The Essentials of Modern Software Engineering. Ivar Jacobson

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The Essentials of Modern Software Engineering - Ivar Jacobson

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and poor understandability; and

      5. reviewing a fellow student’s code.

      Through these assignments, Smith came to several conclusions. First, there is no one true way to write code for a given problem. Writing good quality code that fellow students can understand is not easy. It often takes more than one pair of eyes to get it working and comprehensible. He learned the following.

      • Testing, i.e., checking that the program behaves as intended, is not easy. There are so many paths that executing the code can follow and all have to be tested.

      • Agreeing on what the application would do was challenging. Even for that simple event calendar app, Smith and his team debated quite a while before they came to a consensus on what functionality ought to be available, and how the user interface should be laid out.

      • A simple application may require multiple programming languages. For example, the event calendar app would need HTML5 and JavaScript for the front end, and the Java and SQL database for the backend. Consequently, Smith found that he had to spend a significant amount of time learning and getting familiar with new programming languages and new programming frameworks. Although he endeavored to learn about all these, it was certainly not easy with the limited time that was available.

      • Time management is not easy because it is hard to estimate how much time each activity will require—or when to stop fine-tuning a certain piece of code to meet time constraints of the project.

      As Smith was preparing for his industry internship interview, he tried to summarize on a piece of paper, from those things he then understood, what software engineering is about, and what he had learned thus far. Smith drew what he understood many times, and he observed that he couldn’t get it quite right. In the end, he settled for what is shown in Figure 1.2.

      To Smith, software engineering was about taking some idea and forming a team according to the requirements. The team then transforms the requirements into a software product. To do this, the team engages in some kind of brainstorming, consensus, writing and testing code, getting to a stable structure, maintaining user satisfaction throughout, and finally delivering the software product. This requires the team to have competencies in coding, analysis, and teamwork. In addition, the team needs familiarity with some programming language, such as Java and JavaScript, which Smith knew. What Smith didn’t yet know was that the tasks he had been given were still relatively simple tasks compared to what is typical in the software industry. Nevertheless, with this preparation, Smith marched toward his internship interview.


       1.3 From Internship to Industry

      With some luck, Smith managed to join the company TravelEssence as an intern trainee. Dave the interviewer saw some potential in Smith. Dave was particularly intrigued that Smith managed to draw the picture in Figure 1.2. Most students couldn’t, and would get stuck if they even attempted to.

      TravelEssence is a fictitious company that we will be using as an example throughout this book. TravelEssence provides online hotel booking services for travelers (see Figure 1.3). In addition, TravelEssence provides Software as a Service (SaaS) for the operation of hotels. SaaS means that the owner of the software, in this case TravelEssence, provides software as a service over the internet and the clients pay a monthly fee. Hotels can sign up and use the TravelEssence service to check-in and check-out their customers, print bills, compute taxes, etc.

      Smith’s stint in TravelEssence provided a whole new experience. To him, his new colleagues seemed to come from two groups: those who stated what they wanted the software to do, and those who wrote and tested the software. Figure 1.4 highlights the dramatic changes Smith experienced. While everyone seemed to speak English, they used words that he did not understand, especially the first group. As a diligent person, Smith compiled a list of some of this jargon.

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      Book. To sell or reserve rooms ahead of time.

      No-Show. A guest who made a room reservation but did not check in.

      Skipper. A guest who left with no intention of paying for the room.

      PMS. Property Inventory Management System, which maintained records of items owned by the hotel such as items in each room including televisions, beds, hairdryers, etc.

      POS. Point of Sale Systems (used in restaurants/outlets) that automated the sale of items and managed purchases with credit or debit cards.

      It took Smith a little while to get on “speaking terms” with his new colleagues and mentors.

      In his student days, Smith always wrote code from scratch, starting with an empty sheet of paper. However, at TravelEssence it was mostly about implementing enhancements to some existing code. The amount of code that Smith saw was way above the toy problems he came across as a student. His development colleagues did not trust him to make any major changes to the system. Developers in TravelEssence emphasized code reviews heavily and stressed the importance of “Do no harm” repeatedly. They would repeatedly test his understanding of terminology and their way of working. Smith felt embarrassed when he could not reply confidently. He started to understand the importance of reviewing and testing his work. After his internship, Smith attempted to summarize what he understood software engineering to be (see Figure 1.4). This was quite similar to what he thought before his internship (see Figure 1.2), but with new knowledge (indicated in red) and an emphasis on testing and doing no harm as he coded changes to the software product. Smith came to recognize the importance of knowledge in different areas, not just about the code, but also about the problem domain (in this case, about hotel management), and the technologies that were being used.

      Competency not only involved analysis, coding, and teamwork, but also extensive testing to ensure that Smith did no harm. Understanding programming languages was no longer sufficient; a good working knowledge of the technology stack was critical. A technology stack is the set of software technologies, often called the building blocks, that are used to create a software product. Smith was familiar with multiple technologies that were being used including Java, JavaScript, MongoDB, and MySQL. Never mind if you do not know these specific terms.

      Note: There are myriads of technology stacks available, and it is not possible for anyone to learn them all. Nevertheless, our recommendation to students is to gain familiarity with a relevant technology stack of your choice.

      Smith graduated and was employed at TravelEssence. A few years later, at a get-together, Smith and his old classmates shared their newfound experiences in the real commercial world. At this occasion Smith said: “At TravelEssence even though everyone seemed to be using different terminology, and everyone did things differently, there seemed to be something common to what they were all doing.” One of his old classmates asked Smith if he could explain more, but Smith just shook his head and said, “I don’t know exactly what it is.”

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