Manage Your Menopause Naturally. Maryon Stewart
Читать онлайн книгу.and cost-effective ways of controlling menopause symptoms.
Getting Started
In this book I reveal the secrets to managing menopause naturally, allowing you to devise your own program to help you through the menopausal years. Key areas I focus on include:
• Replenishing estrogen levels by following a diet rich in naturally occurring plant phytoestrogens
• Boosting nutrient levels to help your brain chemistry and endocrine system to function normally
• Learning to relax, which can dramatically reduce hot flashes and help you feel more in control
• Losing weight without dieting
• Reducing stress
• Improving your fitness and mental health through regular exercise
• Building up bones and muscle
• Protecting your heart and lowering cholesterol levels
• Sharpening your brain
• Rekindling your libido
• Rebuilding your self-esteem
• Regaining your zest and vitality for life
• Experiencing the benefits of nutritional supplements, such as phytoestrogen- based, hormone-moderating supplements that have been scientifically tested.
In an ideal world I would take you by the hand and guide you through my Six-Week Natural Menopause Solution week by week. The first week can be confusing, especially if you are experiencing brain fog and lacking sleep. So, before we start, I want to explain how the book is structured, tell you what to expect, and set out some rules that are important to your success with the program.
The six-week program came about after one million women watched my videos on Facebook in the space of twelve weeks. I realized I couldn’t help them all individually, as I had helped my clients in my Harley Street clinic in London. My solution was to take the research-based tools I used in my five-month program, split them into six one-week online modules, and teach women how to manage their menopause naturally. I hadn’t realized at the time that even this condensed version of the program would be enough to turn women’s lives around.
The program involves the use of various tools, dietary changes, and nutritional supplements. I add information about all of these elements gradually, week by week, to avoid overload and to make it easy to understand the reasons behind the changes you’re being asked to make. This means that starting out, I’m asking you to trust me and the recommendations I’m making; the reasons behind them will become clearer as we progress.
The first six chapters of the book correspond to the six weeks of the Natural Meno-pause Solution. In week 1 I identify many of the most common symptoms of menopause, explain their underlying causes, and offer a set of general dietary and lifestyle recommendations to follow. In week 2 we take a closer look at the role of diet in hormone function. Since nutritional deficiencies contribute to a wide range of symptoms we experience at midlife, we look at ways to detect and correct them. In week 3 we look at the naturally occurring forms of estrogen that Mother Nature provides from plants and learn how we can use these to fool our brain into thinking that we once again have good amounts of circulating estrogen, alleviating symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. In week 4 we focus on the many safe and well-researched natural remedies that exist for common menopause symptoms, so that you can choose the supplements that best meet your needs. We also explore options to make sure we’re getting regular exercise and finding ways to relax. In week 5 we home in on coping with stress, improving sleep, and putting sex back on the menu. In week 6, and in the chapters in part 2 of the book, we look at wisdom, staying positive, complementary therapies, and ways to nurture and protect our health for decades to come.
Part 3 of the book contains various tools and resources to support you in following the program. These include meal plans, a selection of healthy recipes for those who like cooking, and recommendations for healthy store-bought options for those who don’t. A list of foods containing significant amounts of important nutrients will help you select foods you enjoy while making your diet more nutrient dense.
Part 3 also includes tools for recording how you’re feeling and tracking your progress. When you start the program, fill out the Natural Menopause Solution worksheet; you’ll find it a valuable reference as you check in with yourself during the program. Throughout the six weeks, fill out the diet and symptom diaries. It’s important to keep these up to date. They are a great source of information and motivation
As you go through each chapter of the book, make a note of the action points you need to follow. By the time you have finished the six weeks, you will have your own personally tailored program.
Nine Rules for Success (and Four Tips)
The Six-Week Natural Menopause Solution offers a lot of flexibility in tailoring recommendations to your personal needs, but there are a few rules you need to stick to in order to benefit from it:
1.Follow the program from week to week in real time, with one exception: review the nutritional supplement information in chapter 4 during the first week and choose the supplements that you feel will benefit you.
2.Stick to the dietary recommendations as if your life depends on it. Following the recommendations on some days and not others won’t produce the gains you are hoping for. Don’t skip meals.
3.Record all the recommendations you are going to be following in the My Natural Menopause Solution worksheet on page 232 and review them each week to make sure you’re on track.
4.Take the recommended supplements for your symptoms without substitutions, unless medically indicated.
5.Make time for daily relaxation, as it will help control hot flashes, ease anxiety and brain fog, calm your bowels, and help your body cope with stress.
6.If you don’t already exercise regularly, gradually develop an exercise routine following the instructions in chapter 4.
7.Only shop for food when you have a full tummy, to avoid making impulse purchases of less healthy items.
8.Only keep food that’s on the menu in the house or in your office.
9.List everything you eat and drink in the Diet Diary (page 235) to keep yourself accountable.
Tips for Sticking with the Program
1.Expect withdrawal symptoms in the first week; you may feel worse before you feel better.
2.Plan your menus before you go shopping.
3.Stock up with phytoestrogen-rich foods, including snacks.
4.Ensure that you consume small amounts of isoflavones often throughout the day and evening.
I don’t have a magic wand — just a really effective program that works when women follow it to the letter. It takes time to see the gains. The first few days may be challenging as you make changes to your diet and lifestyle: some women experience caffeine withdrawal symptoms, for example, which can include headaches and mild anxiety, but they pass in a few days. If you work during the week, you might want to start the program on a weekend so that you can rest and hide away if you are not feeling your best.
While all the techniques