The Cat Handbook. Karen Leigh Davis

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The Cat Handbook - Karen Leigh Davis

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of life in the wild. To help control this tragic waste of life, responsible cat owners make it their moral duty to prevent indiscriminate breeding either by not allowing intact cats to roam freely or by having their male and female cats altered.


       The internal reproductive organs of the male cat.

      Is altering beneficial in other ways? Yes, aside from the social and moral responsibility, there are other good reasons to spay and neuter. In the male cat, neutering reduces aggressive behaviors, eliminates testicular diseases, and decreases the chance of certain other diseases occurring later in glands affected by male hormones. Neutering also helps curb the male cat’s bothersome tendency to spray urine in the house to mark his territory.

      In the female cat, spaying eliminates the female’s annoying heat periods along with her ability to have kittens. The operation also eliminates the possibility of any disease or infections in the organs removed and decreases the chance that breast cancer will occur later in life.

      In addition to these health benefits, altering a male or female cat reduces the animal’s natural desire to leave the relative safety of its territory and search for a suitable mate. Eliminating this biological urge makes the animal a much nicer companion and, along with keeping the cat indoors, improves its chances of living a longer, healthier life. Animals allowed outside to roam freely in search of mates are more likely to be killed by cars, injured in fights, or exposed to contagious diseases, and you’ll likely be faced with repeated veterinary bills for treating the injuries your cat incurs. These bills can quickly exceed the one-time cost of spaying or neutering, so it makes good financial sense to alter your cat and keep it safely inside.

       Cost Concerns

      Many communities have low-cost spaying and neutering programs available through local humane organizations. So, if spaying or neutering costs are a big concern for you, ask your veterinarian or your area animal shelter to refer you to such a program.

      Will altering make cats fat? Contrary to popular myth, spaying or neutering will not make your cat grow fat and lazy. As in people, overweight problems in cats are caused primarily by too much food and too little exercise. Obesity (see page 95) is a medical condition involving an overaccumulation of body fat. A fat cat is, in many cases, the result of an overabundance of treats, and consistent overfeeding by its owner.

      What about the costs of altering? Spaying a female cat costs more than neutering a male, because the female operation involves opening the abdomen to remove the ovaries, tubes, and uterus. In contrast, neutering the male cat is a less invasive procedure that involves removing the testicles. Both surgical procedures require anesthesia, but the postoperative, in-hospital recovery period is generally shorter for males than for females. Certainly, the one-time cost of spaying a female is considerably less than the long-term cost and responsibility of raising and finding homes for successive litters of kittens.

      Having considered the pros and cons of a purebred versus a mixed-breed cat, an adult versus a kitten, male versus female, and so forth, it should now be obvious why acquiring a cat demands some careful planning and forethought. After all, you are adding a new member to your family that will require your care for years to come–perhaps a decade or two. You want to make sure you find a cat that will be a good fit for the way you live, as well as where you live. Following are some other equally important points to consider:

      Housing concerns: Make sure that your housing situation is suitable for owning a cat. In some situations, certain restrictions may apply to, or even prohibit, the keeping of pets. Sneaking a pet into a rented residence without permission or without first checking out the rules could get you both evicted. If you rent, your landlord may require an additional fee, plus a pet damage deposit in case your cat claws the draperies or carpets. This practice is neither uncommon nor unreasonable. As a cat owner, you are liable and responsible for any property damage or personal injuries your animal may cause. To avoid hassles, find out what rules and ordinances apply in your area, then decide whether you can comply fully, before you acquire a cat.

      Travel and time spent away: Animals, like children, need special attention and someone to look after them when you’re not around, so before acquiring a cat, consider how much time you normally spend away from home. If you travel often, do you have a trusted friend or relative who is willing to care for your cat while you’re away? If not, can you afford to board your cat or hire a pet-sitter to care for him while you’re away? Are you home enough to spend quality time with your cat and give him the love and attention he needs and deserves? If not, owning a cat, or any pet, could become a constant source of worry and guilt for you, especially if you tend to feel bad about not being able to spend enough time with your pet.


      Pet allergies: Many people are allergic to cats, some more than others. Unfortunately, many cats are surrendered to animal shelters each year because their allergic owners cannot tolerate the severity of their allergy symptoms. Proteins produced by the cat’s salivary and sebaceous (fatty oil) glands trigger the allergic response. These proteins are deposited onto the cat’s fur when the cat licks himself during grooming. When dry, the proteins flake into easily inhaled airborne particles called dander. This cat dander, rather than the cat itself, is the true allergen, or allergy-causing substance. The tiny particles settle primarily into carpets, draperies, upholstered furniture, mattresses, walls, and ceilings.

      So, as you consider getting a cat, think about you and your family members’ allergic tendencies. Even if you have no allergies, consider others close to you who may no longer feel comfortable visiting your home because their asthma or allergies worsen in the presence of felines. It would be grossly unfair to the cat if you had to give him away later simply because your social life suffers.

      For the person who experiences only mild or intermittent allergy symptoms, certain compromises may allow a comfortable coexistence with cats. Suggested coping strategies include vacuuming frequently, replacing carpets with hard floors, replacing upholstered furniture with vinyl or leather, washing the cat in distilled water once a month, applying antiallergy wipes or sprays to the cat’s fur, using an air purifier in the home, and keeping ductwork, furnace, and air-conditioning filters clean. Many people effectively manage their symptoms with various allergy medications or desensitizing allergy shots prescribed by their doctors.

      Your age and health: Certainly, most people expect to outlive their pets, but this is not guaranteed. Consider what would happen to your cat if you died suddenly or became incapacitated by an injury or illness. Too often, an animal faces neglect, abuse, or abandonment if the owner has not planned ahead for its care in case of an emergency. This is especially true for pet owners who live alone. Give a trusted person advance instructions–and keys–to enter your property immediately and assume

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