Best Tent Camping: Maryland. Evan L. Balkan

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Best Tent Camping: Maryland - Evan L. Balkan

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attached. In general, ticks pose a major threat only during the warmest months of summer, but an unseasonably mild spring and/or warm autumn can mean a solid six or seven months of tick season. Take precautionary measures, but don’t let ticks keep you inside your tent. Generally speaking, Lyme disease tends to be overdiagnosed and afflicts relatively few people.

      Poison Ivy



      The old maxim for poison ivy holds true: “Leaves of three, let it be.” Poison sumac, however, can contain anywhere from 7 to 13 leaves. Because I am extremely allergic to poison ivy, I always take the following precautions: I do not scratch anything under any circumstances; if poison ivy is sitting on the skin, scratching and then touching skin anywhere else is the surest way of spreading it. I carry alcohol-based moist towelettes, and at the end of the day, I rub my legs gently with the towelettes to stave off infection until I can get home and shower. (Note: It is very important that these moist towelettes contain alcohol. If they contain just soap, wiping with them will only move the poison ivy oil, urushiol, around, increasing the risk of infection.)


      Many of the campgrounds in Southern Maryland and the Eastern Shore are simply inundated with mosquitoes in the humid summer months. Protect yourself against mosquito bites by applying an effective repellent. Most people reach for repellents that contain DEET, which is fairly toxic stuff. I prefer Burt’s Bees natural insect repellent. I once took it with me on a trip into the Amazon jungle and found it very effective even there. Unlike DEET-based repellents, there is no maximum on the amount and frequency of use for Burt’s.

      :: RESOURCES

      As you read this book, you’ll see that the vast majority of the campgrounds are run by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. I found time and time again that state-operated campgrounds were invariably clean, safe, and beautifully maintained. The Maryland DNR maintains an excellent website with links to all of the DNR-operated campgrounds featured in this book (33 of the 50). Visit for all the latest information and links. Note: All DNR parks now include a per-night service charge in addition to the campground base rate. The service charges are as follows: online reservations, $4.56 per night; phone, $4.61 per night; on-site, $4.51 per night.

      For information on private campgrounds in Maryland (including many not featured in this book), contact the Maryland Association of Campgrounds at 301-271-7012, or visit


      There is nothing worse than a bad camping trip, especially because it is so easy to have a great time. To assist with making your outing a happy one, here are some pointers:

      ■ Reserve your site ahead of time, especially if it’s a weekend or a holiday, or if the campground is wildly popular. Many prime campgrounds require significant lead time on reservations. Check before you go.

      ■ Pick your camping buddies wisely. A family trip is pretty straightforward, but you may want to reconsider including grumpy Uncle Fred, who doesn’t like bugs, sunshine, or marshmallows. After you know who’s going, be sure everyone is on the same page regarding expectations of difficulty (amenities or the lack thereof, physical exertion, and so on), sleeping arrangements, and food requirements.

      ■ Don’t duplicate equipment, such as cooking pots and lanterns, among campers in your party. Carry what you need to have a good time, but don’t turn the trip into a major moving experience.

      ■ Dress for the season. Educate yourself on the temperature highs and lows of the specific area you plan to visit. It may be warm at night in the summer in your backyard, but it will be quite chilly up in the mountains.

      ■ Pitch your tent on a level surface, preferably one covered with leaves, pine straw, or grass. Use a tarp or specially designed footprint to thwart ground moisture and to protect the tent floor. Do a little site maintenance, such as picking up the small rocks and sticks that can damage your tent floor and make sleep uncomfortable. If you have a separate tent rain fly but don’t think you’ll need it, keep it rolled up at the base of the tent in case it starts raining at midnight.

      ■ Take a sleeping pad. If you are not comfortable sleeping on the ground, invest in a sleeping pad that is full-length and thicker than you think you might need. This will not only keep your hips from aching on hard ground, but will also help keep you warm. A wide range of thin, light, inflatable pads is available at camping stores, and these are a much better choice than home air mattresses, which conduct heat away from the body and tend to deflate during the night.

      ■ Don’t skimp on food. If you’re not hiking into a primitive campsite, there is no real need to skimp on food due to weight. Plan tasty meals and bring everything you will need to prepare, cook, eat, and clean up.

      ■ If you tend to use the bathroom multiple times at night, plan ahead. Leaving a warm sleeping bag and stumbling around in the dark to find the restroom, whether it be a pit toilet, a fully plumbed comfort station, or just the woods, is not fun. Keep a flashlight and any other accoutrements you may need by the tent door and know exactly where to head in the dark.

      ■ Watch out for standing dead trees and storm-damaged living trees. These trees can pose a real hazard to tent campers, as they may have loose or broken limbs that could fall at any time. When choosing a campsite or even just a spot to rest during a hike, look up.


      Camping experiences can vary wildly depending on a variety of factors, such as weather, preparedness, fellow campers, and time of year. Here are a few tips on how to create good vibes with fellow campers and wildlife you encounter.

      ■ Obtain all permits and authorizations as required. Make sure you check in, pay your fee, and mark your site as directed. Don’t make the mistake of grabbing a seemingly empty site that looks more appealing than your site. It could be reserved. If you’re unhappy with the site you’ve selected, check with the campground host for other options.

      ■ Leave only footprints. Be sensitive to the ground beneath you. Be sure to place all garbage in designated receptacles or pack it out if none is available. No one likes to see the trash someone else has left behind.

      ■ Never spook animals. It’s common for animals to wander through campsites, where they may be accustomed to the presence of humans (and our food). An unannounced approach, a sudden movement, or a loud noise will startle most animals. A surprised animal can be dangerous to you, to others, and to itself. Give animals plenty of space.

      ■ Plan ahead. Know your equipment, your ability, and the area where you are camping and prepare accordingly. Be self-sufficient at all times; carry necessary supplies for changes in weather or other conditions. A well-executed trip is a satisfaction to you and to others.

      ■ Be courteous to other campers, hikers, bikers, and others you encounter. If you run into the owner of a large RV, don’t panic. Just wave, feign eye contact, and then walk away slowly.

      ■ Follow the campground’s rules regarding the building of fires. Never burn trash. Trash smoke smells horrible, and trash debris in a fire pit or grill is unsightly.

      ■ Everyone likes a fire, but bringing your own firewood from home is now frowned upon by most campground operators. Bringing in wood from out of the area could introduce pests that are harmful to the forest. Use deadfall found near your campsite or purchase wood at the camp store.


      If you go for a hike, bike, or other excursion into the wilderness, here are some tips:

      ■ Always carry food and water, whether you are planning to go overnight or not. Food will give you energy, help keep you warm, and sustain you in an emergency until help arrives. Bring potable water or treat water by boiling or filtering before drinking from a lake or stream.

      ■ Stay

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