The Tao of Influence. Karen McGregor

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The Tao of Influence - Karen McGregor

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      Praise for The Tao of Influence

      “Some twenty years ago, a quote came across my desk that has been with me ever since: ‘Who you are speaks so loudly that no one will ever hear a word you’re saying.’ Karen McGregor’s The Tao of Influence expands on that concept, bringing to our awareness just how our State of Consciousness informs our thoughts, words, and ultimately our deeds. A book that is both spiritual and oriented towards happiness and success is what I am always looking for. In that search, The Tao of Influence is an exquisite find! Read these pages, feel the Tao, get into the Holy Flow and Have the Best Day Ever!”

      —David “Avocado” Wolfe, nutritionist, author, adventurer, health activist, organic/biodynamic farmer,

      “Everyone is on a journey to unravel their true purpose and create the impact and influence they know is possible. I regularly ask God/the Universe, ‘Please help me understand your will.’ This has often led to being thrown into tough circumstances! While it may not be what we think we want, it helps us learn new perspectives. The Tao of Influence does a great job of helping you realize that in the midst of all this, coming from a place of love and compassion in trying times is the key to lasting influence and true leadership.”

      —Brian Smith, UGG Founder

      “This inspiring book is a leadership gem! It merges the ancient wisdom of the Tao with both deep inner growth practices and highly effective outer action steps necessary to create impact and influence in the world. Karen McGregor’s unique and insightful process into the heart of true influence will accelerate and escalate your leadership achievement and path.”

      —Dr. John Demartini, international bestselling author of

      The Values Factor

      “This is not the typical leadership book. In The Tao of Influence, Karen McGregor applies ancient wisdom to the current day challenges we experience in business, in our families, and in our global community… This book offers a path to a higher level of influence and to a richer life for you and for those around you.”

      —Marci Shimoff, international speaker, cofounder of Your Year of Miracles and New York Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason, Love for No Reason, and Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul

      “A Knowledge Keeper has great responsibility in sharing what he or she knows. In this beautifully written book, Karen McGregor proves her worth in sharing the teachings of The Tao Te Ching. She understands. She is responsible. Karen helps us understand how to use ancient wisdom in our daily lives by creating better relationships with ourselves and the people around us. By translating The Tao Te Ching into simple steps for greater influence, Karen has created a powerful tool for today’s leaders.”

      —Andrea Menard, Métis Song Keeper and founder of the Sacred Feminine Learning Lodge

      “A must-read book for change agents and difference makers! The Tao of Influence is a tribute to Karen McGregor’s great wisdom in supporting people to impact the world both in who they are and by what they do. Karen McGregor is a modern-day influencer and an amazing teacher. I’ve watched her light the spark of self-transformation in thousands. She is a master at helping people see the patterns that keep them from moving forward to a happy, healthy, impactful life.”

      —Teresa de Grosbois, founder and chair of Evolutionary Business Council and international bestselling author of Mass Influence

      “The original TAO states that the true Tao can never be spoken. This is true AND The Ancient Ones never met Ms. Karen McGregor, author of The Tao of Influence! WOW! For centuries, men have tried to interpret this ancient, orally transmitted masterpiece of wisdom for simplicity and guidance. It’s commonly known as ‘The Way of Life.’ This masterpiece is now interpreted for us by a woman to help us digest its profound wisdom in the twenty-first century. The simple elegance that Karen masterfully teaches us can now influence us living in the modern age.

      “She has manifested the wisdom of the inner mystery of the ages to be used outwardly in our everyday lives. No small task. The ancient TAO clearly states that ‘the underdog always wins.’ Karen has now won her place in human history as one of the first women to update this timeless treasure for us all. What a profound gift. Do you want the whole ball of wax in one book? This is it! Forget therapy, how-to, or any other kind of self-help book out there. It’s all in here, end of story. I’m deeply moved to tears. Thank you Karen for caring enough to guide and teach us about the updated Way of Life we so need today.”

      —Gary Stuart, two-time bestselling author

      “Karen McGregor has provided a critical roadmap for today’s leaders. She shares with great clarity the steps to merge ancient wisdom practices and philosophies with modern day, hands-on tools to be the leader that positively influences not only by what they do, but more importantly, by who they are being in all of the doing.”

      —Valerie René Sheppard, multi-award-winning, #1 international bestselling author of Living Happy to Be ME!

      “In her book, The Tao of Influence, Karen McGregor offers us the map to living, serving, and leading powerfully. By integrating ancient principles with the depth of her intuitive wisdom and steps for profound inner growth, we are given the keys to becoming a leader of influence and impact at the highest level. This should be required reading for all thought leaders and change agents or anyone wanting to make a positive difference in the world!”

      —Eva Gregory, CPCC, founder of Leading Edge Coaching & Training, mentor to spiritual entrepreneurs worldwide, and author of The Feel Good Guide to Prosperity and Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction, coauthored with Jack Canfield

      “A must read! The insights in this cutting-edge book are a refreshing take on how we create real impact in the world. Karen McGregor has a beautiful blend of practical steps and esoteric principles that merge to create a new powerful roadmap to support anyone wanting to create positive influence in the world.”

      —Sandra Yancey, founder and CEO of eWomenNetwork, Inc.

      “Power. Purpose. Presence. Potential—all words that speak to the magnificence of the human condition in its highest form. Karen births a masterful work that exposes and shares how all of us may tap these foundational principles to lead a life filled with intention, joy, and results (as any of us may choose to define them.) A must read for all seekers and anyone searching for deeper meaning and truth.”

      —Ridgely Goldsborough, Buddhist scholar, bestselling author of seventeen books, and founder of

      “There is an ancient way of wielding leadership that is ripe for our time—and that is The Tao of Influence. Karen McGregor has gifted us with not only ideas, but a deep transmission as to how to move ourselves, our families, and our teams into a struggle-free way of positive change and evolution. She brings the old Tao back in a pragmatic and tender way to replenish our weariness and shift us from force to freedom. Devour this gem and experience greater ease, joy, and fulfillment.”

      —Satyen Raja, founder of WarriorSage Trainings

      “Today, more than ever, the world is yearning for positive influencers. We’ve observed the fall of corrupt companies, institutions, and leaders. While we have lost faith and belief in them, we have not yet replaced them with positive alternatives. Karen McGregor provides these alternatives in The Tao of Influence. This book addresses the deepest yearnings of influencers, including the journey from self-growth to standing for altruistic global needs for change. Her four pillars walk you through the journey to ultimate love. Read it and watch your influence expand to serve the planet.”

      —Dr. Manon Bolliger, ND and founder of Bowen College

      “Karen McGregor has an extraordinary balance of being/doing and creating personal growth systems that work for leaders in times of global upheaval. She has shared her expertise and wisdom at the Global Influence Summit, an event that attracted global influencers and leaders from

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