Principles of Virology, Volume 2. S. Jane Flint

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Principles of Virology, Volume 2 - S. Jane Flint

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Is intuition a host defense?

      As sentient humans (and animals), we are constantly surveying our environment for dangers and opportunities. Such senses help all organisms to evade predation and to locate food sources but may also be useful in avoiding infections. For example, a rather typical human behavior upon locating some food toward the back of the refrigerator is to sniff it to see if it is still “good,” and people are usually quite adept at knowing when food is no longer acceptable to eat based on smell and appearance. In principle, food surveillance is a kind of quality control to ensure that the items we eat do not carry dangerous microbes. Similarly, avoiding a murky hot tub or declining the advances of a dubious sexual partner could also be considered finely honed skills that may help to avoid contact with pathogens.


      A cell may be susceptible to infection if the viral receptor(s) is present and functional. However, the receptor may not be accessible. For example, if the cellular receptor is present only on the basal cell membrane of polarized epithelial cells, a virus that is only exposed to the apical cell surface cannot infect unless it reaches the basolateral surface by some means. Alternatively, if the viral receptor is located between adjacent cells (at the tight junctions), another cell surface protein may be necessary to ferry the virus particle from the exposed cell membrane to the site of the viral receptor (Volume I, Chapter 5). Nonsusceptible (non-receptor-producing) cells can still be infected by alternative routes; for example, virus particles bound to antibodies can be taken up by Fc receptors (see “Immunopathological lesions caused by B cells” in Chapter 4).

      Sequences in viral genomes that control transcription of viral genes, such as enhancers, may be determinants of viral tropism. In the brain, JC polyomavirus reproduces only in oligodendrocytes, because the JC virus enhancer is active only in this cell type. Other examples include the liver-specific enhancers of hepatitis B virus and the keratinocyte-specific enhancer of human papillomavirus type 11.



       A mechanism for expanding the tropism of influenza virus is revealed by analyzing infections that occurred in 1940

      Entry of influenza virus is controlled by two glycoproteins, hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA), present on the viral surface. Initiation of virus infection involves binding to sialic acids on carbohydrate side chains of cellular glycoproteins and glycolipids. Until the isolation of the H5N1 virus from 16 individuals in Hong Kong, viruses with the HA0 cleavage site mutation that permits cleavage by ubiquitous furin proteases had not been found in humans. Similarly, the WSN/33 strain of influenza virus, produced in 1940 by passage of a human isolate in mouse brain, is pantropic in mice. Unlike most human influenza virus strains, WSN/33 can reproduce in cells in culture in the absence of added trypsin, because its HA0 can be cleaved by serum plasmin. Surprisingly, it was found that the NA of WSN/33 is necessary for HA0 cleavage by serum plasmin. This altered NA protein can bind plasminogen, sequestering it on the cell surface, where it is converted to the active form, plasmin (see figure, panel A). Plasmin then cleaves HA0 into HA1 and HA2. Therefore, a change in NA, not in HA, allowed cleavage of HA by a ubiquitous cellular protease. This property may, in part, explain the pantropic nature of WSN/33.

       Goto H, Kawaoka Y. 1998. A novel mechanism for the acquisition of virulence by a human influenza A virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 95:10224–10228.

       Taubenberger JK. 1998. Influenza virus hemagglutinin cleavage into HA1, HA2: no laughing matter. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 95:9713–9715.


      Proposed mechanism for activation of plasminogen and cleavage of HA. (A) Plasminogen binds to NA, which has a lysine at the carboxyl terminus. A cellular protein converts plasminogen to the active form, plasmin. Plasmin then cleaves HA0 into HA1 and HA2. (B)

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