The Tao of Influence. Karen McGregor

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The Tao of Influence - Karen McGregor

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and telling their sad story to anyone who will listen. Others become full of rage and hurt others with their words and actions. All of this suffering occurs only because they demand that a personal universe give them reasons for why things happen as they do.

      Part of the disconnect is simply because the mind is a reasoning tool that cannot comprehend how the same Source that loves and supports us doesn’t consider us special at the same time. It doesn’t make any effort to treat us as special. For most, it is incomprehensible.

      When I’m guiding budding entrepreneurs to share their message and sell their products and programs, I remind them that one of the best mindsets in business is to learn to expect and accept challenges as they arise. This is not about being pessimistic; it is creating a foundation for the acceptance of natural laws. It’s not a matter of if those challenges will happen, it’s when. That perspective empowers people to withstand challenges, not out of fear, but out of love.

      What it comes down to is this: expectations will immediately or eventually bring suffering. The need to always have things turn out the way we expect will ultimately create unhappiness; the unmet expectations then turn love-power into distorted power. Harboring expectations fuels the ego’s ploys to make us feel safe, to let us see only the threats in life, to look for refuge in what we have, to get what we want—rather than look for challenges and risk losing what we have to evolve or grow.

      When people take the world personally and don’t like the cards they’re dealt, they blame others, God or the Universe, for things not going their way. Some people become aggressive as they try to control the outcomes, insisting that they are special and deserve special treatment. This ‘specialness’ builds into a sense of entitlement—a common form of distorted power. Feeling entitled, they perceive that the universe, their community, and the people in their lives owe them something. It’s all a result of the inability to see the impersonal nature of life.

      The solution? Stop using your mind to figure things out. Fully accept the Law of the Impersonal, this intrinsic law of nature, and accept the entirety of what life brings. As Lao Tzu wrote, “Sometimes you’re behind, other times ahead, sometimes strong, other times weak, sometimes with, other times alone; to the Sage, the movement of life is perfection.”


      Draw your attention to how your ego fights your acceptance of your current situation and the present moment. (And it will—every day.) Combine this attention with the daily practice of gratitude. Learn to see every moment as a moment of grace. Gradually the acceptance of an impersonal world will become more commonplace than the ego’s fight for specialness and personal meaning.

      Choose a new favorite journal to begin recording insights from your journey with The Tao of Influence. Like this one, each chapter will close with an opportunity for you to reflect on and integrate your learnings.

      Ask yourself: Which of the three laws of nature do you flow well with? Which one do you feel most at peace with? How does the acceptance of this law enrich your life? How has your acceptance of this law affected those around you? What steps can you take to help others activate this law of nature in their own lives?

      Ask yourself: Which of the three laws of nature do you resist? How has your resistance to the law contributed to your personal suffering? How has your resistance to it affected the lives of those around you? What steps can you take to more fully accept this law of nature and let it flow in your life?

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