Sustainable Water Purification. M. R. Islam

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Sustainable Water Purification - M. R. Islam

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peels by element analys...Table 6.11 Uptake capacities of various peel-based adsorbents for metals remo...Table 6.12 Uptake capacities of various peel-based adsorbents for organic pollut...Table 6.13 Adsorption isotherm studies of different pollutants onto agricultu...

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Picture 1.1 Humanity, civilization, environment and the cosmos are all conne...Figure 1.1 Water-fire yin yang, showing how without one the other is meaning...Figure 1.2 The Water-Food-Energy Nexus (Modified from Lal, 2013).Figure 1.3 The water-soil-atmosphere nexus.Figure 1.4 Water purification process.

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Sustainability implies natural balance between water and energy a...Figure 2.2 Water carbon yin-yang.Figure 2.3 Energy at various temperatures.Figure 2.4 A small solute is compatible with water’s natural cages. A large ...Figure 2.5 Number of particles vs particle size.Figure 2.6 Colors and wave lengths of visible light.Figure 2.7 Artificial and natural lights affect natural material differently...Figure 2.8 Wavelength spectrum of visible part of sunlight. (From Islam et a...Figure 2.9 Visible natural colors as a function of various wavelengths and i...Figure 2.10 Water is structured differently around two hydrophobes at differ...Figure 2.11 Energy–volume relationship of water, vs simpler materials. (left...Figure 2.12 Paradoxical behavior of water (from Woijciechowski et al.).Figure 2.13 Temperature dependence of thermal conductivity of isolated (4, 0...

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Percentage of population using unimproved drinking water sources ...Figure 3.2 Schematic diagram for surface water treatment process.Figure 3.3 Schematic diagram for waste water treatment process.Figure 3.4 Direction of sustainable and unsustainable technology (Khan and I...Figure 3.5 Flowchart of sustainability analysis of a new technology.Figure 3.6 World plastic production (From Statista, 2018).Figure 3.7 Annual per capita water consumption in metric ton in 2013 (from S...Figure 3.8 Sources of various fresh water withdrawals (from USGS, 2017).Figure 3.9 Schematic diagram for biological waste water treatment process.Figure 3.10 Biological waste water treatment process using sulfate reducing ...Figure 3.11 Schematic diagram for chemical precipitation in water and wastew...Figure 3.12 Membrane separation processes in water treatment plant.Figure 3.13 Membrane separation processes in water treatment.Figure 3.14 Membrane filtration classification.Figure 3.15 Relationship between pressure bar and membrane pore size (differ...Figure 3.16 Microfiltration water treatment facility.Figure 3.17 Inside of Microfiltration water treatment facility.Figure 3.18 Drinking water treatment 300 m3/h using ultrafiltration in Grund...Figure 3.19 Inside of ultra-filtration Water Treatment Facility.Figure 3.20 Schematic diagram for nano filtration in water treatment plant....Figure 3.21 Nano filtration unit in water treatment plant.Figure 3.22 Inside of nano-filtration Water Treatment Facility.Figure 3.23 Schematic diagram for water purification systems using reverse o...Figure 3.24 Ion exchange resin used in water treatment processes.Figure 3.25 Ozonation process using in water treatment plant.Figure 3.26 UV systems for water treatment.Figure 3.27 UV Disinfectant systems in water treatment plant.Figure 3.28 Schematic illustration of heavy metals removal from waste water ...Figure 3.29 Rice husk/rice hulls.Figure 3.30 Coconut based best activated carbon.Figure 3.31 Hazelnut shell.Figure 3.32 Peanut husk.Figure 3.33 Fly ash.Figure 3.34 Coffee beans and residue (simulated).Figure 3.35 Pine bark chips.Figure 3.36 Lignin.Figure 3.37 Zeolite.Figure 3.38 Clay.

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Protocol for development of low-cost adsorbents and their utiliza...Figure 4.2 Modern civilization is full of contradictions and paradoxes.Figure 4.3 The global wealth pyramid.Figure 4.4 Share of the population living in extreme poverty, by world regio...Figure 4.5 History of wealth accumulation (in trillion).Figure 4.6 Health and social problems are worse in more unequal countries (f...Figure 4.7 Healthcare expenditure in USA during 1961-2027.Figure 4.8 Death rate for major causes of death in USA (SOURCE: CDC/NCHS, Na...Figure 4.9 Age-adjusted death rates for all causes and the 10 leading causes...Figure 4.10 Percentage change in death rates by age: United States, 1935–201...Figure 4.11 Life expectancy at selected ages, by sex: United States, 2017 an...Figure 4.12 Integrative comparison of TCM and western medicinal description ...Figure 4.13 The existence of 5 spirits, the heart being the dominant one and...Figure 4.14 The Five Zang organs, its constituents, and its orifices (From L...

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Map showing global land use.Figure 5.2 Evolution of land (From FAO, 2011).Figure 5.3 Suicide rate among farmers in India.Figure 5.4 Economic activities have become synonymous with corporate profite...Figure 5.5 The outcome of short-term profit-driven economics model.Figure 5.6 Millions of tons of sugar produced globally over the years (from ...Figure 5.7 Sugar production history by region (From Islam et al., 2015).Figure 5.8 Sugar structure (note how all catalysts disappear).Figure 5.9 Possibilities for a sustainable utilization of wood sawdust.Figure 5.10 Organization of the study on metal adsorption process using mapl...Figure 5.11 Chemical structure of cellulose in wood sample (WSE, 2007).Figure 5.12 Chemical structure of lignin in beech (Fagus sylvatica) (Gaballa...Figure 5.13 Cell structure of poplar wood (Adopted from USDAFS, 1980).Figure 5.14 SEM microphotograph of particle of the untreated maple sawdust s...Figure 5.15 SEM microphotograph of particle of the treated maple sawdust sam...Figure 5.16 Corresponding EDAX coupled with SEM spectrum of the particle of ...Figure 5.17 Corresponding EDX coupled with SEM spectrum of maple sawdust aft...Figure 5.18 FTIR spectrum on the surface of untreated maple wood sawdust.Figure 5.19 FTIR spectrum on the surface of treated maple sawdust by metals ...Figure 5.20 Effect of contact time on removal of copper ions (II) by maple s...Figure 5.21 The effect of sawdust concentration on copper removal percentage...Figure 5.22 The effect of maple wood sawdust dosage on copper ions adsorptio...Figure 5.23 The effect of initial concentration of metal on copper adsorptio...Figure 5.24 The effect of pH values (2.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0) on the...Figure 5.25 Plots of various kinds of isotherms (adapted from Akinbiyi, 2000...Figure 5.26 Equilibrium concentration (mg/L) vs metal adsorption capacity mg...Figure 5.27 The Langmuir isotherms plots for the adsorption of copper ions o...Figure 5.28 The mean values of separation factor, RL for the adsorption of c...Figure 5.29 The Freundlich isotherms plots for the adsorption of copper ions...Figure 5.30 Equilibrium curves of the Langmuir isotherm, the Freundlich isot...Figure 5.31 Concentration of lead with time.Figure 5.32 (a) Magnified image (100 times) of dried and pulverized fish sca...Figure 5.33 Schematic of the dynamic system.Figure 5.34 (a) Adsorption of cobalt in a continuous system (breakthrough); ...Figure 5.35 Strontium breakthrough in the mixture.Figure 5.36 Cobalt breakthrough in the mixture.Figure 5.37 Lead breakthrough in the mixture.Figure 5.38 Zinc breakthrough in the mixture.

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 The Chaalal set-up for removing radionucleiods (from Chaalal and ...Figure 6.2 Process involved at the surface of the biomass during biosorption...Figure 6.2a Metal removal mechanisms at the surface of biosorbents and bioch...Figure 6.3 The usefulness of metal depends on its concentration as well as s...Figure 6.4 Relative output spectra of low- and medium pressure mercury arc l...Figure 6.5 Scientific pathway of a chemical reaction Modified from Kalbarczy...Figure 6.6 Pathway followed by arsenic chemicals.Picture 6.1 The refining technique used by the Alchemists.Figure 6.7 There are different trends in population growth depending on the ...Figure 6.8 Per capita energy consumption growth for certain countries.Figure 6.9 A strong correlation between a tangible index and per capita ener...Figure 6.10 While population growth has been tagged as the source of economi...Figure 6.11 Population and energy paradox for China (From Speight and Islam,...Figure 6.12 Typical steam power plant.Figure 6.13 Collector efficiency at different direct normal irradiance (DNI)...Figure 6.14 The thermal loss of the collector with respect to fluid temperat...Figure 6.15 Parabolic trough.Figure 6.16 Cross section of collector assembly (Redrawn from Odeh et al., 1...Figure 6.17 Constructed parabolic trough.Figure 6.18 Experimental solar trough (from Khan and Islam, 2016).Figure 6.19 Desalination with maximum economic benefit.


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