Subordinated Ethics. Caitlin Smith Gilson

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Subordinated Ethics - Caitlin Smith Gilson

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disengaged from any otherness, and held only and openly within and by itself. Ethical action has taken on the language and imprimatur of the conscience symbol—a self-enclosed ideational dictum—and in doing so has evacuated the primitive and the mystical, the mysterious and the super-sensual which once gave rise to moral order, when the sacred knew its ground because it was in play. If ethics is to guide us along the way, it cannot lead, either as politburo or even as public orthodoxy.32 It cannot be smugly symbolic but must be by way of signage, of directionality, of the open realization that ethical meaning is en route, pointing the way because it is on the way, as only sign, not symbol, can point to the sacramental terminus. Description must precede prescription. The courtesies of dogma and tradition are the road signs and guideposts along the longior via, not themselves the termini.

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