       People: Some people hate cats and go out of their way to hurt them. Others — such as gardeners — feel justified taking action against cats who foul flower beds and vegetable gardens. These people all pose a grave danger to your pet.

      Enough accidental and deliberate threats are out there to make keeping your cat inside seem like a very good idea. But consider things, too, from the angle of your responsibility. Are you really being fair to your neighbors if you let your cat relieve himself in their yards because you don’t want to deal with a litter box? If your cat carries a disease such as feline leukemia, is letting him out to infect other pets the right thing for you to do? And if you haven’t spayed or neutered your pet, doesn’t allowing her (or him) out to breed make you partially responsible for the surplus kittens and cats killed by the millions each year?

      We leave the answers up to you and to your conscience.

      For more on what you need to keep a cat happy indoors, see Chapter 9.

      Kitten or Adult? Boy or Girl? One Cat or More?



Deciding between a kitten and a cat


Debating the male or female issue


Choosing between longhaired and shorthaired


Understanding the pedigreed cat


Considering the not-so-ordinary everyday cat

      You've taken everything into account: Your home. Your time. Your finances. A cat is in your future, beyond a doubt, but what kind?

      Just a second: You have more to consider. Before you get to imagine Your Perfect Cat, you must determine whether a grown cat would work better for the life you lead than would a kitten, no matter how adorable. Before you consider whether a random-bred or pedigreed cat will suit you best, you must consider the issue of fur: long or short? And what about gender? Do females make better pets, or do males?


The decisions you make must keep for a very long time. The cats themselves pay the price for wrong spur-of-the-moment decisions — just check out any shelter for proof.

      As serious as that thought is, remember that choosing a feline companion is also a great deal of fun. You get to see oodles of beautiful cats, play with adorable kittens, and consider the incredible variety of the world’s most easygoing, adaptable, and ever-more-popular companion.

      When people think about adding a cat to their lives, many seem to automatically think “kitten.” And why not? A kitten seems to make perfect sense, a little fluffball who’ll grow into your household and your heart. For some people, though, an adult cat is a better option and more people are seeing it that way. Even if you’re perfectly set up for a kitten, you ought to consider an adult as well, for you’ll find many wonderful pets among the ranks of grown cats, and most will never get a second chance to show how perfect they can be. Don’t rule out either before you consider each fairly.

      Everyone loves kittens!

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