An Illustrated Atlas of Tooth Carving and Wax-Up Techniques. Anil Bangalore Shivappa

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An Illustrated Atlas of Tooth Carving and Wax-Up Techniques - Anil Bangalore Shivappa

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of carnauba wax or by adding a paraffin wax with a higher melting point or small amount of resin. Inlay waxes are available in various colours such as deep blue, green, or purple and in various forms such as small pellets or cones or in jars [3].

      The Lecron carver is a stainless‐steel instrument used for carving tooth morphology on carving wax. It is also used for carving on inlay wax [4].

      1 The knife end

      2 The spoon end/excavating end

      3 The handle

      4 The shank

      The Knife End

      Cutting Edge

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      Non‐cutting Edge/Side

      The Spoon End/Excavating End

      The Handle

      This part of the instrument is used to hold the carver (Figure 2.2) [7].

      The Shank

      The shank connects handle to knife (Figure 2.2). It may be either straight or angled. In carvers the shank is straight [8].

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      1 Diameter of a small spherical/cylindrical body

      2 The dimensions of a given regular body of known mass and hence to determine its density

      It has a main scale and a sliding Vernier scale and four jaws [8].

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      Figure 2.9 Pen grasp.


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