Improper Miss Darling. Gail Whitiker

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Improper Miss Darling - Gail Whitiker

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Darling finally burst out. ‘My youngest daughter about to marry into an earl’s family and my only son announces he’s given up law to paint pictures.’

      ‘Portraits, Father,’ Emma corrected tactfully. ‘And it is not such a disreputable occupation. Mr Gainsborough and Sir Joshua Reynolds were both highly respected for their work.’

      ‘Ridley is not Gainsborough,’ Mr Darling drawled.

      ‘You don’t know that. You haven’t seen any samples of his work.’

      ‘And I have no desire to. Knowing Ridley, I can just imagine what kind of pictures—’

      The door opened and Ridley walked back in. Ignoring his father, he handed a framed picture to Emma. ‘Lord Mortimer paid me six guineas for that and his recommendation brought in two more commissions for which I shall charge double. You may not like what I’ve turned my hand to, Father, but you cannot deny I’m good at it.’

      With that, he left again, this time closing the door firmly behind him.

      Emma glanced at the painting and slowly began to smile. The subject was a little girl no more than three years old. She was sitting on a stool with a spaniel at her feet and a small grey kitten clutched in her arms. Her hair was the colour of ripe corn and she was wearing a pale pink dress dotted with silver stars. She was a pretty little girl, to be sure, but it was the wistfulness of her expression and the innocence of her smile that Ridley had captured so perfectly on the canvas.

      ‘It is excellent,’ Emma said, handing the painting to Linette.

      Linette didn’t say a word, but her eyes opened wide and when she looked up, Emma saw the admiration on her face. Clearly, she’d had no idea that Ridley was so talented. None of them had. The portrait was not the work of a rank amateur. It was the work of a man who deserved to be recognised for his skill and ability.

      Unfortunately, thinking about paintings took Emma back to that morning and to the unpleasant confrontation she’d had with Lord Stewart. Pity she couldn’t so easily relegate him to the back of her mind. But, there he was, front and centre once again, and she had a sinking feeling he was going to stay there until she had decided what she was going to do about this situation with Linette and Peter.

      Lord Stewart didn’t want his brother to marry Linette and Emma didn’t want to see Peter and Linette break up. And now Ridley had given up law to become an artist. Was it any wonder she had a feeling it was going to be a long time before harmony found its way back inside the peaceful walls of Dove’s Hollow again?

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