Biostatistics Decoded. A. Gouveia Oliveira
Читать онлайн книгу.of Variance 4.9 Partitioning the Sum of Squares 4.10 Statistical Tables of the F Distribution 4.11 The ANOVA Table
9 5 Aspects of Statistical Tests 5.1 One‐Sided Tests 5.2 Power of a Statistical Test 5.3 Sample Size Estimation 5.4 Multiple Comparisons 5.5 Scale Transformation 5.6 Non‐parametric Tests
10 6 Cross‐sectional Studies 6.1 Linear Regression 6.2 The Least Squares Method 6.3 Linear Regression Estimates 6.4 Regression and Correlation 6.5 The F‐Test in Linear Regression 6.6 Interpretation of Regression Analysis Results 6.7 Multiple Regression 6.8 Regression Diagnostics 6.9 Selection of Predictor Variables 6.10 Independent Nominal Variables 6.11 Interaction 6.12 Nonlinear Regression
11 7 Case–Control Studies 7.1 Analysis of Case–Control Studies 7.2 Logistic Regression 7.3 The Method of Maximum Likelihood 7.4 Estimation of the Logistic Regression Model 7.5 The Likelihood Ratio Test 7.6 Interpreting the Results of Logistic Regression 7.7 Regression Coefficients and Odds Ratios 7.8 Applications of Logistic Regression 7.9 The ROC Curve 7.10 Model Validation
12 8 Cohort Studies 8.1 Repeated Measurements 8.2 The Paired t‐Test 8.3 McNemar’s Test 8.4 Generalized Linear Models 8.5 The Logrank Test 8.6 The Adjusted Logrank Test 8.7 The Incidence Rate Ratio 8.8 The Cox Proportional Hazards Model 8.9 Assumptions of the Cox Model 8.10 Interpretation of Cox Regression
13 9 Measurement 9.1 Construction of Clinical Questionnaires 9.2 Factor Analysis 9.3 Interpretation of Factor Analysis 9.4 Factor Rotation 9.5 Factor Scores 9.6 Reliability 9.7 Concordance 9.8 Validity 9.9 Validation of Diagnostic Tests
14 10 Experimental Studies 10.1 Main Design Features and Classification 10.2 Experimental Controls 10.3 Replicates 10.4 Classification of Experimental Designs 10.5 Completely Randomized Design 10.6 Interaction 10.7 Full Factorial Design 10.8 The Random Effects Model 10.9 Components of Variance 10.10 ANOVA Model II and Model III 10.11 Rules for the Definition of the Error Terms 10.12 ANOVA on Ranks
15 11 Blocking 11.1 Randomized Block Design 11.2 Generalized Randomized Block Design 11.3 Incomplete Block Design 11.4 Factorial Design with Randomized Blocks 11.5 Latin and Greco‐Latin Square Design
12 Simultaneous Inference
12.1 Multiple Comparisons
12.2 Generalist Methods
12.3 Multiple Comparisons of Group Means
12.4 Pairwise