Linux For Dummies. Richard Blum

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Linux For Dummies - Richard Blum

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Part 2: Getting Up to Speed with Linux Chapter 7: Getting to Know the Linux Filesystem Pieces of the Puzzle Touring the Linux Filesystem Managing Your Filesystem without a Net (or Mouse) A Permissions Primer Chapter 8: Using the Filesystem Clicking Your Way Through the Filesystem Using Files Swimming with Dolphin Don't Forget Xfce! Using DVDs and Other Removable Media Accessing Windows Drives on This Computer Accessing Network Drives Finding Things Chapter 9: Connecting to the Internet Internet Connectivity 101 Setting Up the Hardware Selecting an Internet Service Provider (ISP) Getting Information You Need from Your ISP Configuring Your Connection It’s All Fun and Games Until Something Doesn’t Work After You're Connected

      5  Part 3: Getting Things Done Chapter 10: Using the Internet Browsing the Web with Firefox Communicating with Email Ol' Fashion File Transfers Talking with Skype Working with Other Internet Tools Chapter 11: Putting the X in Text Viewing the Contents of a Text File Editing Text Files with nano Going with gedit Editing Text in the KDE Plasma Desktop Chapter 12: Word Processing and More with LibreOffice Installing the LibreOffice Suite Word Processing with LibreOffice Writer Spreadsheets with LibreOffice Calc Presentations with LibreOffice Impress Fine Art with LibreOffice Draw Managing Data with LibreOffice Base Layout with LibreOffice Math Chapter 13: Messing with Audio What Sound? I Don't Hear a Thing! Listening to CDs Listening to Downloaded Music Listening to Internet Radio Ripping Music Tracks from CDs Burning Audio CDs and DVDs Chapter 14: Messing with Video and Graphics Watchin' Videos on the Web Viewing Movie Files Watchin’ DVDs Creating and Modifying Graphics Playing 3D Games

      6  Part 4: Junior Administrator Boot Camp Chapter 15: Adding Software to Linux Opening Downloaded Files Compressing and Packaging Files to Share Keeping Up-to-Update Installing New Software Finding More Software Upgrading Your OS Chapter 16: Working without the GUI Playing the Shell Game Understanding bash Command Syntax and Structure Starting Programs from the Shell Putting Wildcard Expansion to Good Use Working with Long Commands Working with Variables Using Redirection and Pipes Chapter 17: Basic System Administration Managing Users and Groups Printing System Monitor Chapter

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